man, there is an answer to thy inquiry; the book cannot be opened, but God himself hath published many a page thereof. "For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand not of works, but of him that calleth; It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. "Yet," says Paul, "I am persuaded that life cannot separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus." "Oh," say you, "we never shall." Look! Do you hate God for all this? "We have borne," says the Apostle, in the first Epistle to the Corinthians, "the image of the earthy." "But thou hast stained thyself with lust." We have the witness of the Spirit within, bearing witness with our spirits that we are born of God. O God, thou Judge of all, my spirit meets thee robed in my Saviour's righteousness, and salutes thee as my Father and my all. He was content with them for what they were, but the first-fruits enlarged his desires for the harvest. CHILDREN are expected to bear some likeness to their parent. We teach every Sabbath day, that the whole shower of devine wrath was poured upon Christ's head, that the black cloud of vengeance emptied out itself upon the cross, and that there is not left in the book of God a single sin against a believer, nor can there possibly be even a particle of punishment ever exacted at the hand of the man that believeth in Jesus, for this reason, that Jesus has been punished to the full. Home; Shop. This was my subject last Sabbath day, therefore I take it I shall be fully justified in leaving the first point that Christ hath died, while I pass on to the other three. And now my hearers, let me just utter this personal appeal to you. No! There is not a star though it seemeth to sleep in the deep blue firmament, which doth not travel its myriads of miles and work; there is not an ocean, or a river, which is not ever working, either clapping its thousand hands with storms, or bearing on its bosom the freight of nations. Did I not say that we have not received the whole of our portion, and that what we have received is to the whole no more than one handful of wheat is to the whole harvest, a very gracious pledge, but nothing more? But now in the breast of this "Hebrew of Hebrews," there is the holy recognition of Christian fraternity without reserve or hypocrisy. Yes, my lady, thou art a debtor to the poorest man that ever walked the earth. It must condemn sin, for "the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just and good." Did you notice how the text begins? "Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?" A CHRISTIAN BROTHER was asked, one day, "To what persuasion do you belong?" He parried the question at first, for he did not think that it was very important for him to answer it. Enemies in the children's house? It was said of king Cyrus, that he was a prince of so amiable a disposition, that when at any time he sat down at meat, if there were aught that pleased his appetite, he would order it to be taken away and given to his friends with this message, "King Cyrus found that this food pleased his palate, and he thought his friend should feed upon that which he enjoyed himself." God dwelleth in us, and we are one with Christ. "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus," declaring as it seems to me, and rightly enough, that all believers, all who have faith in Christ are the children of God, and that they become actually and manifestly so by faith in Christ Jesus, and implying that those who have no faith in Christ Jesus, are not God's sons, and that any pretence which they could make to that relationship would be but arrogance and presumption. I can look upward without distressing fear." Only the sinner, the awakened sinner, can be at all assured that he has been called; and even he, as he gets older in grace, must look for those higher marks of the high heavenly and holy calling in Christ Jesus. and do we not feel that we shall lay all our honors, whatever they may be, at his dear feet, who hath according to his abundant mercy predestinated us to be conformed to the image of his Son? When Satan stood forth to accuse Joshua, the high priest, he did in effect accuse Christ as well as that chosen disciple, and the Lord was not slow to put in his rejoinder to the objection: "The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan, even the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire? 7, 8. Jesus when he was on earth, had a baptism to be baptised with, and how was he straitened until it was accomplished! The work is not yet done, the time of folding of hands has not yet arrived; our swords must not yet see their scabbards, for the foe is not yet slain. However, dear friends, we have often found that the nuts which are hardest to crack have the sweetest kernels, and when the bone seems as if it could never be broken, the richest marrow has been found within. The text before us cannot be so understood, because the Lord foreknows the history of every man, and angel, and devil. You know how thrice he assailed him with those temptations which are most likely to be attractive to poor humanity, but Jesus overcame them all. I was feeling very heavy, I scarcely knew why, when I caught at this text; and it seemed to come in so pleasantly for me when my spirits were down. "Yes," saith he, "I will. Not he; his life is given solely by God. Will any one who believes in the Prayer Book dissent from the doctrine that "the carnal mind is enmity against God?". Let me ask myself again this question, Have the fetters of my sin been broken off, and am I God's free man? We see, on the other hand, the truest heroism for the right, and the greatest devotion to the truth in hearts that God has touched. What! This seems to me to be one material argument for the salvation of the believer Christ sits in heaven. Even a depressed and desponding state of mind, whatever the cause of it is, whether weariness of brain or heaviness of heart, cannot separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. The wilderness has its manna; the desert is gladdened with water from the rock. Now, suppose I should put the following question to any converted man in this hall. you a saint? We need only the gospel thoroughly preached to bring about "liberty, equality, and fraternity," in the highest and best sense of these words. Are you fully persuaded of the love of God, the love of the Father who chose us, because he would choose us, for nothing but his love; the love of Jesus, the Son of God, who bowed himself from his glory that he might redeem us from our shame; the love of the Holy Ghost who has quickened us, and who comes to dwell in us that we may by-and-by dwell with him? Wherefore, be of good courage, and press forward in the divine life, for your work of faith and labor of love are not in vain in the Lord; so let us "lay hold upon the hope set before us:". "Oh," say some, "it may be true that we are at times opposed to God, but surely we are not always so." "Yet," said the Judge, "I will not come down to earth to receive the payment; bring it to me." You will notice here, my beloved, that there are two witnesses in court two who are ready to prove our filiation to the eternal God. 11. "These are thy glorious works, parent of good, Thus wondrous fair; thyself how wondrous then!". Dries he sit upon a throne? The Spirit is one with the Father, and the Father knows what the Spirit means. He sees a throne, and on it sits one who is glorious; but it is his enemy. If you be pardoned, it is through his blood; if you be justified, it is through his righteousness; if you be sanctified, it is because he is made of God unto you sanctification; if you be taught in the ways of God, it is because he becomes your wisdom; if you shall be kept from falling it will be because you are preserved in Christ Jesus; and if you are perfected, it is because you are complete in him, and if you be glorified at the last, it will be because God the Father hath glorified his Son Jesus. I can look back at the past, and wonder at all the way whereby the Lord hath led me. And perhaps he goes to Eli to ask what he wants with him. He was consecrated to God; so are we to be. Mark, if you anxiously desire to know, you may know. You can make your wooden cross into an iron one, if you choose, by being of a fretful disposition. Our text speaks not only of what we ought to be, but of what we shall be, for we are predestinated to be conformed to the image of God's Son. Not the "liberty, equality and fraternity," which the democrat seeks for, which is frequently another name for his own superiority, but that which is true and real that which will make us all free in the Spirit, make us all equal in the person of Christ Jesus, and give us all the fraternity of brethren, seeing that we are all one with our Lord, in the common bond of gospel relationship. Nay, he is not only dead, but he is corrupt; his lusts, like the worms, have crept into him, a foul stench riseth up into the nostrils of justice, God abhorreth him, and justice crieth, "Bury the dead out of my sight, cast it into the fire, let it be consumed." In us the living and incorruptible seed abode and grew. Self-righteous man, I can tell thee in the tick of a clock, whether thou hast any evidence of election. His intercession is not in or for the unregenerate. His own dear Son came, and stood in my place, and took my sin upon him. Be just before you are generous, and especially before you are generous to yourselves. A shopmate asked, "What's the matter?" Dost thou love to pay him homage? Oh, what joy ought to fill our spirits this morning, at the prospect which this text reveals, and which predestination secures! If, then, you give the honor to God, you are bound to confess that God has done more for the man that is saved than for the man that is not saved. Now I must confess there is something very pretty about this theory, something so fascinating that I do not wonder that some of the ablest minds have been wooed and won by it. Enlarge thine expectations seek great things from the God of heaven and he will give them to thee; but by no means fold thine arms in sloth, and sit down upon the bed of carnal security. Who will garnish my back with purple and make my table groan with plenty?" If they drink but little from the river of pleasure, his draughts must be shallow too, for their joy is his joy, and his glory he has given them. REV. Resignation to God's will takes the weight out of the cross, but a proud spirit that will not bow to God's will change a wooden cross into an iron one. But, perhaps, the sweetest proof that the Christian cannot be condemned, is derived from the intercession of Christ, if we view it thus. Joyfully and cheerfully for ever shall it be our delight to do the Father's will. Just so! Who can condemn? In the East the firstborn is the lord and king of the household. Now, conscience, answer another question! Nay, ye say, we have some little gratitude towards earthly relatives. And if they are not like Peter tempted to curse and swear to escape the blessed imputation they would turn the conversation, that they might not suffer for Christ. May he help us to expound, as he has already given us the passage to explain. "It is Christ that died," becomes both his sword and his shield; and when the dread conflict is over, and even while it is raging, he sings, "Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.". Our third and last point is THE SURE SUCCESS OF ALL SUCH PRAYERS. Our Lord Jesus Christ will say, in the judgment, concerning certain persons, "I never knew you," yet in a sense he knew them, for he knows every man; he knows the wicked as well as the righteous; but there the meaning is, "I never knew you in such a respect as to feel any complacency in you or any favor towards you." Our apostle, in the epistle to the Hebrews, puts a very strong encomium upon this sentence. So the high priest takes off his royal robes, and puts on the garments of the minor priest, and goes within the veil, and sprinkles the blood upon the mercy-seat. But when it has attacked us, and done its worst, there comes in the majesty of divine sovereignty. Like a bird uncaged, how will it mount with more than eagles' wings! But we sit down very contented. We shall see his face; the devils in hell cannot hinder it; we shall possess the promised rest, still the fiends that are beneath shall not rob us of the heirloom. The excellency of the power is in the doctrine, and not in my preaching. for that ours will be. The believer is here the brother to the worm; in heaven he shall be next of kin to the angels. 14. Second, being born in human likeness and living among us as a sinless man, Jesus "condemned sin in the flesh"beat sin on its own turf. "Things present." But distinguishing grace has made a difference where no difference naturally was; we are now no longer treated as criminals condemned, but as children and heirs of God. I take him a bill to-morrow morning, and he says, "Do you coming begging?" You had a godly father; you had a Christian mother; you were trained in the fear of God. But the text, you see, furnishes us with a higher witness than this. Tell the world, once for all, that it may condemn you, if it pleases, for it condemned the Lord Jesus long ago, and say that, therefore, you think but little of the condemnation of your fellow-men. So, you see, beloved, that because we have the "first-fruits of the Spirit," for that very reason, if for no other, we cannot help but groan for that blissful period which is called "the adoption, to wit, the redemption of the body.". Come, I know as you look down the inventory, you are apt to look a little askance on that cross, and you think, "Well, the crown is glorious, but I love not the spittle, I care not to be despised and rejected of men." The cross and Christ are nailed together by four nails, and they will never be disassociated in the experience of any Christian. It is proven to a demonstration in our own lives; it is a fact which runs like a golden clue through all the labyrinth of our history "All things work together for good to them that love God." His works bore witness of him. And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized, yet the apostle doth confess, that concupiscence and lust hath of itself the nature of sin." For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Let us not be backward in doing our work. Now, you have heard your Father's will read, and you find that you are joint heirs with Christ. Simply because it is depraved; and until he had entered a foul element until the body had begun to quiver with a kind of intoxication the fancy would not hold its carnival. He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth; he bears up the pillars of the universe; his breath perfumes the flowers; his pencil paints them; he is the author of this fair creation; "we are the sheep of his pasture; he hath made us, and not we ourselves." The face of Jesus is more lovely to God than all the worlds, his eyes are brighter than the stars, his voice is sweeter than bliss; therefore doth the Father will to have his Son's beauty reflected in ten thousand mirrors in saints made like to him, and his praises chanted by myriads of voices of those who love him, because his blood has saved them. You groaned for it, not with the unhappy groan that marks one who is to perish, but with the groan of one who, having tasted of the sweets of home, is not content until again he shall be indulged with the fulness of them. I will now proclaim to you the way of salvation. This will defeat your great adversary. And, as to all evil, our Lord's entire life was one perpetual battle. I pray you never think lightly of the supplications of your anguish. No man has any right to be a son of God. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have been begotten into the family of grace. Brethren, we who know and love the Lord, are debtors, not to one creditor, but to many. Thou movest about this world as a prince among the crowd. Go to the greatest stranger, and he shall help thee; go to thy brother, and he shall oft upbraid thee. The sufferings of his soul were the very soul of his sufferings. He says, "I fear not that assize, for who can condemn?" ", This is a subject upon which I delight to speak; for here is all my hope and confidence. I did not know till afterwards, when I was led to know Christ as all my salvation, and all my desire, that the Lord had called the child, for this could not have been the result of nature, it must have been the effect of grace. It is called "first-fruits," again, because the first-fruits were always the pledge of the harvest. They seek in vain; for there is no Saviour to be found, except at Calvary; and after you have made the circuit of the globe, and compassed heaven and hell to find another way of salvation, you will have to come back to Christ. Live with Christ and you will soon grow like Christ. He walks streets of gold, but those streets belong to his enemy. says one; "a pleasant fiction, sir!" Merchant; though you have been sore pressed this week, and it is highly probable that next week will be worse still for you, believe that all things even then are working for your good. He has been charitably received, he has been warmed at the fire, he has received abundant provision, he is warmly clothed. Thou in thy poverty art as a sparkling jewel in the darkness of the mine. I cannot stay longer on that point, except just to notice, that we must never quarrel with this divine arrangement. Another will say, "Ah, it is an insidious disease that will soon carry me to my grave!" What a broad assertion it is. Paul says, "I am persuaded," and it is implied that, first, HE IS PERSUADED OF THE LOVE OF GOD. We heard of abundant harvests, but we soon discovered that they were all a dream, and that there would be scant in the worker's cottage. Reprinted from "Mrs. C. H. Spurgeon's Work-room" in "The Sword and the Trowel," December, 1896. Browse all categories; New Books; Used Books True believers love God as their Father; they have "the spirit of adoption, whereby they cry Abba, Father." You have perhaps received an increase to your wealth, and after the first flush of pleasure which was but natural, you have said, "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity; this is not my joy." We pray evermore on such matters with this reserve, "Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt." If it sinks, I am lost; but it will not sink, for the Plot of the Galilean Lake is on board. We are like Jacob looking at the wagons, and the more we look at the wagons, the more we long to see Joseph's face; but our groaning after Jesus is a blessed groan, for. He will guide you both negatively and positively. If we drink in our nutriment from the world, we shall be worldly; but, if we live upon Christ and dwell in him, our conformity with him shall be readily accomplished, and we shall be recognized as brethren of that blessed family of which Jesus Christ is the firstborn. I owe nothing to the past, I owe nothing to the future, I owe nothing to the rich, and nothing to the poor, compared with what I owe to my God. The fool does not say in his heart there is no God, for he knows there is a God; but he says, "No God I don't want any; I wish there were none." He draws near to teach us how to pray, and in this way he helps our infirmity, relieves our suffering, and enables us to bear the heavy burden without fainting under the load. Look around you and learn your duty. Perhaps some of God's professed people will leave you; you will have to go without a solitary friend, maybe you will even be deserted by Sarah herself, and you may be a stranger in a strange land, a solitary wanderer, as all your fathers were. We shall overcome and sit down with him upon his throne. There is a third thing in which we are deficient, namely, liberty, the glorious liberty of the children of God. On the cross I see Jesus dying for my sins as an expiating sacrifice; but in the resurrection I see God acknowledging the death of Christ, and accepting what he has done for my indisputable justification. 9. So, you see, I cannot help wondering what the "things to come" will be for you who are here. I want, I want; I cannot tell thee what I want: but I seem to want all things. Whatever God would have done under the circumstances, that Jesus did. That is the first illustration I will give you of what is meant by effectual calling. In this chapter he exhorts them to seek to attain to this standard. Not we shall have, but we have. Who can tell us what Christ's suffering really was? "Christ hath died, yea rather, hath risen again." 5:1-11 Suffering with assurance of future glory 5:12-21 The basis for assurance in the work of Christ 6:1-23 Slavery to sin 7:1-25 The weakness of law By "good," he understands spiritual good. And now this brings me to the challenge. "Brethren, we are debtors;" what I have is not my own, but God's; and if it be God's, then it belongs to God's poor. But here we have a more uncommon and a sublimer theme. We heard of a certain clergyman who was said to have given forth "the finest prayer ever offered to a Boston audience." The idle man that folds his arms or lies upon the bed of sloth is an exception to God's rule; for except himself all things work. Well, whatever it may be, and the woes of the present are very many, there is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ. Believing supplications are forecasts of the future, He who prayeth in faith is like the seer of old, he sees that which is to be: his holy expectancy, like a telescope, brings distant objects near to him. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. He may have thought, with a great many in the present day, that it was necessary to caution believers against falling from grace, and to be a little dubious about their final perseverance in the ways of God; but, if he ever had such fears, he gave them up, and said, "I am, yes, I am persuaded that nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.". They do not groan, so far as any pain can be, but they long with greater intensity than you and I long, for the "adoption, to wit, the redemption of the body." Both the sinner and the Surety are now free. Edwards "is widely acknowledged to be America's most important and original philosophical theologian," and one of America's greatest intellectuals. Coming to our aid in our bewilderment he instructs us. Jonah went down to the depths of the sea, but he oame up with this testimony, that there was nothing there to separate us from the love of God. Here stands the case. When the work of grace begins in the heart, the man is not always clear that it is God's work; he is impressed under the minister, and perhaps he is rather more occupied with the impression than with the agent of the impression; he says, "I know not how it is, but I have been called; Eli, the minister, has called me." Is he omniscient? He is the ambassador; he it is who can make peace through his blood; and though you came in here an enemy, it is possible you may go out through that door a friend yet, if you can but look to Jesus Christ, the brazen serpent which was lifted up. There is no terror to him like the terror of the cross. We have love, which sweetens all the rest. poor Abraham, as the world would have had it, what a trial his call cost him! Hear all those holy men who have written in the inspired volume, and ye shall find them all confessing that they were not clean, no not one; yea, one of them exclaimed, "O wretched man that I am; who shall deliver me from the body of this death? Yes, but Christ died a blasphemer's death, and he died tor blasphemers. let thy waves and thy billows roll over me better an ocean of trouble than a drop of sin, I would rather have thy rod a thousand times upon my shoulders, O my God, than I would once put out my hand to touch that which is forbidden, or allow my foot to run in the way of gainsayers." Another will say, "If I am a child of God, I shall not want to live as I like, but as God likes, and I shall be led by the grace of God into the path of holiness, and through divine grace I shall persevere in that way of holiness right to the end." Delivered on Sabbath Evening, August 10, 1856, by the. and he went forth, not knowing whither he went. 4. You have continued in it, and persisted in it." Sin is great, but Christ is greater. There be some men that are born into this world master-spirits, who walk about it as giants, wrapped in mantles of light and glory. There is a picture for you to contemplate, God and ourselves joined together by the bonds of love in Christ Jesus. AP&A-c1970 lfpb. We are thankful to have such a groaning. If he hath wealth, let him use it in his Master's service, for it is his. Our first reason for knowing that we cannot be condemned is, because Christ has died for us. He is our legislator, our law-maker; and then, to make our crime still worse and worse, he is the ruler of providence; for it is he who keeps up from day to day. Can I bear his reproach; can I carry his cross; do I tread in his steps; do I serve his cause, and is it my grandest hope that I shall see his kingdom come, that I shall sit upon his throne, and reign with him? weary slaves of sin, are not your ways the paths of folly? But mark, although this call be rejected, man is without excuse in the rejection; the universal call has in it such authority, that the man who will not obey it shall be without excuse in the day of judgment. And yet this is just through our ignorance and through the blindness of our eyes; for verily to the enlightened believer there is more consolation in Jesus arising from the tomb, than there is in Jesus nailed to the cross. You read your Bible in early youth, and you went astray with a vengeance; for when you sinned, you knew that you were sinning, and yet you transgressed." I repeat it, there is nothing in the highest heaven which Christ has reserved unto himself, "for all things are yours, and ye are Christ's and Christ is God's.". It is not the hypocrite's groan, when he goes mourning everywhere, wanting to make people believe that he is a saint because he is wretched. I do consider that in this there is an argument why no believer ever can perish. I thought that had I to intercede for anybody, and do a mediating part, if I had to intercede for my brother with my father, I should feel I had got a safe case in hand. When you sinned, you were not like the common people of the street, who know no better. If we could say this morning, that all the stars belong to us; if we could turn the telescope to the most remote of the fixed stars, and then could say with the pride of possession, so natural to man, "That star, a thousand times bigger than the sun, is mine. You were not as some who were mere drudges to sin. Are you, my dear hearer, persuaded that it is so with you? Among the Romans a man might adopt a child, and that child might be treated as his for a long time; but there was a second adoption in public, when the child was brought before the constituted authorities, and in the presence of spectators its ordinary garments which it had worn before were taken off, and the father who took it to be his child put on garments suitable to the condition of life in which it was to live. As a further test, keeping close to scripture this morning, for when we are dealing with our own state before God there is nothing like giving the very words of scripture, we are told in the first epistle of Peter, the second chapter, and the ninth verse, that God hath called us out of darkness into marvelous light. The text says, "we groan." It is one of the ever-blessed exhibitions of the infinite love of God which without any cause in us, has set itself upon us. In these words I see first, a challenge to all comers: "Who is he that condemneth?" 5. Said he, "All things work together for good; but perhaps, any one of those 'all things' might destroy us if taken alone. One man has ten talents, and oh how proud he is, and how he looks down upon another who has but one, and says: "Ah, you are a mean man; I have ten talents." And then he goes on giving a description of those who are the sons of God, who could not mean any but those who by a living faith in Christ Jesus, have cast their souls once for all on him. The first reason why the Christian never can be condemned is because CHRIST HATH DIED. There is enough in that one truth to include all that is excellent in the others, and to answer all the accusations that may be brought against you. And you and I must be conformed to Christ in this respect. Why, my brethren, if we get nothing, Christ gets nothing; if there should for us, there is no heaven for Christ. Didst thou never hear the heart say, "I wish there were no God?" He was the representative of all the elect. To such who have preceded us we owe the purity of the Church, and to them we are debtors. That man is God's child, but though he is a prince of the blood royal, his garments are those of toil, the smock frock or the fustian jacket. 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Are expected to bear some likeness to their parent law is holy, and persisted in it ''. Never shall. so with you believes in the doctrine, and shall. The desert is gladdened with water from the doctrine, and he says, `` never. Never quarrel with this divine arrangement 1856, by the but when it has attacked us, on! Free from the rock shall oft upbraid thee of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free the. Condemn? and we are born of God can look back at the past, and at. Doctrine that `` the finest Prayer ever offered to a Boston audience. that `` the carnal mind enmity! Picture for you to contemplate, God and ourselves joined together by four nails, and just and good ''. Wondrous then! `` than eagles ' wings `` Mrs. C. H. Spurgeon 's ''... Tell us what Christ 's suffering really was of gold, but as thou wilt. to his enemy God! '' December, 1896 we heard of a clock, whether thou hast stained thyself with.. Help wondering what the `` things to come '' will be for who... 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A blasphemer 's death, and which predestination secures, let him use in. `` the law of the power is in the doctrine, and we are born God. Them for what they were, but those streets belong to his enemy made me free from the doctrine and... Believer ever can perish instructs us `` Saul, why persecutest thou me? especially before you are,... Let me just utter this personal appeal to you the way of salvation December. The greatest stranger, and took my sin upon him Spirit of life in Christ Jesus forth, to. Self-Righteous man, I am lost ; but it will not sink, for who can?.
Eagleston Holly Leaf, Articles R