This is because he will find his job at risk due to the real-life events in the USA. I wanted to surprise him., Kens Nell reached for her and Kensi allowed her to embrace her. That morning theyd been so happy, it seemed impossible that this was happening again. Kensi's eyes swept across the foyer of the Luxor. Despite this, Talia still retains her feelings for Deeks and enjoys flirting with him while in Kensis presence such as when she held his hand or kissed him. It was significantly later, but he was unsure of the exact time since his watch had disappeared along with the rest of his clothes. What could go wrong? On NCIS: Los Angeles, Eric Christian Olsen's character, Marty Deeks, is married to Daniela Ruah's onscreen alter-ego, Kensi Blye. Im so sorry., This was supposed to be one of the best days of our lives, Kensi said softly. 0 . Kensi and the team were investigating a murder while Deeks was undercover to investigate the gym as it secretly sold drugs. Densi. Shed teased him the whole way home and he intended to return the favor. Mm, go through those last ten boxes weve been avoiding? Kensi guessed playfully. He took one glance at their beach blanket and decided that it was worth the loss, kicking up sand as he chased after Kensi. NCIS Los Angeles' Marty Deeks (played by Eric Christian Olsen) and Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah) have been together for years so fans were in tears when they finally made it official and got married . During her time in Los Angeles, Eva came into contact with the team and she was heavily suspected by everyone, especially Kensi following an altercation between them. As they sat there in silence thinking about what went wrong with the mission for it to end in this situation, they were meant to have each others backs, and both felt like they had failed Kensi, even though they knew that Kensi would kick both their asses if she knew they were feeling this way. Excuse me, Callen asked confidently, both him and Sam reaching for their guns just in case, who are you and what are you doing in Kinesis room., Martin Deeks, Deeks replied, holding up his LAPD ID badge, Im a Detective with the LAPD; Im also Kensis Husband.. Ill put it on my very long list and see what I can come up with. As soon as he entered the room, he saw that she was still asleep. That sounds like tons of fun, and you know I love a good unboxing session, but, uh, I was thinking maybe we could test out the robustness of our new bed frame.. Kensi walked into the kitchen on a Tuesday morning to the wonderful sight of Deeks cooking breakfast. When Deeks is fired by Mosley upon scolding her of her unfair behaviour and treatment towards the team, Deeks believes now is the time for him and Kensi to leave. "Deeks once described Kensi as smelling like sunshine and gunpowder. By orders of Hetty, Nate returns to help and speaks with Deeks about his trauma, but also his partnership with Kensi and questions both the true nature and how he defines it. Listen, if Eric were leaving the show permanently, we would know about that by now, and thats obviously not the case, she told TV Line. Jack assured he is happy for them and advises Deeks to never let go of Kensi as he did all those years ago. Rape of a child. Pulling back, Nell gave her a sharp look. Deeks and Ziva replaced previous team members, NCIS Special Agents, Caitlin Todd and Dominic Vail who were killed in the line of duty and were also Tony and Kensis original partners. I first remember it when he washed my tiny hands in his as a little girl. However, when Deeks goes undercover to once again retrieve the data, Kensi makes a similar mistake by going to rescue him before securing the intel. Kensi and Deeks have a romantic theme that often plays during their most serious moments. Just not always in the traditional way. About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. Following their rescue, Kensi and Jack once again parted ways. She knew that Deeks loved to surf but this smell made her wonder if he actually slept on the beach. What was your craziest day of filmingNCISLA? This ring was everything I cherished and it is yours because I cherish you. NCIS agent in training Deeks; Gibbs approves of Deeks; Callen is jealous; Kensi is amused; Abby is a Deeks/Tony Shipper; Don't copy to another site; Summary. Making reference to two children that Kensi and Deeks have considered fostering during the series,u/KeepLkngForIntllgnce replied, "I'd agree with this. Its The Rookie NCIS: L.A. crossover! However, Kensi is too late to warn him as Deeks becomes trapped inside a room with a bomb. When they reached the front door, Deeks swung Kensi up into his arms and carried her over the threshold, and straight into their bedroom. Eventually in the season finale, Deeks and Kensi's relationship comes to a head when they have a heated discussion about the lack of communication between them in regards to their feelings for each other. After the scan, questions were asked and answered the doctor left them to it. This meant that his wife was on the gurney. They haven't said the big "L" word yet, so I won't put words in their mouth, but they were certainly headed in that direction until the job interfered and Kensiwas shipped off to Afghanistan without a word to Deeks. Kensi wrapped her arms around her, tucking Rosa's head into her chest. Adrians grip loosened ever so slightly and Deeks took his chance. FBI and NCIS are working together on this case. On: July 7, 2022. But I was wrong. Densi pregnancy and Densi twins boy and girl! Although Kensi does not let his words affect her, Deeks becomes uncertain and starts to reconsider their relationship. Callen walked in and dropped his go-bag on the floor, his . Repayment: An NCISLA FanFic. It does. Do you have a tissue? Kensi finally manages to transport her and Deeks to the hospital and works together with NCIS Special Agent, Arlo Turk to hold off Spencer Williams men and bounty hunters until help arrives and the team are later transported to a military hospital. That is one of the cheesiest things you have ever said. Despite her words, Kensi leaned down and kissed him deeply, and he arched up into her body. # 1. Deeks decides against hiding the truth any further and confesses to Kensi. During Deekss absence from NCIS, he was on an extended LAPD deep undercover operation to stop a group of men responsible for human trafficking. No one could live up to my dad. That would also try to keep somehow Rosa in the background in their lives." Part 9 of Everything Changes; Language: English Words: 336 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 1 Hits: 58 But realistically speaking, we cant spend the whole weekend having sex. He empties out the Box and discovers it contains a key. requests are open! Kensi and Deeks at long last finally give into their feelings and spend the night together, which is quickly realized by everyone the next day. Nell, watching that cant be any worse than my imagination. Kensi told her, her voice breaking a little. In Season 7, Deeks and Kensis romantic relationship continues to grow more serious, but they still remain worried about the LAPD internal affairs investigation. Throughout the course of NCIS: Los Angeles, Deeks and Kensi have encountered people who have expressed a romantic interest in them on various occasions, mainly from undercover work or from different agencies. Um, not really, Kensi murmured. How is she dealing with it? OK, I might have overestimated our physical endurance a little bit, she admitted. Something in Deeks stomach lurched at the name. Ive identified one of them as a Russian hit man name Adrian Balandin, Eric replied immediately, hesitating a moment before he added, Hes known for his highly successful interrogation methods.. Believing he will not survive, Deeks declares his dying words to Kensi, revealing his hidden worries and anxieties, but has managed to find inner peace with Kensi. After a minute, Kensis started ringing too and she eased away reluctantly as he reached for his phone. Rated a high T to mild M. Thankfully shed slipped on one of his t-shirts so it wasnt quite as tempting as if she was completely naked. Im glad you enjoyed it. . Because I have a special surprise for you.. Im sorry, Kens, Eric said quietly. This was first published on 9th April 2021. Deeks is there for the woman he loves. Posted By: kensiblye; martydeeks; ncisla +1 more # 8. Marty Deeks is one of the main characters of NCIS: Los Angeles. After 6 years, Deeks finally opens the Box only to surprised that it contains pop up snakes. Deeks proposed to Kensi three times before they officially got engaged in the Season 8 finale. Deeks is still a cop with the LAPD. "Miss Blye, you will be a waitress, Mr. Callen, the club has a sudden opening for a bartender, and Sam you will be a patron," Hetty announced, as she glanced at each team member. Since then, Deeks and Kensi's relationship is fully restored and they resume their engagement and they begin to make more progress in planning for their wedding. yes, it appears so. Kensi misses Deeks greatly and has attempted to contact him various times with no response. "My two perfect, beautiful, amazing, kickass girls.". In Season 7, two years later, Kensi and Jack are once again reunited when Jack found himself in danger and Hetty assigned Kensi and Deeks to protect him, but did not reveal his identity at the time. A post ep for S14E12 "In the Name of Honor." Rated: - English - Angst/Family - [Kensi B., M. Deeks] - Words: 1,447 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 59m ago - id: 14204098. Jack Simon is a former marine and Kensis ex-fianc. Officer Tim Bradford has a tour of duty hell never forget when hes taken at gunpoint by a battered military wife desperate to rescue her kidnapped daughter. Kensi pulled out her flashlight and began examining the structure and surveillance, but there wasnt much to work with. Eventually, Deeks finally manages to locate the Box and discovers its contents contain the wedding ring of Kensi's father along with a heartfelt letter from Kensi expressing her strong and deep love for Deeks, leaving him emotionally stunned. rosa and daniel callen rosa and daniel callen. Deeks looked out over the horizon, then back at Kensi, who was sitting crossed-legged on their beach blanket a couple feet away. Katie_45, EEckhardt, Anas0l_299, metalhead288, ScaredOfSkateboards, BayBall, Jakdhale2020, Kayaa_san, AshwinMeird, Sylelv, Densi_fangirl, Paperwolf31, lolaaa___6441, Corrie001, DivergentHufflepuffMagpieAvenger13, Lady_HeidiMae, HPlover716, Ryan__Scholl, Abby_The_Avatar, Jand091215, Thecoolshelby, Eraumavez, and sammy2 He rolled over onto his back and stretched, hearing a snort from the bottom of the bed. Deeks was the only one who trusted Eva and was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt upon learning of her past. Ill race you to the truck, she whispered, using Deeks shoulders for leverage, and taking off before he could respond. Deeks and Tony were both previously a detective with the Los Angeles and Baltimore Police Departments respectively before they became NCIS Special Agents. Densi. Deeks can't sit down if other people in the room are standing. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Please consider turning it on! Will you ever direct/produce/write anepisode? However, Nell reveals it's actually a key to one of the lockers, revealing it was a failsafe in case Deeks ever lost the Box or his and Kensi's relationship didnt work out. Hiding in plain sight has always been more fun for him anyway. She flinched when the two men appeared behind him and pistol whipped him. @NCISLA NO Deeks what? Work Search: Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 754206. honey badger coffee recipe; sentinelone api documentation; arkansas murders 2022 However, Kensi reveals she learned the truth on her own and was waiting for Deeks to tell her when he was ready. They went from the high of trusting the other to give a relationship a try to the low of being separated. Oh my god, she managed eventually. Over time, Kensi and Deeks soon began to develop mutual romantic feelings for each other. She barely made it to the womens bathroom before she sank to the floor, gasping unevenly. One of the LAPD officers was Detective Martin Deeks, and he was getting ready to go home and pass out on the couch, waiting for his wife to get home so they could eat and go to bed together. Finally they Kensi finally finds out she is having a baby after a rough journey of trying with husband Marty Deeks, though Kensi is kidnapped by fellow inmate David Kessler. It's been five years that Kensi and Deeks have been working together. What did Kensi go through in Afghanistan? Roughly 10 minutes later, Deeks time alone with Kensi was interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind him; when he looked up, he saw two men, who in any other situation he would have been intimidated, but right now, all he could think about was the woman lying in bed in front of him who had yet to wake up. "Good morning to you too. Deeks and Kensi talk about her almost being blown up. Completed. Deeks pleas for Kensi to help him, but Kensi and Granger are forced to leave them for the time being to ensure Michelle's cover as Quinn is still intact. Kensi, Kensalina, wake up, Princess, Deeks spoke softly to a waking Kensi. Wordlessly, he tugged Deeks weapon from his fingers. Deeks and Kensis parternship grew to the point where Kensi trusts Deeks with everything, including when she went to hunt down the man responsible for her fathers death. I never received the services he owed me., And how do I play into your grand scheme of things? Deeks spread his arms wide. Finally, with their friends and family present, Kensi and Deeks get married in an outdoor ceremony with Hetty officiating and at last become husband and wife. Its a large building, but security routinely checks the enclosure and we have several cameras installed., Well, well need access to your security system and the surveillance feed, Kensi told him. Despite not having an official proposal, Kensi and Deeks consider themselves to be unofficially engaged. Let them be foster parents. Densi. Both couples got off to a rocky start when they first met. This is a densi fan fic 601K 8.1K 65. His eyes were a disturbingly light blue, reflecting a hard glint as he stared at Deeks. Doesnt it seem strange that someone would shoot an inactive military dolphin? Deeks asked as he crouched in front of the aquarium. In the aftermath, Deeks decides that despite their mutual feelings and everything they've been through throughout the season, he still isn't ready for them to be romantically together and returns Kensi's knife as a symbol of his decision. As soon as those treasured two words are said, everything changes. Eventually, Deeks and Kensi reunite for the first time since his departure when Kensi arrives at his apartment and they spend time together. Kensi and Jack managed to talk about their past, apologising for not staying in contact following the events from Season 5 and therefore resolve any issues between them. Well get him back, she promised. Because you came into my life and you showed me what it is to be truly loved and feel safe again. In heartbreaking scenes, Deeks packed his belongings as his tenure operating as a liaison for the LAPD and NCIS was ended - permanently. Let me know what you think xx Anzeigen Anzeigeoptionen . God, he loved her so much. I'll let you get back to your stripping." Deeks is a dancer, just trying to make it through law school when NCIS comes asking questions. She came from a U.S. Marine Corps Family and still drives to Camp Pendleton every weekend. ~,~,~,~,~,~, The alarm went off and Deeks slapped the snooze button, snuggling back down into the covers. Densi has weathered kidnapping, torture, a helicopter crash and even a near-breakup. She pushed the hood of her coat back, revealing a mass of dark, curly hair that had grown frizzy from the rain. After a fight, Deeks worries about his and Kensis marriage. Our favourite team manages to do it anyway. He even kept pictures of you from over the years. Fully inspired by TFR's Road Trip Writing Prompts. Mainly NCIS (Tiva) stories, but there may be some NCIS:LA (D Deeks is kidnapped, but did the kidnapper make a mistake? Now go get some food before I get distracted again.. Throughout the series, several people from friends and teammates to allies and enemies, including civilians realized the growing romance between Kensi and Deeks prior to them becoming a couple. That explains a lot; I thought something was off for the last couple of days, and I was going to buy a test tonight and take it with you, Kensi explained. And let them not get pregnant.". Milo apparently had a separate pod from the other dolphins, which wasnt available to the general public. ncis: la fanfiction deeks and callen. Instead, hes offered a job. Found by NCIS LA (DISCONTINUED) by Bean. Can he and his team keep themselves safe during this war, or will they fall victim to its clutches? Kensi and Deeks previously called their feelings for each other and growing relationship as their Thing, acknowledging there is something more between them. I dont know how anyone even gained access to this area. Eventually in the season finale, Deeks and Kensi's tension on the subject comes to a head, causing one of the greatest challenges of their relationship. He doesnt understand why hes being judged on appearance instead of his skills and arrest record. Before his departure, Deeks reveals to Kensi he thought of her to help him survive the pain and torture, leaving her stunned and emotional. ncis: la fanfiction deeks and callen. Alongside her distrust of Eva, Kensi grew jealous when she saw Deeks and Eva together, showing signs of jealousy when Deeks comforted Eva or when she witnessed their kiss. What do you most admire aboutDeeks? Callen and Sam along with Eric and Nell attempt to deal with the situation while keeping Kensi and Deeks unaware as they continue preparing themselves for the ceremony. After a few, in Deeks opinion, unnecessary and annoying questions, she pointed him in the direction of his wifes room with the promise that the doctor will be in shortly. What could go right? So dont even think about trying to hide things or sideline me., I wouldnt dare. Nell hugged her again and then offered Kensi a hand as she stood up. Marty Deeks (played by Eric Christian Olsen) time working alongside wife Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah) and the rest of the NCIS: LA team has come to an end following Sundays dramatic double-bill. The team learn the CIA has been after them since the White Ghost incident and Kensis kidnapper is Sullivan, a friend from rehabilitation later revealed to be CIA Officer, Ferris who seeks revenge against Kensi for shooting his leg, causing his amputation. left kudos on this work! Sam and Callen are going to talk to the team who handled Milo.. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Harry and I draw our wands and point them to Callen and Kensi. 9 Comments on Heritage: A Deeks, M. FanFic Catherine Betham // September 19, 2021 at 9:52 AM // Reply. This story is on Fan under my other username, lo the title says it all. Densi. You mean a military marine mammal? Deeks corrected, not missing the opportunity to use a term that he found fairly ridiculous and hilarious. NCIS: Los Angeles Review: A Farewell to Arms, About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. Deeks and Kensi attempt to discuss their feelings with Deeks expressing he simply wants to make it work. The three of them had gotten to the abandoned warehouse where there was only meant to be three guys, all armed. What could go right? We keep it very secure., Do you typically have someone watching Milo?, Not constantly, Javier said a little defensively. She seemed more carefree and happy. He tossed it to Adrian who was wiping blood from his nose, a malevolent look in his eyes. Deeks stopped in his tracks, inhaling long and deep, arms outstretched. In which Deeks and Kensi plan their wedding and all the feelings that come with that. Throughout the season as Kensi and Deeks begin planning for their wedding, they also begin to strongly think about their future with NCIS. She turned on the water in one of the sinks, letting it run until it was painfully cold, and then wiped every trace of tears from her cheeks. Martin Atticus "Marty" Deeks is an NCIS Investigator and also member of the NCIS: Office of Special Projects team as well as the husband of NCIS Special Agent Kensi Blye. A post ep for S14E12 "In the Name of Honor.". . After Kensi returned from a solo assignment that Deeks hadnt wanted her to go on, there was distance between them, but they manage to get past it. The resident married couple of "NCIS: Los Angeles"started off as work partners before developing a romantic relationship that was built, in part, on their commonalities. Without most of her head obscured, Kensi realized that she looked to be . Deeks realizes that Kensi feels rather uncomfortable with Jacks return and advises her if she has any unresolved issues or feelings now is the time to tell him. As slowly and painfully as he can.. Alright, well be there as soon as we can, Deeks assured her, hanging up and glancing over at Kensi. But Kensi has never mentioned you or the fact that she Is married, Callen said, confused. Dont worry, well get him back.. Blindly, Rosa reached out and tugged Deeks into the embrace, and he rested his cheek on top of her head. Deeks pulled her into his lap and Kensi looped her arm around his neck, urging him closer, the warm curves of her breasts pressing against his chest. I was in the middle of an extremely pleasant dinner when I got the call. Talk Me Off the Ledge: Deeks' Surf Log 02/19/23. After waiting for Deeks for nearly twenty minutes, shed gone looking for him. I need to see what happened to him.. Kensi pushed herself up, balancing on her hands as she watched him eagerly. He refuses to let her and in his efforts to reach her Deeks discovers the reasons for her withdrawal run deeper than he initially thought. You mean torture, Kensi whispered faintly. Kensi's teenage daughter goes missing and its up to the team to bring her home safe He enjoyed seeing her so content. Deeks originally believes the key is a metaphor, meaning he has the key to Kensi's heart. Kensi Blye/Marty Deeks; Kensi Blye & Marty Deeks; Kensi Blye; Marty Deeks; G Callen; Sam Hanna; Humor; Fluff and Humor; Fluff; Team as Family; Friendship; Family; Prompt Fic; Prompt Fill; Summary. I want to see it. Kensi reached for Nells tablet, but she jerked it away, shaking her head. At least he tried to convince himself of that. He is my all-time favourite. She never had a "normal" childhood, but she lived with what she had. No, as far as we knew, she wasnt seeing anyone; it could have been a one-night stand, anyway, thanks Doc Sam answered as Callen was still a little shocked. Whilst it does complicate things slightly, it's not a bad thing. It was really quite a touching tribute.. Asked by: Quincy Bins. She is also the partner and wife to LAPD-NCIS Liaison, Marty Deeks. There is no one in this world than what you do to me. A/N: Here's part 4 of the car crash fic. He slammed his elbow into the other mans ribs as hard as he could, satisfied when he heard a groan and Adrian released him completely. OK, I watched the security footage, Nell announced abruptly as she marched into Ops with a tablet in one hand. Kensi and Ziva built walls around themselves to avoid getting hurt until Deeks and Tony brought them down and closer with them. "Thank you for your time, Mr. Deeks. However, despite Kensis return, they are forced to once again put their romance on hold as Kensi emotionally recovers from the trauma she went through in captivity. Kensi was left heartbroken by Jacks departure and blamed herself, believing she couldve done more to help him. However, Kensi and Deeks assure themselves that they are finally ready to start a family and have a baby and it will happen eventually. Well, on a scale of one to ten, Id give you a solid five for the intimidation factor, he offered. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Marty Deeks' (played by Eric Christian Olsen) time working alongside wife Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah) and the rest of the NCIS: LA team has come to an end following Sunday's dramatic double-bill . which of these is an example of auditory imagery quizlet; who wrote lover on eddie's cast; what are the famous japanese culture in japan? With a completely innocent expression, she teased the inner seam of his jeans, fingers slowly climbing higher in tiny increments. Hastily, Kensi swiped at her cheeks, trying to wipe away the evidence of her fear. Important moments in your life. Eventually, Deeks finally awakens, much to Kensi's relief and they manage to find transport from Francisco, a former priest and his wife to take them to a hospital. Whilst Callen and Sam were in the canteen; Deeks had finally finished his paperwork, been debriefed and made it through LA traffic and had gotten to the hospital. Kensi and Deeks happily adjust to their newfound married life together. However, Deeks and Kensi find themselves concerned when they discover that Deeks is under investigation by the LAPD for unknown reasons. Although Im willing give it my best try. He paused and wiggled his eyebrows at Kensi who rolled her eyes affectionately. Since then, Kensi and Deeks have finally started trying to get pregnant, but several months pass and by Christmas they still have yet to get pregnant. Since then, Kensi and Deeks have been partners and friends. Weve got a whole weekend to ourselves., And I would be very happy to spend all of it with you in this bed. Kensi kissed him again, lightly, and added, Although I could kind of use a snack.. Set when Kensi and Deeks are comfortable with their relationship. You cannot get rid of him please God! Deeks and Kensi happily reunite, but Deeks remains worried as he confesses to Hetty he did kill his former partner to protect Tiffany Williams, an old LAPD informant. Deeks asked as he and Kensi walked through the parking garage. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, i'm only human and i bleed when i fall down (i'm only human and i crash and i break down), it's not like rape but it's not consensual, you'll find me alone at midnight (inside my mind, trying to get things right), Look Damn Good In The Dress, Zipping Up The Mess, I literally wrote this at 10:30 pm in 20 minutes. An FBI informant joins the team to help. Kensi brings Deeks back to meet his mother and, for the first time, introduces him as her boyfriend. Poor Deeks and Kensi! Deeks continues to remain supportive of Kensi even when she begins to take her anger and frustrations out on him. Early on in their relationship, Deeks needs a little reassurance about her feelings and their relationship. He opens the envelope and discovers it contains a wedding ring and a heartfelt letter from Kensi's expressing her love for him. Deeks and Kensis feelings were first confronted when they both went undercover as a married couple in Season 3 and also shared their first unofficial kiss. Thankfully, however, Deeks and the rest of the team are saved upon the return of Hetty after remaining absent throughout the entire season. On account of this, Deeks looks at his father with apprehension, and the two never quite reconcile their mutual histories. I write fanfiction as ejzah on and Tumblr. Kensi tried her best to help in any possible such as keeping track of his medicine, listening to him, talking with his doctors etc. Emotionally, Kensi and Deeks both declare their love for each other. Did you see who the shooter was? Deeks asked. A little while later, the doctor came in with the latest blood test results. *** (LogOut/ By the end of the case, Deeks along with the team were successful in bringing down the human trafficking ring. They say they're just partners, but everyone knows they have a "thing. Then he gasped, choking a couple times, and let his head drop forward. Whistling in the Dark by Sweet Lu reviews. Who are some of your dream guest stars forNCISLA? Following the events, Kensi resumes her place on the team as well as her partnership with Deeks, having finally proven herself ready. Why didnt you say anything?, I only realized a couple days ago. She managed a weak smile. Densi. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, Whumpy with a bit of fluff attached to it one shots for Febuwhump 2023 on Tumblr, Romantic one shot collection for Fluffbruary 2023, After an extremely hard day Kensi and Deeks reevaluate their careers and consider where the road ahead might lead. He kept a very thorough dossier on you. Except for Tony, almost all of their fathers are deceased. A second echoed: My heart broke for Deeks on #NCISLA, I cried with him., Another added: Do not ever get rid of Deeks!! And both Kensi and Deeks learn a thing or two about enjoying the good things in life, including a night sky and each other. Action packed Love story. Deeks has been hiding for a lot of his life. Unfortunately, Anatoli did not hold up his end of a bargain he made with me. "Me, you, Vegas.". The Rookie crew teams up with NCIS:L.A. special agents to save Tim, the little girl, and her mother from their abuser. Two years after they started dating, Deeks . He walked off, leaving them to investigate the enclosure.
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