Scientists monitor changes in pollution, weather, and surface features to measure climate change and the effects of human activity. Which of the following was the question posed by the Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg case? The Soviets began to push westward toward Germany. (5 points) It caused the sentences of hundreds of prisoners to be commuted to life in prison. In 1991 the goal was to end the takeover of Kuwait, while in 2003 it was to actually remove Hussein from power, Who was responsible for the attack pictured in this image? Brown v . After breaking away from what appeared . d. Each enactment by Congress that took power away from the states would have built more resentment. Which term describes Germany's systematic approach to eliminate specific groups from Europe? Although this Executive Order was broadly issued in the army field, it was specifically made for the national defense industry. B. based its argument on rights granted by God. 8. b. James Farmer was responsible for organizing which of these? (1930s). Are states obligated to provide legal counsel when a defendant cannot afford one? Over-planting reduced nutrients in the soil and led to smaller crop yields and poorer quality. The correct answer among all the other choice is island hopping across the South Pacific. The Soviets refused to allow elections in Eastern European nations. They sought positions of local leadership in order to end corruption that blocked opportunities for migrants in the cities. 12. "-George W. Bush, from his "Speech on Terrorism," September 6, 2006, Which of the following events directly led to the policies described in this excerpt? Is busing students to distant schools appropriate for desegregation? Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle led the air attacks on Tokyo in 1942. It pushed President Truman to expand containment to include Asia. The U.S. Supreme Court's 2018 sales tax decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. [138 S. Ct. 2080 (2018)] significantly changed the long-standing physical presence (nexus) rule articulated in the Court's 1992 case, Quill Corp. v. North Dakota [112 S. Ct. 1904 (1992)]. It ordered each branch to stop recruiting from certain segments of the population. The act effectively ended American neutrality by supplying the British with war supplies. People started to question whether the use of airplanes in war is fair, reasonable, and financially responsible. Which statement explains how farmers contributed to their own problems in the late 19th century? They experienced increased discrimination because of these posters. How did the U.S. government respond to Nazi persecution of the Jews during World War II? In the prison library, he studied law and sent a petition to the Florida Supreme Court claiming his Sixth Amendment right to legal counsel was violated. U.S leaders worried that Vietnam could spread communism throughout the region. Draw a vertical line between the complete subject and the complete predicate. The 13th ended slavery forever in the United States, while the 14th made all persons born in the United States (including the former slaves) citizens of the nation and prohibited the states from denying anyone the privileges and immunities of American citizenship, due process . What event did this poster use to encourage men to enlist? However, they realized . Legal Arguments. The quote below was written by Benito Mussolini in 1925: In the 1930s, what did the United States do to avoid getting involved international affairs? What belief system does the human figure in this poster represent? Marco always asks the instructor how the exam will be scored and how to fill out the answer sheet. Organize! As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom. Many constitutional amendments have been ratified since the first election. Based on the image and your knowledge of history, with which post World War II movement would these young people be associated? What was the German army's last offensive? They resulted in a deep economic downturn because few could buy them. How did the response of Southerners opposed to integration change toward whites who joined Civil Rights actions at the time? The quote below was written in the mid 1900s: prospect of a war using thermonuclear weapons. The excerpt below comes from the Voting Rights Act of 1965: "Congress hereby declares that to secure the rights under the fourteenth amendment of persons educated in American- flag schools in which the predominant classroom language was other than English, it is necessary to prohibit the States from conditioning the right to vote of such person on ability to read, write, and understand, or . (7 points) . He was young, hungry-looking, full of fire; and as he swung his long arms and beat up the crowd, to Jurgis he seemed the very spirit of the revolution. Upon seeing hot spots, the agents were able to secure . B-29's was the new technology that allowed the Allies to bomb the Japanese mainland more effectively. Which event most contributed to the changing troop levels shown in this graph? What resulted from the Soviet Union's development of atomic weapons? In the beginning, Joseph McCarthy focused an investigation into communism's influence on what area of American life? When the French and Indian War finally ended in 1763, no British subject on either side of the Atlantic could have foreseen the coming conflicts between the parent country and its North American colonies. Why did Congress authorize the cash and carry provision of the Neutrality Act of 1937? "If protected conduct is made criminal and the law which does so remains unexamined for its substantive validity, its stigma might remain even if it were not enforceable as drawn for equal protection reasons. c. It required the establishment of a nationwide system of public defenders. Which of the following is a true statement about the effects of terrorism on U.S. immigration? Justice Hugo Black wrote the opinion for a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court. This salsa tastes spicy. The Court's decision will likely lead to half of U.S. states immediately taking action to ban abortion outright, forcing people . Which event during the Civil Rights era did the most to focus the attention of white Americans on the struggles of African Americans in the South? The United States invaded Iraq in 1991 and 2003. Hussein was a suspected supporter of Al-Qaeda who could have given them nuclear and biological weapons. Mobilization was quick because the country had instituted a peacetime draft to acquire soldiers. Which aspect of U.S. mobilization does this photograph show? _______ Joseph Arpaio ____________________________________ Joe Biden has warned that a leaked draft supreme court ruling overturning Roe v Wade, the 1973 case which guaranteed the right to abortion, would represent a huge change in America law and could . Why was the Line of Demarcation established near the 38th Parallel? Which of the following was affected by Executive Order 8802? Which of the following caused inflation in the U.S. during the 1970s? The Crittenden Compromise attempted to resolve tensions aroused by the election Immigrants stopped coming to the U.S. during the decade of the Civil War Free trade agreements had led to a surge in demand for American health care. U.S. and North Vietnamese ships exchanged fire in the Gulf of Tonkin. During World War II, why were Tehran and Yalta significant? The Zimmerman Telegram was sent by Germany in hopes of reaching an agreement with which country? "The right of one charged with crime to counsel may not be deemed fundamental and essential to fair trials in some countries, but it is in ours. 14. ___________Lewis Scooter Libby__________________________ However, it has faced foreign criticism for its treatment of terror suspects. How did the Freedom Rides differ from the Freedom Summer? The fire of insurrection may flame or may smolder with varying seasons, but it has not been, and it is plain that it cannot be, extinguished by present methods. Another reason the terrorists have not succeeded is because our government has changed its policies and given our military, intelligence and law enforcement personnel the tools they need to fight this enemy and protect our people and preserve our freedoms. The final rule restores essential water protections . b. In the war against Japan, the U.S relied on a strategy of. Put me back and you won't need to repeal! b. the creation of new laws by writing declarations at public meetings McVeigh was a domestic terrorist who had expressed hatred for the U.S. government and the military. A total of 36 states now permit gay couples to get married, covering roughly 70 percent of the US population. b. the need of the federal government to levy taxes The Supreme Court ruling was initially met with inertia and, in many states, active resistance. 10.President Trump pardoned _______ and commuted the sentence of ____ people. The quote below is an excerpt from a speech given by Winston Churchill in 1946: It showed that democratic nations were facing a threat from Soviet expansionism. c. Mormon Church members began settling in the Utah Territory The Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act on Tuesday, the provision of the landmark civil rights law that designates which parts of the country must have changes to their voting laws cleared by the federal government or in federal court. We desire no conquest, no dominion. What did the United States accomplish during its War on Terror? The quote below comes from the Supreme Court ruling in Gideon v. Wainwright (1963): It required the establishment of a nationwide system of public defenders. Germans and Italians are friends to the Japanese. d. The decision gave Congress the power to reject the use of paper money, What was a reason for the wars listed in the table? In the Declaratory Ruling . a. 5. (5 points). It convinced the Truman administration to pursue a policy of containment. 4. a. Then, write a sentence for each word in which you define the word and describe its relation to the growing involvement of the United States in world affairs. passing nuclear weapons secrets to the Soviet Union. Obergefell v. Hodges is a landmark case in which on June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States held, in 5-4 decision, that state bans on same-sex marriage and on recognizing same sex marriages duly performed in other jurisdictions are unconstitutional under the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to . Thanks to that movement, 20 states and more than 800 . Which sequence of events is in the correct order, What was one unintended consequence of the British practice of "salutary neglect" with the American colonies. He persuaded leaders to pass an order forcing employers to stop discriminating against workers on the basis of race. Which of the following is true about the relationship between the Great Depression and internal migration? c. The decision gave the president the power to eliminate state banks What part of the U.S. Constitution gives the president the power to pardon? The Great Depression had no significant impact on statistics related to internal migration. Cuba's proximity to the United States made it possible for large-scale missile attacks. ", This site is using cookies under cookie policy . The only hope of relief and repose from a condition which can no longer be endured is the enforced pacification of Cuba. It brought about a gradual end to the trans-Atlantic slave trade The Supreme Court on Friday eliminated the constitutional right to obtain an abortion, casting aside 49 years of precedent that began with Roe v. Wade. b. (5 points). c. The American colonies sought an alliance with Spain to achieve independence Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. American neutrality was tested when this county was attacked in the 1930s? In 2009, these demonstrators stood in front of the White House bearing the names of Arabs who had died in the War on Terror. The United States Navy ordered an ambush on the Japanese navy and was able to carry it out and suffer much less from the losses than Japan, which started to rapidly lose men. Define pardon and commutation. Boats such as those shown in the photograph were used in which 1944 invasion? Citizens United allowed big political spenders to exploit the growing lack of transparency in political spending. What if any limitations are placed on the President to use the pardon or commutation powers? The majority of American intervention in foreign affairs occurred during which event? a. Which describes the effect of the Lend-Lease Act on U.S. foreign policy? It motivated the United States to seek an alliance with Communist China. How did NATO represent a historic change in American foreign policy? Which group was persecuted during the Holocaust for religious and political reasons? It is designed to provide for a national government sufficiently strong and flexible to meet the needs of the republic, yet sufficiently limited and just to protect the guaranteed rights of citizens; it permits a balance between society's need for order and the individual . In response the Court stated that, while the Sixth Amendment laid down "no rule for the conduct of the States, the question recurs whether the constraint laid by the Amendment upon the national courts expresses a rule so fundamental and essential to a fair trial, and so, to due process of law, that it is made obligatory upon the States by the . Gideon was found guilty and sentenced to five years in a Florida state prison. the fear of communist infiltration of the federal government. In the decade following World War II, the federal government put in place programs to help people do which of the following? The life of Frederick Douglass demonstrates the importance of what feature of a constitutional republic? Communist infiltration in the entertainment industry. (1930s). Which new technology allowed the Allies to bomb the Japanese mainland more effectively? Circle each object complement.\ Military advisers supported the South Vietnamese army. The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday overruled a constitutional right to abortion in America, leaving it to states to decide whether to permit the procedure that has been legal nationwide for five . 2. (5 points). Roosevelt." (5 points). (5 points), In the late 1800s, business leaders eliminated competition by (5 points), Which of the following was not an effect of the GI Bill? The Great Depression caused internal migration to the West, away from foreclosed properties or failed farmland. A coalition of Whigs, Know-Nothings, and Democrats ran a strong third-party candidate It was on this day in 1974 that the U.S. Supreme Court dealt a fatal blow to President Richard Nixon's presidency, in a decision that led to the release of the Watergate tapes. Despite U.S. efforts, South Vietnam could not prevent a takeover by North Vietnam on its own. Women joining the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps to serve in the war. What technology led to an increase in slavery in the U.S? Tammany.-Goin' to wait till dem reformers repeal dat law, are yer? What statement explains Ethel Rosenberg's role in the espionage case? Captured terrorists have unique knowledge about how terrorist networks operate. (5 points). The decision made it possible for the government to borrow money c. The decision gave the president the power to eliminate state banks d. "We are going to have to change our . d. resistance against slavery, The Seneca Falls Convention demonstrates the importance of what feature of a constitutional republic? What was President Kennedy's reason for initiating U.S. military involvement in Vietnam? The image shows a restaurant that has closed its doors to African Americans. Kyollo v. United States (2001) In this case, law enforcement agents used thermal imaging to detect hot spots outside of Kyollo's apartment. a reduction in poverty for a minority group, expanded New Deal legislation and created new social programs. Which of the following was the question at the heart of the Gideon v. Wainwright case? What was the result of President Truman's Federal Employee Loyalty Program? (C) Universities were mostly located close to palaces modeled after Versailles. Thomas Jefferson believed that "a wall of separation between church and state" was created by what part of the Bill of Rights? Who was the chief organizer of the spy ring that passed secrets to the Soviets through Klaus Fuchs? President Kennedy created this volunteer organization to bring education and technology to undeveloped countries? It expanded African Americans' economic opportunities. From the very beginning, our state and national constitutions and laws have laid great emphasis on procedural and substantive safeguards designed to assure fair trials before impartial tribunals in which every defendant stands equal before the law. c. textile manufacturing It made the internment of certain American citizens legitimate. It required the establishment of a nationwide system of public defenders. ___________ Jose A Compean ______________________________ ____________Chelsea Manning _____________________________ a. by Herb Block, published in theWashington Post, January 28, 1993, How did the U.S. military become a target of public social debate in the 1990s? To answer some of the questions, you might need to look up word origins. This statement was one of the terms of the Potsdam Declaration in July 1945: The leaders of Great Britain and the Soviet Union supported dropping the bomb. c. the issue of slavery Which of these actions relied on a high level of community involvement among African Americans? The growth of evangelical and fundamentalist Christian churches encouraged new liberal social policies. b. telegraphs (5 points), A lack of safeguards to prevent future colonialism and militarism, The American people's fear of an economic downturn, European countries' unwillingness to abide by these principles, Congress's reluctance to be drawn into European matters, -From the U.S. Government Printing Office publication "Construction and Operation of a Simple Homemade Radio Receiving Outfit," 1922, How did new inventions of the 1920s directly affect American society? What issue was debated in the Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education case? Which civil rights leader would have rejected the students' approach to fighting for integration? The Allies destroyed Japan's naval advantage in the Battle of Midway. They argued that industrialization had divided society into classes with variations in wealth that were too wide but that most of those at the top were sympathetic to the poor. Yellow journalism was becoming rampant and too influential on government policy. c. railroads In what ways did Beat poets express the characteristics and issues of the 1950s? Which nation supplied military aid to North Korea during the Korean War? It spurred Congress to increase Marshall Plan aid to Western Europe. Which statement explains why the United States got involved in the Korean War? 3. Name: ___________ Date: __3/1/2023____________ Presi While he's answering the questions, he glances at the clock to make sure he's moving at a good pace. What event triggered the United States to issue the Truman Doctrine? Even the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which initially . People began to question whether government should have the power to use atomic weapons that would inevitably affect civilians. A renewed wave of anti-communism led to investigations into the personal lives of prominent politicians. The first thing Marco does when he gets an exam is to write down a timeline of the time period on which he is about to be tested. How did the United States' entry into World War II affect the American economy? It prompted the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It caused the sentences of hundreds of prisoners to be commuted to life in prison. This was a crucial and decisive battle fought in the Pacific Ocean and was Japan's first naval defeat since the Battle of Shimonoseki Straits. (5 points). Which U.S. possession was the location of the Bataan Death March? What was the effect of Korematsu v. United States? A. was used to justify a revolution. Which event resulted in the greatest threat of nuclear war? Its first words"We the People of the United States"rebuke the "We the States" mentality of the Articles of Confederation. "-Ronald Reagan, from his "Address to the Nation on the Meetings with Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev in Iceland," October 13, 1986, Which of the following Cold War approaches best describes the developments Reagan describes in this excerpt? It will allow states to ban abortion, and experts expect about half the states . "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.". What were Hamilton's arguments for proposing the United States should found its own National Bank, similar to those in European countries? c. New taxes are a very small burden on colonists It was devastating to take a look at it. d. the conflict between large and small states, In what way did the Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland contribute to economic stability of the United States? Get additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject. c. It established the United States as a major power in the Western Hemisphere He assesses the difficulty of each section and makes a quick note in the margin. Nevertheless, policymakers feared these individuals still held loyalty to Japan and would sabotage US war efforts despite the fact that similar internment camps were not constructed en masse for Germans or Italians. President Obama commute or pardon for what offense? Which explains why the United States issued an embargo on Japanese trade in 1941? Which statement explains the evolution of American foreign policy between 1935 and 1941? Dred Scott v. Sandford, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court on March 6, 1857, declared that Black people, whether free or enslaved, could not be American citizens and were thus constitutionally unable to sue for citizenship in the federal courts. The National Bank a. The most obvious constitutional result of the Civil War was the adoption of three landmark constitutional amendments. Footnote four of United States v. Carolene Products Company, 304 U.S. 144 (1938) presages a shift in the Supreme Court from predominately protecting property rights to protecting other individual rights, such as those found in the First Amendment. 13. Thomas Jefferson would most likely agree with which statement about the relationship between religion and American democracy? c. ___________ Ignacio Ramos ________________________________ African Americans were prevented from attending all-white schools by federal law, which was enforced by the military. They made it easier for new residents of the cities to assimilate but prevented them from obtaining voting rights. What does this poster suggest about life in the United States during World War II? Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1968 passed so soon after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965? The turning point for the U.S in the Pacific Theater occurred at which battle? Answer: "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.". When Mr. Gideon appeared in court, he asked . A high level of productivity resulted in low crop prices that made farming less profitable. What were the positive and negative impacts of the Beat movement? In what way did this ruling produce a fundamental change in the United States? Which statement is true about the women who worked during World War II? The Declaration of Independence is an example of higher law because it __________. Which of the following Cold War protections are still in use today? Which statement best explains what these events demonstrate about United States society during the 1800s? Loving v. Virginia. d. requiring the support of a majority to have ideas heard in public, In 1820, the Missouri Compromise included provisions to ban slavery in some federal territories. In doing so, it has effectively ended the constitutional right to an abortion for millions of US women . How did the efforts of A. Philip Randolph help further civil rights in the United States? b. The action showed that continues discrimination against women during World War II is women usually worked under male supervisors who received higher wages. The quote below comes from a founding statement: Which of these was created in response to the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)? The ruling in Quill recognized a requirement that vendors whose sales . What was the purpose of the Nuremberg Trials? The United States was the target, but the effects of the 9/11 attack were felt worldwide by countries who lost citizens. During which of the following did the Allies destroy Japan's naval advantage? b. Political divisions between farmers who grew food crops and farmers who grew cash crops reduced the political power of farmers. 1. How important was agriculture to the United States economy, and what other businesses did the country have in 1789? World War II was a complete war; country production became even a lot of priceless to each the Allied and Axis powers. Safer surgical techniques. The American and Filipino troops that were on Bataan when they surrendered to the Japanese during World War II were on the main Philippine island of Luzon, so the answer would be Philippines. They became increasingly violent, culminating in assault and murder. The text of the Constitution consists of a preamble and seven sections known as "articles." The preamble is the opening rhetorical flourish. Medical advances. How did World War II impact African Americans? (5 points). Between 1960 and 1964, some white citizens protested with African Americans in the South in nonviolent actions. Why did Jefferson believe that the passage of the Missouri Compromise would How did the U.S. government pay for the war effort during World War II? We are seeking good relations with Communist China and the interests of world peace require good relations between the Soviet Union and Communist China." It resulted in the rewriting of numerous state constitutions. He spent much of his early adult life as a drifter, spending time in and out of prisons for nonviolent crimes. It greatly damaged American popular support for the conflict. Which of these contributed to the trend on this graph? (D) Observatories were linked to universities. It would impose too great a burden on the United States in providing aid. The United States government is "one of the most important experiments in the world" (Kelman 1999, 20). What event is a direct cause of the situation shown in the photograph above? What was Alexander Miles biggest obstacle? How did Congress eventually invalidate the Supreme Court's decision? In the 19th century, the Court emphasized the protection of property over . This intelligence-this is intelligence that cannot be found any other place. It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and disastrous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance. What does this poster suggest about the life during World War II? Which group conducted the first protests against the Vietnam War? smart infrastructure policy is critical. Gideon was charged with breaking and entering with the intent to commit a misdemeanor . (5 points). Then he makes a schedule in his head for about how long he should spend on each question. (5 points). a. tax policies The Supreme Court in this instance is saying that the right to a legal counsel is a fundamental aspect of the trial process in the United States even if this is not the case in other countries. Which of the following describes the process of U.S. mobilization after the country entered the war? It reflects a reaction to what Great Society legislation? (5 points), International migrants moving from Eastern Europe to the West, Internal migrants moving from large cities to the suburbs, Internal migrants moving from rural areas to industrial centers, International migrants moving from Latin America to the South, Which of the following was not a focus of Gilded Age politics that generated intense public debate? For the first time in a long while, Soviet-American negotiations in the area of arms reductions are moving, and moving in the right direction-not just toward arms control, but toward arms reduction. Which statement best explains how this Supreme Court decision affected the United States? Why did the Supreme Court ruling in Korematsu v. United States (1944) anger supporters of civil liberties? danger that some European countries might become communist. Most people agreed changes were needed, but they opposed raising taxes for it. d. The birth rate for the U.S.-born population steadily declined during the late 1800s, Why was the Monroe Doctrine a significant foreign policy achievement during the 1820s? Which of the following is true about Rwanda? Laws encroaching on a fundamental right generally . c. ________Michael Flynn ______________________________________ The American Revolutionalso called the U.S. War of Independencewas the insurrection fought between 1775 and 1783 through which 13 of Great Britain's North American colonies threw off British rule to establish the sovereign United States of America, founded with the Declaration of Independence in 1776. (5 points) . 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