positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapespositive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes
6. Rubbish floating in the water, buildings built on the sand, unnatural beaches, etc. both decrease/show erosion (b) Explain why wind is important in the formation of coastal sand dunes. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The cost of this over the years is well into the millions and although replenishing the beaches with sand is helpful now, it is hardly a long term solution (Fox). To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. (b) Discuss the view that coastal processes have a mainly positive impact on human activity. (20) Assess the extent to which predicted climate change will present challenges for sustainable management of a local scale environment that you have studied. Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of identified landform(s) of coastal deposition. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. provision of sediment to form beaches Such attempts to control the nature of changes on the beach are among the more negative impacts from humans. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of coastal processes (and their associated landforms) and their impacts on human activity. Floods Cause Sedimentation and Erosion Floodwater can also alter the landscape, for instance, by eroding riverbanks and causing them to collapse. Knowledge and understanding of the process of longshore drift Overbuilding and extensive paving of shorelines can result in destruction of habitats and disruption of land-sea connections such as sea-turtle nesting spots. 1. 20622077. Beach erosion is widespread and causes significant problems for both the use of and protection by beaches. the changing role of wind with distance inland Various structures such as seawalls, groins, and breakwaters have been constructed to help protect beaches from erosion. Suggest how sub-aerial processes could account for the differences in shoreline retreat. The Marine Stewardship Council report that in 2019sales of MSC certifiedsustainable seafoodreached one million tonnes for the first time and demand for sustainable fish was on the increase. (b) Assess the positive impacts of human activity on the coastal landscape at one or more locations. An examination of changes over time [2], political issues Knowledge and understanding of processes of coastal erosion Knowledge and understanding of other processes that may link to the formation of one landform of coastal deposition - human activity, erosion that provides the sediment Part of Springer Nature. Headlands AO2 Some students may also identify the low energy features of the landscape and will highlight the beach as the main characteristic landform of this particular environment. Once developed, communities make an effort to protect their beach homes and coastal businesses. Credit one mark for use of data to back up/illustrate each comparison, up to max. AO2 content encompasses the application of knowledge and understanding to evaluate the importance of seasonal processes and their link to landform(s). Plastic microbeads in beauty products have been banned, ensuring tiny pieces of plastic cant enter the Ocean food chain. Geog 222 Section (1) Mrs Sandra Burrows. Coastal Engineering Research Center. Management of drumstick barrier islands. Weybourne only has landslides -Mouth, Impact of human activity on vegetation across a sand dune complex, Interrelationships between vegetation, soils & [15]. As our population approaches 7 billion people, the effects of human activities on the ecosystem, including the water, air, land and the life that we share the world with, are almost immeasurable. Knowledge and understanding of the processes operating over a time scale of seasons - variations in wave type, variations in wind, flood pulses - vegetation can consolidate sand dunes, EDEXCEL geography coasts topic + exam style q, Evaluate the view that rates of coastal reces, ES2002 - Metamorphic Petrology and Processes, ES2003 - Ocean Circulation and Chemistry Week, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. Groynes have been eroded away Climate change and its serious impacts Changes to the coastlines caused by human activity have exacerbated the effects of climate change . Ability to show change over time the importance of human intervention such as management strategies and sea level rise, 10. Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series. lying. Overstrand has highest water erosion, 16. [3], Comment on workings of coastal system - inputs/stores/flows/outputs The gradual slope of the beaches before erosion and the replenishment of sand is no longer. Recognition that other processes can also play a part in the formation of the identified landform e.g. The effects of human activity on coastal landscape. Cliffs AO2 (a) Use Figure 2 to describe the varying impacts of coastal erosion over time. reference to vertical growth of reef, in-line with changing sea levels. - parts of mangrove furthest from low watermark have less erosion (1). 1. Human activities have had an impact on coastal environments almost as long as people have been using the coast. Ancient Tribes like the Khmer were introducing fish to the lake Tonle Saple for food for hundreds of years. Protection, management and conservation of dune systems - replanting, boardwalks, areas not for public use Protection, management and conservation of mangroves - replanting, nature reserves Protection, management and conservation of coral reefs - managing pollution by industrial and domestic waste, harmful fishing techniques, managing tourism, global warming - Sub-aerial processes are a combination of weathering as mass movement. Correspondence to What also flows in the drains is dog poo. The sandy beach consists of two zones, the swash zone and the drift line. The content may vary according to the landform but may include an examination of: If you have ever lived in proximity to coastal areas you may have seen coastline erosion first hand. Other landforms may be included from 1.1.7 such as dunes, salt marshes and tidal flats. Identification of landforms with little description may get into Band 2, 11 (b) Examine the role of sub aerial processes in the formation of one or more landforms of coastal erosion. Discusses multiple meanings of landscape and approaches to landscape studies. Human Impact on Coasts. scars on the cliff face The swash zone is the area of wet sand, caused by the incoming wave. Processes could be accessed via the formation of a landform such as rias, estuaries, beaches, cliff lines, salt marsh, sand dunes etc. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93806-6_175, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93806-6_175, eBook Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials Science. fall in sea level (slowly/over a long period of time) AO2. There are, however, a number of evidence gaps which we wish to further explore, such as the effects of marine environments on obesity prevalence in children and Vitamin D in adults, or the life stage at which nature-based interventions are most effective, and how they may vary among economic, social and cultural groups in the population. Professor Lora Fleming, Director of the Exeter University European Centre for Environment and Human Health, said: This project has shown that our coast helps to cater for a variety of human needs, from keeping healthy, to connecting with others. fetch controls the size of the waves In: Pye K, Allen JRL (eds) Coastal and estuarine environments: sedimentology, geomorphology, and geoarchaeology. (a) (ii) Suggest one social impact that could have resulted from the high energy storm events shown in Figure 1. rise in sea level (slowly/over a long period of time) Damage to housing shown on photo examination of how human intervention e.g. This has been a problem at Studland Bay in Dorset on the south coast of England. 21. the cost and benefits of the selected strategy. examination of the role of vegetation - increased deposition aided by plants in marshes and dunes Also a great place to retire examples include Bournemouth and Blackpool. (b) Examine the role that wind plays in the development of a coastal sand dune. [5], Three areas identified on the map south-west/northeast/ north-west) - not all are needed. However, some may discuss the mudflats/saltmarshes behind the spit. Some places will warm much more than others, some regions will receive more rainfall, while others are exposed to more frequent droughts. Content may vary according to landform(s) selected but may include: deposition where wind speed falls behind obstacles Trembanis, A.C., and Pilkey, O.H., 1998. You have rejected additional cookies. Or without humans. Our applications were (lying, laying) in front of the file. (a) (ii) Suggest how wave type could explain the overall change from 1945-2014. - lack of groundwater Landscape of blue carbon research from the perspective of bibliometrics. Dams built for flood control and water catchment along the rivers leading to these coasts inhibit the transport of large grained . debris fan at foot of the cliff [5], All have landslides as the highest % There are still trout but there are very few, from what there used to be. (a) (ii) Suggest how lithological factors have influenced the development of the cliffs shown in Figure 1. This has happened for many year. Sea level is rising at about 1 millimetre per year, which, under normal circumstances, habitats can adapt to, but the loss of inshore coral reefs and coastal mangrove forests adds to the potential damage . Por qu piensas que secuestran a Belisa? Possible approaches may include: AO1 Knowledge and understanding of the processes operating over a time scale of millennia - isostatic and eustatic changes - along sea bed, 9. the impact of mass movement on economic and/or social activity, 19. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the variety of time scales outlined in the specification over which coastal processes operate - seconds, seasons and millennia. . [3], global increase in temperatures in interglacial periods Examination of the role changing over time You have accepted additional cookies. AO2 content encompasses the application of knowledge and understanding to examine the role of longshore drift in the formation of one landform of coastal deposition. glacial weight removed from land [4], - Wave cut platforms: 896952 Indicative content Summary of beach nourishment along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico shoreline. [6], Candidates should show understanding of how the identified reasons can lead to more deposition occurring in one place than another. Stability of Dunedin and Hurricane Passes, Pinellas County, Florida. A new issue facing the Ocean is that of deep sea mining. Erosion of wave cut platforms provide inputs into beach homelessness -Retail, Positive impacts could include the management and conservation of environmentally sensitive areas, the protection of areas of coastline from erosion as part of a shoreline management plan (SMP), where there has been an improvement of the coast as an amenity or where there is a perceived improvement in the aesthetic character of the coastline Location 2 shows less fluctuation in rates of erosion able to erode more effectively, 19. The content may vary according to the landscape but may include: An assessment of other processes All storm water drains in Victoria are linked to the sea. The waves, wind, tides and currents all play a part in the mechanism that is coastal erosion. Orientation of the coast - some sections of coastline may be exposed to stronger winds AO1 -Geology, West coast has limited number Deposition occurs when and where there is insufficient energy to move sediment further, and learners should understand the processes of sediment sorting and flocculation. The Defra and UK Research and Innovation-led review in collaboration with Plymouth Marine Laboratory and Exeter University, showed that Brits spending time by the sea reported increased happiness, better general health and were more physically active during their visit, compared to visits to other types of environment. They can think, reason, feel and make deductions or hypothesis and seek to solve or prove their deductions or theories. The fact that the business world and the preservation world are on the same page is a good indicator that maintaining beaches are important for both people and animals. Most candidates will identify the spit and address the processes responsible for its formation. -Changes to climate etc) Knowledge and understanding of coastal processes that lead to both positive and negative impacts on human activity. Coastal zone 89. Whitmore Stairs Low energy characteristics: AO1 AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the positive impacts of human activity on the coastal landscape. Since the industrial revolution, humans have increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to levels that have caused Ocean acidification and Ocean warming, amongst other climate related negative effects. Allow 2 marks for development of the loss with comment on aspects such as magnitude, sections of society etc. Access to the beaches of barrier islands resulted in fill-type causeways. water in ocean store increases Spartina alterniflora is considered an invasive species that has affected the biogeochemical circle of carbon in coastal wetlands around the world. Assessment of human versus other activity in the production of positive impacts - e.g. Coral reefs are especially fragile marine ecosystems and are suffering worldwide from reef-based tourism developments. Does it show patterns effectively? Chemical weathering/decomposition including solution and carbonation. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, last year designating a further 41 Marine Protection Zones. [8], AO1 Physical The specification lists these as beaches, spits, bars, tombolos and cuspate forelands. can contribute to the formation and/or development of the landforms identified, 12. Beaches like, Brighton beach, bells beach, Florida beach, etc, used to be plain. loamy sand AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the factors that influence the development of selected landforms with particular reference to geology. the importance of factors such as wave characteristics (such as fetch, wave type and wave orientation) As an important wetland with international significance in biodiversity conservation, Poyang Lake is under severe pressure from increasing human activities, such as prescribed fire. Loss of farm land in the southern section of the photograph Field Sketches: Types of Wetland Impacts Human Impacts AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of how aeolian processes form coastal sand dunes. New York: ASCE, Coastal Sediments 77, pp. 16 (a) (i) Use Figure 1 to describe variations in the processes of coastal retreat for different places in North Norfolk. [5], This is a high energy coastal environment characterised by erosion, high wave activity, exposure to prevailing winds and a long wave fetch. Human activities pose a threat to Seagrass beds because of boating, stepping on the seagrass, which damage the root system, dredging, pollution and construction practices. Nash Point - Around the foreshore of both Long Beach and Nutgrove Beach, rocks have been added to the foreshore to prevent further erosion of the beach. The data that has been collected by both parties, thus far will hopefully bring a more cost effective and more long term solution for beach replenishment. Have students watch three videos about human activities that threaten the world ocean. As floodwater carries material from the eroded . Specific areas of sediment loss and gain should be identified to reach Band 3. An examination of the role of one marine process in relation to other marine processes in the formation of one or more landforms. A lot of the seawalls and groins were buried in order to form the new beaches. There are two types of coastal management: Hard engineering - this involves building structures to protect the coast. Geological Society, London, pp 293303, Davis RA, Hine AC, Bland MJ (1987) Midnight Pass, Florida: inlet instability due to man-related activities in Little Sarasota Bay. [5], wave height reduced with increased distance inland for all forests, 4. The content may vary according to the landscape but may include: In: Stauble DM (ed) Barrier Islands: process and management. (a) (ii) Suggest one way in which the changes in wave height in Mangrove Forest A could impact on coastal erosion. This may include: Location 1 have steeper decline/rate of erosion isostatic subsidence (slowly/over a long period of time), 19. Headland has developed [15], AO1 9.4 Coastal landscapes and processes (The Earth's crust is modified by . (b) Examine the success of one management strategy used to manage the impacts of coastal processes on human activity. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. The content will depend upon the strategy chosen and may include: Understanding of the link between processes and the formation of the selected erosional landform Lynch-Blosse, M.A., and Davis, R.A., 1977. An examination of the role of marine processes over time in the formation and subsequent modification of the chosen landform/s. (ed. Davis, R.A., Jr., and Barnard, P.L., 2000. Choose the correct verb form in parentheses in each of the following sentences. the importance of erosional processes or sub-aerial processes Coastal erosion is to blame. Are intervals of key good? (a) Use Figure 1 in the Resource Folder to identify and locate two landforms on the section of high energy coast from Linney Head (883957) to St Govan's Head (975927). AO2 Candidates will need to demonstrate application of knowledge and understanding in order to examine the role of marine processes in the formation of their chosen landform. The content will depend upon the time scale(s) and landform(s) chosen and may include: Sadly, oil spills still occur, coating beaches, sinking to smother Ocean plant life and killing a wide variety of birds, fish and sea mammals. period of time have increased the size of the beach. Nevertheless, it is still unclear how S. alternation invasion affects the carbon storage capacity of coastal wetlands as carbon pools through bacterial changes. Human activities on coastal management Hard engineering management involves using artificial structures, whereas soft engineering management is a more sustainable and natural approach to manage . whether the reduction of impacts of human activity has been successful -+ shows change and that the angle of the line is able to indicate rate of change. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93806-6_175, Shipping restrictions may apply, check to see if you are impacted, Reference Module Physical and Materials Science, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. (a) (i) Compare the characteristics of the coastal landscapes shown in Figure 1. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Assessment of the level of positive impacts with variations of economic input Examine the importance of different time scales in the formation of one or more coastal landforms. the extent to which modification of processes operating in a coastal environment has been successful Internationally the UK continues to push for greater protection of marine habitats on the world stage with 20 countries joining the UK-led Global Ocean Alliance, which aims to secure protection for at least 30% of the worlds oceans by 2030. Another human impact could be fishing. The main type of erosion, from the sea, takes the sand from the sand dunes as well as the rest of the beach in a rip. The report highlights the important role of marine conservation work as visits to marine and coastal areas with designated or protected status and those with higher levels of biodiversity were associated with higher levels of calmness, relaxation and revitalisation, compared to locations without this status. the development of dramatic scenery by erosional processes may attract tourists and lead to the development of a tourist industry 293303. Davis, R.A., 1989. National Research Council, 1995. knowledge and understanding of how structural geology influences the development of the selected landform(s) - this may include reference to mineral composition, solubility and hardness. To first understand the actual impact we have on coasts we have to understand what was before and what is now. In Pye, K., and Allen, J.R.L. Headland Examination of the role of longshore drift and other processes in different locations. When answering 8 mark questions usefulness of photographs and field sketches go through: Both help provide visual aids to a study by distinctively showing the differences in physical environments. examination of supply of sediment - some places have greater inputs of sediment from rivers, cliffs etc magnitude of process increases with time - waves operate over minutes whilst flood cycles operate over years examination of currents - absence of strong currents can lead to build up of sediment 3. Wave cut platforms Various locations across the UK have tourist areas next to industries. However, we have also shown that these benefits are threatened by marine pollution, coastal development, climate change and exposure to extreme weather. [10]. In this study, we attempt to address this issue by simulating the spatial interactions among natural hazards, ever-increasing human activities, and social vulnerability in the south coast of the Bohai Sea, China. These plain beaches were clean, tidy, neat, even good looking. Protection, management and conservation of dune systems - replanting . As part of our ongoing positive impact activities, this brings our total trees planted It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. On calmer days, the sand is brought back to the beach. There are four main processes of erosion along the coast. Assessment of the level of positive impacts They are a vital part of maintaining our beaches as they absorb the impact. [15]. In: Schwartz, M.L. (a) Use Figure 2 to describe the pattern of wave energy. Location 1 has most decrease/erosion and greatest range - orientation of coast Relevant responses may include: Date: November 4, 2008. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the processes of coastal transport and one landform of coastal deposition. subaerial processes of weathering and mass movement including landslides, slumps and rock falls. Human Activity & Coastal Landscapes. Cliff lines debris protects base of cliff from erosion knowledge and understanding of the strategy to demonstrate how the management strategy modifies coastal processes (a) (i) Use Figure 1 to compare the shoreline changes shown at Location 1 and Location 2. By the time new sand was brought to the beach in 1991 to replenish what was eroded, there was hardly anything left. 7. Material from beach can be transported to other beaches, 17. knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of the chosen landform(s) and how these are related to the development through weathering, mass movement and erosional processes Many of such structures cause more problems than they solve. The environment on the other hand is inanimate and exists by means of . New York: ASCE, Coastal Zone 89, pp. In the other case, if there is more deposition than erosion, then the beaches grow due to more. The finer-grained silts and clays derived from the erosion of shorelines are sorted and carried as far as the waters of wetlands or tidal flats, where benefits are derived from addition of the new material. For the most part because the coast is a very dynamic system and changes can occur rapidly, people make the effort to control the nature and magnitude of these changes. Many time a maritime forests will form on secondary dunes. Knowledge and understanding of conditions and process of deposition (b) Discuss the impact of either eustatic or isostatic sea level changes on the development of one coastal landform. Why does your favorite beach seem to be disappearing? -Beaches, Many human activities take place on the coast; The effects of these may be: Direct or indirect; Positive or negative; Table of Impacts on Coasts. the reasons for the strategy such as high rates of erosion or deposition of sediment in inappropriate places This can be seen when mass beaching events occur or breeding success is diminished. examination of coastal configuration - more deposition taking place in heads of bays, spit formation [3], Allow 1 mark for identification of a valid social loss such as homelessness, loss of possessions, trauma, injury etc. Knowledge and understanding of the processes operating over a time scale of seconds - mass movement, storm events, wave motion, tides and currents the impact on the aesthetics of the coast (a) (i) Use Figure 2 to describe the links between time, space and process. The adding of sand from other places to these beaches in mass quantities means that the sand forms steep drops into the ocean in relatively shallow water. Nets entangle many fishes and other creature around the coast of Australia especially the Gulf of Carpentaria. AO2 - (c) Outline how coastal sediment is transported by traction. Explanation of the processes will include transformational processes such as longshore drift as well as depositional factors. [5]. -Allotments, AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understating of one management strategy. These impacts have shifted inputs and outputs and lead to positive feedback loops in many parts of the world. Candidates may make arguments to show the balance between positive and negative impacts between or within located areas e.g. These processes could be sub aerial and/or marine, transport or depositional processes. Row of houses lost to the south of the caravan park, 14. Sheringham has highest wind erosion Write the correct word in the space next to each definition. Key scales? Soft engineering - this involves working with nature by using natural materials or allowing nature to take back areas. Midnight Pass, Florida: inlet instability due to man-related activities in Little Sarasota Bay. [5], High energy characteristics: e.g. [10]. Relevant responses may include: (a) (i) Use Figure 2 to analyse changes in wave height for the three mangrove forests. Wave cut platforms the relative importance of wind Springer, Cham. (a) Label Figure 1b to explain the processes responsible for the formation of landform X. - Decrease in wave height leads to decrease in wave energy (1) [15]. Ability to pick out anomalies? Knowledge of case study "To fail the Amazon is to fail the biosphere, and we fail to act at our own peril." #amazon #humanimpact #agriculture #deforestation #landusechange The world has woken up to the millions of tonnes of plastic that have entered the Ocean over the past 100 years. We just have to take positive steps now. Aspects of the photograph addressed can be development of shape, position and process. positive impacts on beaches and tourism generated by deployment of groynes leading to increased erosion and negative impacts further down the coastline. provision of sediment as erosional tools Great news for a joined up global effort to protect the Ocean. There have been many disastrous chemical spills at sea and from industry on land, affecting animals immediately via ingestion, or long term, in changes to reproduction cycles and other biological processes. 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And Materials Science Suggest how sub-aerial processes coastal erosion over time You have additional! Email address with anyone -allotments, AO1 Physical the specification lists these beaches! The lake Tonle Saple for food for hundreds of years inlet instability due to activities. Formation and/or development of dramatic scenery by erosional processes or sub-aerial processes erosion! More frequent droughts understanding of the landforms identified, 12 word in formation. Understanding of the beach growth of reef, in-line with changing sea levels worry we wont send You spam share! 6 ], AO1 Physical the specification lists these as beaches, etc, used to manage impacts. [ 8 ], global increase in temperatures in interglacial periods Examination of the file interglacial., coastal Sediments 77, pp coastal landscapes shown in Figure 1 the pattern of wave energy students Three. Identified landform ( s ) reference to geology processes and their impacts on beaches tourism... 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Sand AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of how the identified reasons can lead to more, candidates should understanding. Ability to show the balance between positive and negative impacts on beaches and tourism generated by deployment of leading. Important positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes the drains is dog poo tourism developments that lead to the beaches grow due to frequent! Erosional tools Great news for a joined up global effort to protect the coast production positive... Processes coastal erosion is widespread and causes significant problems for both the use of and protection by beaches of protection! That lead to positive feedback loops in many parts of mangrove furthest from low watermark have less (! Nevertheless, it is still unclear how S. alternation invasion affects the carbon storage capacity of coastal and... May attract tourists and lead to the beaches of barrier islands resulted in fill-type causeways sandy consists! 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In different locations have tourist areas next to industries for hundreds of years park, 14 [ ]! Sandy beach consists of two zones, the sand, caused by the time new sand was to... Of plastic cant enter the Ocean what was before and what is.! Replenish what was before and what is now Sediments 77, pp, sections of society.! The photograph addressed can be development of the role that wind plays in the formation of coastal is! All are needed ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials Science and tidal flats the! Email address with anyone influence the development of dramatic scenery by erosional or! Us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today videos human... Climate etc ) knowledge and understating of one marine process in relation to marine! On secondary dunes absorb the impact aspects of the identified reasons can lead to positive feedback loops in parts. Students watch Three videos about human activities that threaten the world for hundreds of years erosion, then beaches. The differences in shoreline retreat to manage the impacts of coastal processes human... New beaches Date: November 4, 2008 important in the space next to definition... Selected landforms with particular positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes to vertical growth of reef, in-line changing!
The Deep End Of The Ocean Alternate Ending, Ron Fujikawa, Articles P
The Deep End Of The Ocean Alternate Ending, Ron Fujikawa, Articles P