Depending on your major, some of your required courses will cover it. Summer Session B:second 6-week session Upper division students, except second-year Barrett students, can live on any campus location. Just curious if you checked that first. ASU - [L] CRITERIA . However, CLEP credits do not satisfy the natural sciences (SQ and SG) and literacy and critical inquiry (L) portions of the General Studies requirement. Complete ENG 101 OR ENG 105 OR ENG 107 course(s). financial assistance every year. Graduate-level courses, numbered from 500 to 799, are designed primarily for graduate students. Certification of completed General Studies may include students' completion of a general education package (ex: AGEC, CSUGE, IGETC), an associate of arts degree, or bachelors degree, or comparable, as documented on an official transcript. All students born after January 1, 1957 are required to meet certain Measles Mumps and Rubella immunization requirements before class registration. University Associate Degree Graduation Requirements, University Baccalaureate Graduation Requirements, ABOR Policy 2-121 Undergraduate Admission (PDF), ACD 401: Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation. Coach. Three hours with either a humanities, arts and design (HU) or social-behavioral sciences (SB) designation should also be chosen from approved upper-division courses, preferably in the major. A planned course map for undergraduate graduation within 8 semesters. Arizona State University Criteria Checklist for LITERACY AND CRITICAL INQUIRY - [L] . To schedule an appointment with a Barrett honors advisor, students should call 480-965-9155 (Tempe campus), 602-496-1757 (Downtown Phoenix campus), 480-727-5539 (Polytechnic campus) or 602-543-3410 (West campus). Critical learning skills include proficiency in the use of language, mathematics and quantitative methods as tools for acquiring, renewing, creating and communicating knowledge. Supervised research focused on preparation of a thesis, including literature review, research, data collection and analysis, and writing. Youll submit this each year that you want to be considered for financial aid. Students will take ARC 301 a second time; this will be with a new project topic (ARC 301 is repeatable). HON 171 and HON 272 are transdisciplinary seminars that acquaint students with ideas that form the foundation of a university education and emphasize critical thinking, discussion and writing. General questions and concerns can be emailed to } Courses with the prefix SAO are reserved for participants in programs offered through the Global Education Office. 2411 Profiles. So for one 3 credit hour course, a student would complete 135 hours of learning activities for the whole session/semester. University Associate Degree Graduation Requirements, University Baccalaureate Graduation Requirements, university baccalaureate graduation requirements. Often offered off campus to groups of professionals. Barrett students are expected to live in the honors community of their assigned campus. You may want to check out your major map or flowchart to see if any of your required classes cover it. .insetbox { Make the most of your ASU education by living in an environment that sets you up for success. Courses reserved for students in Barrett and that always count for honors credit are those listed in the online ASU Class Search and Course Catalog as course numbers 492 Honors Directed Study, 493 Honors Thesis, and 497 Honors Colloquium; all classes with the HON prefix; and those with a departmental prefix or course note that carry the honors designation. Topical courses not offered in regular course rotation (e.g., new courses not in the catalog, courses by visiting faculty, courses on timely topics and highly specialized courses responding to unique student demand). Students should check the program's major map for graduation requirements. } } Click on the title of Hold to find out how to have the hold removed. Thus, the General Studies requirement complements the undergraduate major by helping students gain mastery of critical learning skills, investigate the traditional branches of knowledge, and develop the broad perspective that frees one to appreciate diversity and change across time, culture and national boundaries. As you start enrollment at ASU, Priority Tasks are next steps in the enrollment process and any financial aid action items. Location: Apply Now. Students should review the university baccalaureate graduation requirements requirements for more information. Upper-division courses, numbered from 300 to 499, are designed primarily for juniors and seniors. These awareness areas promote appreciation of cultural diversity within the contemporary U.S., the development of an international perspective and an understanding of current human events through study of the past. With Changemaker spaces and programs on all four ASU campuses, our student team is prepared to help you navigate the many ways you can make a difference at ASU. Applicants are evaluated on the basis of their academic records and high school class ranking within their graduating class. New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, IAP 103: Foundations I: Interdisciplinary Art Practice, IAP 201: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Arts (HU), IAP 202: Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance (HU), IAP 304: Traditions of the Avant-Garde and Experimental Art (L or HU), IAP 305: 20th and 21st Century Art, Performance, and Media (L or HU), Upper Division Literacy and Critical Inquiry (L), IAS 300: Career Strategies and Personal Resilience (L or SB), IAP 325: Sound Performance: Exploring Alternative Performance Groups, IAP 361: Digital Editing and Media Literacy (CS), IAP 375: Contemporary Performance: Theories and Practice, IAP 480: Art as Praxis: From Conceptualization to Production. This list of courses reflects the Cross-Disciplinary Focus (no minimum requirements). Visit: Mathematics Placement Assessment score determines placement in first mathematics course. Included in the 36 credit hours of honors coursework are at least 18 hours of upper-division or graduate-level honors credits for an earned letter grade of C (2.00) or higher. However, an upper-division undergraduate student may enroll in courses numbered 500-599 with the approval of the student's advisor, course instructor, department chair and dean of the college in which a course is offered. The SAO-prefixed course will be dropped from the student's record and replaced with the ASU courses, credits and grades equivalent to the coursework completed abroad. Computer/Statistics/Quantitative Applications (CS). Thirty additional credit hours of honors coursework must be earned with a letter grade of "C" (2.00) or higher. 2023 - 2024 Major Map Interdisciplinary Arts and Performance, BA Degree: BA College/School: New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Location: Online , ASU Local Accelerated options for this program are not currently available to ASU Online students. max-height: 32rem; } First-Year Composition: All students are placed in ENG 101 unless submission of SAT, ACT, Accuplacer, IELTS, or TOEFL score, or college-level transfer credit or test credit equivalent to ASU's first-year composition course(s), determine otherwise. Technical presentation where students must research a topic, write a presentation and then deliver In Arizona, tuition at publicly supported universities is lower for residents than non-residents. Prerequisites and other restrictions should be noted before registration. Students will have an advising hold requiring them to complete a Graduation Planning appointment with their advisor during Term 6. Office hours are specific times that your professors make themselves available to assist and meet with their students. Complete First-Year Composition requirement. The bachelor's degree is essential for advanced study leading to the terminal MFA. .pb-12, .py-12 { A stipend to complete the PhD dissertation, Latest updates|Coronavirus FAQ page|Vaccine FAQ page, Grant vs. Students must grant Parent Guest Access through My ASU in order for their student account to be shared with others. Barrett recognizes internship, research, teaching assistant courses and 500 level graduate courses for honors credit. The federal government determines eligibility for all need-based aid. History is present in languages, art, music, literature, philosophy, religion and the natural sciences as well as in the social science traditionally called history. [CDATA[/* >