If you use your card to make travel arrangements, the Sam's Club Mastercard will help you out if something goes wrong while you're away. To log in to your Sams Club credit card account: If you cant remember the login credentials you created when registering your account, you can recover your username and password via the Synchrony online credit card portal. BBB records show a license number of RSSD ID: 1216022 for this business, issued by FDIC. However, keep in mind that you must be a Sam's Club member (with a $45 annual membership fee) to apply for a card and retain your benefits. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A Sam's Plus Membership costs $100 a year instead of $45 like the standard membership and offers rewards like 2% cashback, free shipping on online orders, extended pickup and in-store shopping hours, prescription medication discounts, discounts on glasses, and access to lower-priced automotive services. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A Sam's Plus Membership costs $100 a year instead of $45 like the standard membership and offers rewards like 2% cashback, free shipping on online orders, extended pickup and in-store shopping hours, prescription medication discounts, discounts on glasses, and access to lower-priced automotive services. You'll earn: 5% cash back on gas (on up to $6,000 in spending each year) 3% cash back on dining and travel. How to submit a bulk or volume purchase order? [CDATA[ (function() { var sc = document.createElement("script"); sc.type = "text/javascript"; sc.async = true;sc.src = "//mixi.media/data/js/95481.js"; sc.charset = "utf-8";var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, s); }());]]]]>
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