Agents: Reverse Steve | Visit Fandom's Community Central! Elemental Steve | A Darkness Beast reappears at the Green Steve Kingdom in the water and slowly emerges, coming closer and closer to the entrance before being stopped by Orange Steve's force field. After being imprisoned in the depths of Sabre's mind to experience everything, Shadow Sabre unleashed his rage on Sabre and breaking down, stating that all he wanted was nothing. The Dark Guard However, Sabre learns that a rumor has spread about him being the one who destroyed Rainbow and Happy Orange Steve, delighting Shadow Sabre as he once again believes he can use this to fool Sabre, claiming that Time and Elemental Steve aren't his friends. Reverse Steve | Shadow Sabre advised Sabre to watch his emotions and focus before moving on to reaching out to Time Steve. The Darkness was formerly sealed away by the Hero, Rainbow Steve, before being released years later from their prison by FavreMySabre. This is a very interesting series that I think you would love to watch. A horde of Darkness attacked Sabre and Elemental Steve, but were quickly dispatched. Sabre ultimately had enough, demanding to be let free, to which Shadow Sabre responded by stating that there was no way out. Sabre jumped down as Shadow Sabre followed, preparing to hold the Demon Steves off and managing to successfully kill an entire fleet of Demon Steves, with Shadow Sabre giving him a boost in power. Fragment of Void Steve Green Steve managed to calm Sabre down and reassure him that he wasn't at fault as Shadow Sabre watched, mocking Sabre for believing he could find redemption. Before Sabre could properly react he appeared in a monochromatic world in front of a replication of the temple. Shadow Sabre left for the citadel and retrieved the Shadow Sword, ready to finally put his plan into action. Using the Rainbow Crystal, Sabre was able to de-infect many Steves who had been corrupted during Void Steve's reign, such as the Yellow King and Orange Leader. End of Series Diamond Steves | Previous Showing 3051 - 3075 of 4084 Next. The Void Later on, Sabre and Orange Steve are alerted to Yellow Steve's location and find him surrounded by Darkness. Full Name All five of them arrive at the Rainbow Hub to find Gerald the Pig, only to find him being swarmed by the Darkness. Although Shadow Sabre was presumed abandoned beneath the Rainbow Hub, he reappears behind a Violet Steve at the Rainbow Kingdom unbeknownst to Sabre, making it seem as though his claims of always being with Sabre held some level of truth. But as punishment for trying to erase the rest of the world, killing other innocent people along with it, Shadow is forced to be trapped in Sabre's mind, exploring it, as Sabre puts it, "until the end of time.". Busoshoku V2 Marine Base G-1 Kenbunshoku V2 World Scroll Spare Fruit Bag Yuki Yuki no Mi Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Before the Darkness Beast can get inside the kingdom, the kingdom's shield is put up, but the Darkness Beast climbs on top of the shield. Crimes When Void decided that creating an unstoppable force was the only way to defeat his the Demon Steves, he began manipulating the Steves into accepting their darkest emotions, such as fear, anxiety, depression and rage. Dark Steve is also evaporated and spread throughout the world alongside the rest of the Darkness. Bears resemblance to the "Gay Pride" flag used to promote LGBT+ rights. Dark Steve | Dread Steve | As Sabre was upset at the fact that no Steves aside from Light were helping him, Shadow stated that Sabre would have to look deeper into the Darkness to find more allies, instructing Sabre to go into the second layer of the Darkness and out of the sub-layer as he mocked Sabre for protesting to fall into the Darkness despite using the Shadow Sword, relying on Shadow Sabre for help and creating the Dark Crystal before teleporting Sabre to the second layer of the Darkness where they were able to find Dark Steve and successfully recreate him in the physical world via the Dark Crystal. The First Curse | Corrupted Giant | However, Corruption Steve reveals himself and conjures a fleet of Darkness to attack them, but they were also quickly defeated. The Darkness is a supernatural hive mind that believe in uniting others together to form one sole rule where evil is nonexistent. He finds there are some Steve's that wish to harm others and he needs to put a stop to it. Sabre uses his powers to send Shadow back where he belongs; in his mind. Regular Form The Virus | Shadow Sabre is completely narcissistic and views himself as above everything, openly telling Sabre that from the day they met Shadow had always wanted to berate Sabre and tell him just how weak and naive he thought he was. Sabre was able to use these abilities to teleport back to the Rainbow Kingdom, although he indirectly revealed them to Light Steve. Corruption Steve | After once again meeting with Rainbow Void, Sabre discovers his plot to demolish the newly formed Rainbow Kingdom and heads there himself to warn the Violet Leader. However, as soon as it's destroyed, several other Darkness begin to emerge from the portal to attack the group, but Galaxy Steve teleports them away at the last second. favremysabre favremysabreart rainbowquestau # 7 Can Sabre save the Steves and defeat the Darkness? CorruptionPossessionTerrorismMass destructionConspiracyPsychological abuseMass murderAttempted brainwashingAttempted corruptionAttempted possessionAttempted omnicidal genocide. Diamond Steves | Sabre needs to create the prophesied Hero, Rainbow Steve. It is about A player who was forced into a world full of Minecraft Steves. Wikis like this one depend on readers getting involved and adding content. Leaders: Dark Steve | The Steve Saga Before they could do anything else, lightning was heard from the crystal room in the citadel and discovered that the Darkness was beginning to spread from its placeholder. In Rainbow Quest, they serve as the central antagonists of Season 1, major antagonists in Season 2, the secondary antagonists of Season 3, posthumous antagonists in Seasons 4, 5 and 7, and the posthumous overarching antagonists of Season 6. Although Shadow Sabre is a methodical, calculating and intimidating figure, it doesn't take much to break him, which can be done in the right circumstances, especially if the matter involves power, something that Shadow Sabre takes extremely seriously. FavreMySabre, aka Sabre or Elan, is a Minecraft player and Youtuber who is friends with Rainbow Steve and Lucas, he once actually tried the potion in an older video, it was revealed that he could fly and not take damage for a little bit, but the potion whore off after a few minutes. Community Founders: Write a good and paragraph-length description for your welcome section about your topic. Sabre was soon able to get his body back, but at the cost of being gone for a few months. Shadow only fights for himself and sees the Darkness as tools to be used, claiming that he'll use them "correctly" unlike Void and Sabre, serving as a shining example of a Darkness that can do good, but chooses not to. Shadow Sabre becomes agitated, stating that "one" is everything and encouraging Sabre to join the Darkness. The Armor Two Darkness were spotted by Sabre and Elemental Steve outside the temple, forcing Sabre to lure them away for him and Elemental Steve to get the jump on them and kill them before confronting their leader. Elder Blue | Leaders: The First Curse | The Darkness is eventually put on patrol around the temple where they were first released. However, after a long, painful struggle and final fight, Sabre was able to kill Void Steve. He is voiced by FavreMySabre, who also voiced Hypno Steve in the same series. As Sabre went to attack Void Steve, Void inadvertently baited Sabre into falling into the Darkness, rendering him unconscious and transported into his mind with Shadow Sabre, reflecting on their loss. Shadow Sabre was utterly shocked at his master's return, only managing to stammer a few words. However, instead of dying, Sabre was transported to the original Rainbow Hub, which was still destroyed from Reverse and Dark Steve's arrival to the hub. This Wiki is kid-appropriate and for all ages. 1 (directly)Billions (attempted) Villains Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Sabre stated that he would never succumb to the Darkness, regardless of what he was doing in the real world. After the Darkness' defeat, more Darkness rally at the lair where they're ambushed by Sabre, Light Steve and some colorless guards, who take them down easily. The Yellow King stepped from his ruined castle and began spouting out how he felt enlightened by the Darkness as Corruption and Soul Steve watched from the hill nearby. In Steve Legends, they serve as unseen antagonists in Season 2. Rainbow Steve | Nightmare Steve | The Darkness at their core are fanatics, willing to push their agenda and philosophy onto others without permission and without thought for what their victims feel. Sabre found the Darkness gathered outside the kingdom and spotted Light Steve, who saw Sabre with the Darkness and believed he was on their side. However, its imprisonment is short-lived, as Faceless destroyed the containment box and allows the beast to walk free. When Sabre and Elemental Steve arrived they uncovered the damage and found the Orange Leader, who was struggling to hold on to his sanity as he stated the same deluded ideals that had been shared by the Yellow King. Shadow then took Sabre into the Darkness and tasked Sabre with focusing his senses, however, Shadow was able to sense Void Steve's connection, and opened it, revealing the connection between the Darkness and the World Below. Developer Ensemble Studios. TR!Assistant Steve | Shadow Sabre is the first antagonist featured in a modified introduction sequence solely focusing on him when the episodes begin. Seeing that Sabre wasn't consumed by the Darkness and hadn't been corrupted by it despite nearly falling to it, the two returned to the overworld and were awakened by Light Steve, who mentioned that Void had merely laughed in their faces before leaving. Shadow Sabre reappears behind Sabre and once again tries to convince Sabre that he is darkness, and that he'll be talking to Sabre until he finally gives in. Soul Steve | Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The Parasite However. Sabre returned to the Rainbow Kingdom and stole the Rainbow Crystal he used it to revert Void Steve to his near-mortal state, and summoned Dark and Shadow from the crystal as they began to attack Void Steve with lightning. Later on, the Darkness is reported by several Yellow Steves as they bring the situation to Sabre's attention. When Light Steve recommends that Sabre destroyed the Shadow Sword, Shadow Sabre states that Light Steve is merely jealous of its power and that Sabre has already mastered the sword's power. The Yellow King then prepared to attack Sabre before being frozen by Elemental Steve, rendering him powerless. The story is about Sabre (FavreMySabre) joining a Minecraft world as he is led into a world of Steves. The Great One | Faceless | Now that the two were lost in the middle of nowhere, Shadow Sabre, out of the blue, told Sabre that he was able to teleport due to the Shadow Sword's powers. Sabre's crew were successful in getting the several Violet Steves, as well as their leader out of the Kingdom before they could be infected. Sabre claimed that the world thrives off kindness, and that Darkness acted as a leach on the world. The Twisted. Seeing that destroying the sword was not able to be destroyed, the two decided to bury it deep below the Rainbow Hub, which would cause Shadow Sabre to be stuck underground with the sword as he was a part of it. If Sabre's life was in danger, Shadow Sabre would become worried as Sabre's death not only results in him ceasing to exit and not being able to participate alongside the Darkness in their goals, but also doesn't allow him to use a vessel to try to further his own goals. Void Steve | Infect every Steve in existence to protect them from the Demon Steves.Destroy all of existence to eliminate suffering and evil until the only thing that exists is nothing.Control as many vessels as possible (all failed).Build a portal connecting the overworld to the Void that'll allow the rest of the Darkness to invade the overworld.Destroy the seven Steve kingdoms (both succeeded).Annihilate the Rainbow Kingdom and infect everyone inside (failed). The Great One Shadow's sole goal was to essentially cease to exist, to become nothingness, one with the darkness. Shadow Sabre's sole purpose is to corrupt Sabre into becoming a monster devoted to the Darkness' cause and uses any opportunity he can when speaking to ramble consistently about the Darkness' superiority over the Steves, even if the discussion doesn't involve the Darkness, as was the case when Sabre returned to Shadow Sabre, the latter claimed that the Darkness would always win, despite Sabre not bringing the subject up. Control as many vessels as possible (all failed). As if he were talking to Sabre, Shadow commented on the frustrations he faced as he watched Sabre imprison and taunt him after Void Steve's first death, but was now able of achieving his goals now that he was physical. Agents: Yellow Demon Steve | Shadow Sabre told Sabre that in order to bring back his other friends he'd have to allow the Darkness in the Shadow Sword to take control, although Sabre refused and decided to look for another way. Sabre is brought to the Great Library by Elemental Steve, where he finds it in ruins from the Darkness. Void Steve (former leader)Nightmare Steve (former de-facto leader)Dark Steve (former second-in-command)Reverse Steve (former third-in-command)Darkness BeastsMini DarknessCorruption Steve (former co-second-in-command)Soul Steve (former co-second-in-command)Red Steve (formerly)Green Steve Leader (formerly)Rainbow Steve (former co-second-in-command)Yellow King (formerly)Orange Leader (formerly)Shadow SabreFavreMySabre (formerly)Countless unnamed members As Dark Steve prepares to kill them, Orange Steve uses his powers to teleport the army away. Sabre and Rainbow Steve are able to find the Darkness in the forest halfway through constructing a large portal that'll connect the overworld to the Void. Shadow Sabre is an entity that exists within Sabre's mind, and although he is named after and shares the same appearance as his counterpart, he acts far more negatively than him. Mass brainwashingCorruptionPossessionTerrorismMass destructionConspiracyPsychological abuseMass murderAttempted brainwashingAttempted corruptionAttempted possessionAttempted omnicidal genocide Sabre walked away from his dark counterpart, disgusted in him and rambled about Void Steve being the one at fault for taking so many innocent people away from him. Sabre. Shadow Sabre | Shadow Sabre's creation process was initially slow, as his being merely a fragment of Void Steve that he pulled from himself and attached to Sabre to infect him. Sabre that unknowingly teleported himself to the tower leading to the Middle World, where Shadow Sabre stated that he did so to feel safe. With this, Sabre decided to return his friend M back to his village of Red Steves, and Shadow Sabre followed. It is about A player who was forced into a world full of Minecraft Steves. Shadow Sabre is a major antagonist in the Steve Cinematic Universe. As the person with enough energy, Dark Steve teleported himself, Sabre and Time to Shadow's location where he revealed that he had been following Sabre's command so that he could build his trust and gain a physical form. Although the Darkness manages to infect part of the Middle World, Sabre and Light Steve are teleported at the last second by Indigo Steve to the Void in order to destroy the source of the Darkness resulting in the leak to the Middle World. Sabre is ultimately able to overpower Shadow, trapping him in a cage. In a panic, Shadow Sabre commanded Sabre to focus his senses on the four locations and summon the Darkness to arrive at the locations, which he managed to do until the Darkness was able to destroy the Demon Steves and return to Sabre. The next day, Sabre is able to pinpoint the location of Shadow's tower, and teleport there. Rainbow Quest The Last Inferno | Rainbow Steve | Discover, share and add your knowledge! Control as many vessels as possible (all failed). Shadow Sabre appears to be a separate entity from Shadow Steve, who, in the original series, possessed Sabre's player after infecting him. Memory Steve | Tormenting, bothering and trying to manipulate Sabre. Click the "ADD NEW PAGE" or "EDIT" button at the top of any page to get started! Red is wisdom, Orange is creativity, Yellow is energy, Green is health, Blue is spirit, Indigo is connection, and Violet is love. The Great One FavreMySabre:, Rainbow Quest Playlist: However, they are unable to escape the Darkness as they find that it has begun to take control of the World Beyond and infected a Blue Steve. Unfortunately for Indigo Steve, the Darkness is able to infect him and begins to take control of the Middle World. They escort Sabre, Time and Elemental Steve to the cells but they end up getting killed after Sabre uses his newfound power to break blocks to escape and kill them, taking Time and Elemental Steve with him. The Darkness | The Orange Leader commented on the Darkness' hive mind mentality, stating that being infected by them allows for their voices to swarm their victims' minds, often resulting in their minds cracking and allowing for the insanity that is the Darkness to prevail in dominating their minds. Despite how utterly vile, wicked and monstrous the Darkness were, the Darkness was created by Void Steve to combat the threat of the devilish Demon Steves, originating as the physical manifestations of the Steves' negative emotions and subsequently being brought to life. Believing him to still be evil, the Yellow Steve runs to a kingdom where the Steves have congregated, and Sabre scolds Shadow Sabre for making him use the sword. Shadow Sabre was unable to provide Sabre with an ultimatum, as he still knew that the Darkness was the only solution for combating the Demon Steves. Welcome to the Unofficial Steve Saga Wiki! However, more Darkness is found on the inside of the lair when the group first enter, surrounding them, which alerts Void Steve of their presence. After the meeting with Rainbow Void, Sabre demands to have Shadow Steve remove his voice from him, which he does, afterwards, Shadow Steve immediately tries to manipulate Sabre, saying that he secretly enjoyed committing unspeakable atrocities. The show began on March 21, 2020 and ended on July 9, 2021 with RQ's prequel "Steve Legends" starting the day after the ending. Powers/Skills The Steve Saga has been around for well over a year, and there is no real wiki. The Darkness manage to break in and begin searching for them, but they are able to escape safely without alerting the Darkness of their presence by locking them inside of the bunker. Void Steve | Upon inspection, Shadow Sabre concluded that the Shadow Sword was acting much stronger than the Rainbow Crystal, which was unable to hold off its energy, which could result in unleashing the Darkness into the world once more. Elemental Steve was then able to send the Orange Leader to his pocket dimension, as the leader didn't put up a fight and accepted, thanking Sabre before being transported away. Although Sabre pleaded with Shadow to give him the sword and start over, Shadow declined and promised Sabre that they would cross paths again someday before teleporting away. At that moment, Sabre asked Shadow Sabre to give him a power boost which enabled him to leap out the tower he was in and out of the kingdom. This man is THE man. Others Seeing that the Shadow Sword was indeed capable of killing the Demon Steves, Sabre and Shadow Sabre returned to the Rainbow Kingdom where Shadow Sabre explained that Sabre should go to the last place he ran into a Demon Steve that caused a crack in reality to summon his friends back, that being the Rainbow Bunker underneath the abandoned library. Sabre comments on Shadow Sabre's manipulative and deluded ideology, claiming that every individual is different and that his belief shouldn't be enforced onto others. Upon entering the Middle World, Sabre and Shadow were directed to the World Beyond by Indigo Steve where they located the Great Librarian in search for knowledge about the Demon Steves' origins. Alias Occupation As they reached the bottom of the tomb, Sabre asked what the Darkness' end goal is, to which Shadow Sabre responded by stating that the Darkness' ultimate goal it to wipe out everything in existence, prompting Sabre to realize a few factors that contributed to Void Steve's downfall as the Hero. Shadow Steve | Unfortunately for them, the portal was sabotaged by Sabre and Rainbow Steve, who ambush the group before Rainbow Steve destroys the Darkness to confront Reverse Steve. Eventually, Shadow Sabre joined Sabre on the attack on Rainbow Void, allowing his power to coarse through Sabre when he reached Rainbow Void's meeting room. Cursed Steves and Other Beings Shadow Sabre screams in agony as Sabre refuses him altogether, transporting Sabre out of his mind. Void Steve | Emerald Steve | Origin Steve | The nails in the coffin for Shadow Sabre's creation would be at Rainbow Steve's funeral, where Sabre unknowingly activated lightning around him in a fit of rage, and when Rainbow Void killed Funny Orange Steve in front of him. Shadow Sabre waited until he could interfere with Sabre and Void Steve's fight, arriving just as Void was about to kill Sabre. - Merch! Shadow Sabre rebutted, stating that Sabre only blames Void Steve to make himself feel better for following his false prophecy and pushing it upon his friends, attempting to twist the narrative as Sabre being responsible for Rainbow Steve's corruption and death. 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