Who were these people? "The Mystery Spot is a gravitational anomaly located in the redwood forests just outside of Santa Cruz, California," the official website says. While other mystery spots acknowledge theyre not really pulling the wool over anyones eyes, the quaint Mystery Hole of Anstedwhich features a gorilla statue on its roof, a Volkswagen Beetle sticking out of a wall, and a series of slanted underground roomsadmirably embraces its tourist trap roots and has no qualms building up the fantastic qualities of its attraction: One lady said it changed her husband from an old grouch to a nice sweet person, and some have even complained that the admission price is too low and insisted on giving a tip [Some] have gone away so bewildered that they've headed in the wrong direction and became lost. (Thinkstock). Gravity hills make use of the entire landscape. Why Did Neanderthals Visit A Special Cave In Jersey For Over 100,000 Years? This article explores the common belief the archaeological site known as Americas Stonehenge has been restored to the point it can not be studied. Astronomer Dr. Louis Winkler, the principal site scientist, found the positions of some stones align with where the stars and other celestial objects would have been about 2,000 years ago. Hill dismissed the theory that the structures are cellars built in the past few centuries, partly because the doors are not wide enough to admit wheelbarrows. "Someone" was already there even before the time of the Vikings. A gravity hill, often referred to as a mystery hill, is a spot in the road where the layout of surrounding land and landmarks creates an optical illusion, making a slight . Some have compared the megaliths to Stonehenge. Once translated, the stones tell an amazing story of the travels of one 'Hanno, out of Tamu' and his crew members. According to the Campbells, there was a magical accident that combined two happy male and female antelope and chipmunk couples. Jonathan Pattee Myth & Americas Stonehenge. When left with the engine off, a car can roll up at a speed of 20km/hr on this hill. Read the story written by Terry Date Sacred Site: Shining a Light on Americas Stonehenge online (click link to story), The Architecture of America Stonehengeby Mary Gage. New Hampshire Mystery Hill, also known as America's Stonehenge, is located about . What is certain is that people will continue trying to solve the mysteries behind this supposed American Stonehenge no matter what archeologists might say. Along the perimeter of the summit are four confirmed astronomical alignments. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. The altar stone, known as the Sacrificial Stone, was most likely a place of sacrifice to appeal to the gods. Every weekday we compile our most wondrous stories and deliver them straight to you. Where Putney Road meets up to M-22 gravity works backward. 150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? Astronomical alignments have been confirmed at some of these sites as well. Even when Mr. Hudson rebuilt the path, the apples fell and collected on the old path. According to another theory, the rocks are remains of an ancient Bronze Age civilization from the Mediterranean that reached New Hampshire in the distant past. C-14 dates and some artifacts found at the site suggest continued activity at the site into the early historic period just prior to white settlement of the region. Archaeologists dispute the many mystical origin stories for Mystery Hill their research and found artifacts at the site have led to the conclusion that Mystery Hill was constructed around the 18th or 19th centuries by farmers. As many already know, Carbon-14 dating determines the age of certain archaeological artifacts of a biological origin up to about 50,000 years old. The hill has a long history of defying laws of gravity and perplexing minds. Spook Hill. Women participated in a series of conventions and protests to Ghost sickness is the belief that ghosts are able to cause a living person to fall ill. All Commercial Division products and Siteworks Systems Products are excluded. The word "vortex" simply means a whirpool of force, like a whirling mass of water. The similarity to Stonehenge ends with the construction materia, and the parallel is a strenuous reach. One of the most famous mystery spots in the United Statesand one of the best at selling their brandthis mystery spot found in the redwood forests outside Santa Cruz boasts a gravitational anomaly that, in reality, is a trick of perception. Of interest to this article are five dates from the Middle Woodland period of which 1430 B.P. Here, the "mystifying forces of gravity" were suspended for the whole family's entertainment. Nothing is as it seems, especially at Mystery Hill. America's Stonehenge remains as mysterious as ever. Gravity hills are also known as magnetic hills and mystery hills , and all three names say . about Ingeniously Engineered Watercourts Fueled Floridas Calusa Kingdom. We may earn a commission from links on this page. None of these theories have been confirmed with archaeological proof, and several have been refuted outright by leading voices in the academic world. In simple terms Mystery Hill (named so by William Goodwin, proponent of the Irish monk theory) or Americas Stonehenge is nothing like Stonehenge at all, except that it is made out of stone. Rock structures tend to hold cool temperatures, especially if they are underground. To make a very long story short, Barry Fell of New Zealand, identified the ancient 'writing' as Phoenician. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/americas-stonehenge-mystery-hill, https://medium.com/@Kathleen01930/the-mystery-of-mystery-hill-new-hampshire-4d063b5350c, https://phys.org/news/2015-09-america-stonehenge-hampshire-history-hoax.html, https://www.tripsavvy.com/americas-stonehenge-new-hampshire-1599014, https://www.nhpr.org/post/archeological-treasures-southern-new-hampshire-americas-stonehenge, https://newengland.com/today/travel/massachusetts/americas-stonehenge/, https://www.thevintagenews.com/2015/11/09/the-mystery-hill-people-believe-that-these-new-hampshire-rocks-are-americas-stonehenge/, https://www.unionleader.com/nh/travel/historical_markers/roadside-history-americas-stonehenge-is-found-at-mystery-hill-in-salem/article_76065cbf-757b-58da-a4b1-3463ec7dfb1b.html, https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-europe/mystery-hill-megaliths-may-be-4000-years-old-did-celts-build-it-001668, https://the-line-up.com/mystery-hill-americas-stonehenge, https://www.journalinquirer.com/newsletters/nh-s-stonehenge-prehistoric-or-not-is-an-enduring-puzzle/article_f1c08280-ffc9-11e8-a7ef-37d139ae5eb0.html, https://www.bu.edu/bridge/archive/2002/02-01/archaeology.htm. This has produced a spectrum of theories as wide and expansive as the skies that may or may not be charted by the ancient monoliths.. In the middle of the triangle in the southern part of Benzie County, strange things happen on a rural stretch of road. Whittall recovered charcoal from several other locations on site and carbon dating ranged from 2,000 B.C. You can defy gravity and experience the craziness for yourself at Mystery Hill, located between Blowing Rock and Boone. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. They created a fake landscape out of angled boards. (a classic pseudo-archeological text) claiming that it was the site of ancient Ogham, Phoenician and Iberian scripts. Many years ago, circa 1910, near Bromptonville, Quebec, some stones with strange markings were discovered. Former abode of notable poet, complete with literary references and stories of ghosts. He told New York Times that the megaliths mark cross-quarter days, the halfway points between the solstices and equinoxes. For hours, directions, current admission fees, and other information please visit the official Americas Stonehenge website www.StonehengeUSA.com, A number of theories have been advanced in 70+ years since the first systematic investigation of the site in the late 1930s. A range of hypotheses arose over the years, running the gamut from gravitational distortions to magnetic fields. This fascinating place has puzzled scientists for centuries. Mr. Hudson turned this 'mystery' into a prosperous museum. Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. Mudlarker Finds Bronze Age Shoe on a UK Riverbank Dated 2,800 Years Old! 129 Mystery Hill Ln, Blowing Rock, NC 28605-9549 Full view Best nearby Restaurants 68 within 3 miles J&M Produce and J&M General Store & Grill 15 0.2 mi$ Specialty Food Market American Blue Deer Cookies 47 1 mi$ Dessert Cafe The Lodge 3 1.2 miAmerican See all Attractions 46 within 6 miles Doc's Rocks Gem Mine 415 29 ftMines The Blowing Rock The proposed purposes for the sites construction are as varied as the theories of who built it. It all started in the 1950s when owner, William Hudson, noticed a few strange things about his land. This spot artificially creates a fantastic optical illusion, resulting in a place where the universal laws and forces of nature (physics, specifically) don't seem to hold up. Some say Mystery Hill was built by the ancient Celts and served as an astronomical calendar. Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. The following map shows only the location of . No, 'Silent Hill' is not based on a true story. With so much stone around, it wouldnt be that difficult to find some alignments that correspond to celestial things, Goodby told Boston University publication the Bridge. And for over 70 years, we've maintained exhibits and experiences that feature Appalachian culture and history. The Oregon Vortex is a spherical field of force, half above the ground and half below the ground. As a conclusion, researchers from Universities of Padova and Pavia in Italy found that without a true horizon in sight, the human brain could be tricked by common landmarks such as trees and signs.[4]. However, the site has enough of a sordid past, outstanding questions and strong opinions about it, to leave it in a permanent state of archeological chaos. Ancient Evil: Hans visited Mystery Hill countless times throughout his storied career, yet he refused to discuss the dark truths buried on the site. Dennis Stone, Robert Stones son who is also currently owner and operator of the site, told Discovery that some of the structures were probably built by Pattee, but certainly not all. The article " Americas Stonehenge May Be 4,000 Years OldDid Celts Build It? " The neo-soul legend is approximately halfway through a three-month sentence inside the Danbury penitentiary, located a little more . Due to this extraordinary. No purchase necessary. The site, in North Salem, N.H.,includes stone monoliths and chambers spread across 30 acres. Keep in mind that while that word evokes images of the occult and ritualistic practices, it could just be a spot of remembrance or reverence. It contains a bed, bench, closet, and a tube that allows a person inside the lower chamber to speak to congregants above at the altar. Mystery Hill 4 The area Reviews 3 #1 of 2 Fun & Games in Onsted Game & Entertainment Centers Write a review What people are saying " A fun spot for the kids who were into "Gravity Falls"! The story dates back many years ago when a Seminole Indian village on Lake Wales had the misfortune of being terrorized by the large gator. Proprietors claim their mystery spots sit atop areas where the normal laws of physics don't apply, and they. The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries saw a series of transitions in life in America, as many, particularly women, strove to find their identities in patriarchal society. Extending outward from and surrounding the core complex, are more stone walls, niches, standing stones, and two procession ways. The ancient stones are most likely the remains of ancient culture from across the sea. Americas Stonehenge stands out amongst all of these others sites because it is arguably the most complex, sophisticated, and visually impressive of all the known stone structure sites in Northeastern U.S. An impressive number of carbon-14 dates have been obtained from charcoal samples found during excavations at the site. Others have also said the intricacies of construction and alignment were not likely carried out by the Pattee family, and the family would have used metal tools, not stone tools. Mystery Hill's origins have puzzled men for centuries, and it still does. Conservatively speaking, there is evidence of continued human presence related to the stone structures at the site for a 2500 year time period. Director Christopher Gans had been a huge fan of the series and had been trying to acquire its film rights. I think once people with more knowledge about all of these things can re-examine all the evidence, it will become clearer what the purposes were. The Ending of 'Disappearance at Clifton Hill', Explained. Yes, many of the structures have had partial restoration. Additionally, comparing the techniques used to build the pueblos and the ancient structures near Salem makes it clear that the architects were not the same. I should also mention that its also been suggested that the whole thing is an elaborate hoax. According to Professor Holzer, one particular stone, known as the G-Stone provides evidence that the Phoenicians constructed Mystery Hill. Most publicized gravity hills require a few bucks to get into, but in the San Francisco Bay Area you can see one for free. Although Mystery Hill is often referred to as America's Stonehenge, the arrangement of the stones and circles in New Hampshire differs from the original Stonehenge in the United Kingdom. In New Brunswick, Canada there is a hill that seems to defy gravity-rivers run uphill and cars drift backwards as if pulled by a mysterious magnetic force. Visiting the Americas Stonehenge Archaeological Site, The site is open year round to visitors. My second idea of this space is a little more Out There. But in 1937 the site took on an other story, when antiquarian and insurance executive William Goodwin purchased the site. Celts are the only ones to celebrate cross quarter holidays, he said. A structure at the Mystery Hill site. The altar is a 4.5-ton grooved slab, and it bears a striking resemblance to altar stones found at megalithic sites in Europe. Clearly the site has been changed, moved, manipulated, and yet, the mystery only grows. With all of this being said, its still a really cool place. With the horizon obscured from view (making it impossible to gauge an accurate level), trees leaning toward sunlight, and the surrounding land actually going downhill, a slight downward slope can appear as an upward slope at a gravity hill. Its confirmed, however, by the CICAP Lazio (the "Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal" section of Rome), which conducted a scientific analysis of the spot in 2009, that the slight decline is actually a slight incline. Visual cues counter to reality often help convince and disorient, so trees and windows are placed on a slant, and the supposed phenomena is demonstrated by balls rolling up the floor and chairs staying put halfway up a wall. The stones and inscriptions discovered at this location show that Columbus was anything but the first person to reach the New World. America's Stonehenge, also known as Mystery Hill, is an archaeological site consisting of a number of large rocks and stone structures scattered around roughly 30 acres (120,000 m2) within the town of Salem, New Hampshire in the northeast United States. Welcome sign announcing Haverhill, MA, as the birthplace of horror rocker/artist/director Rob Zombie. Did the ancients know more about the world than modern man imagined? Goodby and other critics of the ancient-origin theory say archaeologists would have found signs of people living on or near the site, such as burial grounds. The Magnet or Gravity Hill of Madinah is located at Wadi al Jinn (also known as Wadi-E-Baida, Wadi-e-Al-Baida or Jabal Baido), North West of Madinah and is about 37 miles (60 km) from the city center with coordinates 2443'21"N 3926'35"E. The exact location however, is not listed on Google map. One particular gravity hill, Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz, has been attracting visitors since the 1930s and is the site of more than a few eerie feelings and misunderstood sightings. Of course, appearances can be deceiving. The origin of this inscription is in the area of Phoenicia, and the island of Crete. When it comes to a choice between light and perpendicularity, though, the trees choose light every time. Experience a world where Science, Mystery, and Fun collide. Illuminating, authoritative and enhanced with over 100 pictures, that describes ancient European temple inscriptions that date as far back as 800 B.C.. Read more. An example of Ogham( TdeBviaCompfightcc). On "Mystery of Iniquity" Hill offers a critique of the judicial system, as she works through the trauma that she suffered during a career-defining lawsuit in which four musicians claimed arrangement and production credits for all the tracks on Miseducation and resulted in Hill losing the rights to many of her most iconic songs: "Cross . While the mystery of Alex's disappearance appears to have been wrapped up, Abby takes on a new job working the front desk of a local . The Moncton Magnetic Hill Explained. In total, the site covers about 105 acres. Whatever the theories, asGoudsward and Stone write: There has been so much damage in the last four millennia that no matter who you believe built the site, there is just enough physical evidence to warrant further investigation along that line. It's just a few minutes towards Boone, past Tweetsie Railroad . Magnetic Hill in Moncton, Canada A gravity hill, also known as a magnetic hill, mystery hill, mystery spot, gravity road, or anti-gravity hill, is a place where the layout of the surrounding land produces an optical illusion, making a slight downhill slope appear to be an uphill slope. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. Carbon dating ranged from 2,000 B.C spherical field of force, half above the ground and below! 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