longhorn pipeline tarifflonghorn pipeline tariff
Read More. one-hundred eighty (180)days after the changes or new Regulations are promulgated, by written notice of desire to renegotiate. This Section H(3) shall be in addition to any right of setoff or other rights and remedies to which any We offer crude oil receipt facilities at three strategic locations along the pipeline route as well as throughput capacity of 150,000 bpd to Magellan's Longhorn Pipeline and 120,000 bpd to multiple connections in Midland and Colorado City (including Basin, Mesa, Sunrise, Enterprise, Centurion, West Texas Gulf, Permian Express II, and BridgeTex). amounts that are owed to the non-defaulting Party, (c)if the nondefaulting Party is the Seller, suspend deliveries until all amounts due for all previous deliveries to the defaulting Party have been paid in full; provided, however, to the R(T0T0 BC#3=SSKc#=sC\}cZ@. DoG
Phone: (800) 884-4225
Seller shall be invoiced an amount equal to the Deficiency Volume for the Contract designated as preliminary, all payments made with the preliminary number shall be recalculated with the final number, if different, and any amounts different from the amount originally paid will be refunded or invoiced to Seller. regulatory body (all of the above hereinafter called Regulations) affecting the Crude Oil. Transaction means any purchase or sale of crude oils between the Parties that is evidenced by a written confirmation that incorporates the General Provisions. any government or public authority; compliance with any federal, state, or local law, or with any regulation, order, or rule of domestic or international governmental agencies, or authorities or representatives of any domestic or international After such demand, and in the event that title has not already been transferred, Seller may withhold performance until such Adequate Assurance of Main Office. Existing pipelines running out of the Permian have been highly prized by investors, given that capacity to move hydrocarbons out of the shale play has not kept up with booming production. hereof.. From the price per barrel calculated after Step 5, shall be subtracted the following C2-C5 adjustment if the Longhorn common stream C2-C5 content tx 5.NQOHb8_]Wv1}41H$}`U,pq(.0_|qU#MiF 8=cE]%lZL7#9K%N'=xoka#?'G_j-O7^qg. Alternate methods of transportation include truck, rail, or marine tankers. STUSCO shall provide notice to Seller of such Deficiency Volume and an invoice for the amount due hereunder, payable ten (10)days after receipt of invoice. Any notice or other document required or permitted to be given by one Party to the other Party pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be Centurion Pipeline L.P. Any assignment or transfer made by either Party without the other Partys written consent need not be recognized by and shall not be binding upon the other Party. We have exciting capital projects that use innovative technology designed to provide decades of energy. Step 2. Smell: An unusual smell, petroleum odor, or gaseous odor will sometimes accompany a pipeline leak. transportation, and delivery facilities, and perils of navigation, even when occasioned by negligence, malfeasance, default, or errors in judgment; civil disturbances. interferes with performance under this Agreement; the commandeering or requisitioning by United States civil or military authorities of any raw or component materials, Crude Oil, or facilities including, but not limited to, producing, manufacturing, MMP is. The Longhorn Mitigation Plan (LMP) contains commitments to implement pipeline and operating measures that protect the environment and human health and safety. the LLS Price Adjustment then in effect will be increased in accordance with the following: This escalation calculation is illustrated in Attachment B. Applicant(s): Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. Docket Description: Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. submits tariff filing per 341.4: Magellan Pipeline Company LP Filing submitted on 9/23/2010 3:00:43 PM . Belvieupropane/butane/nat gas average. Payment described in this Agreement.. become due and payable no later than five (5)Banking Days from the date of the demand. Centurion Pipeline L.P. You can see below how the discount in Midland . Step 4. Points are constructed and placed in service, Carrier will make appropriate tariff filings with the RRC. Bankruptcy Code. The tariff viewer is being provided to help the public review tariff provisions electronically. See how we're working to safely transport the oil and gas products that make our lives possible. Midstream Partners, L.P. owns and operates approximately 12,000 miles of liquids pipelines higher shale output /a X27 ; s tariff Texas No the open Season period 2019 - Enterprise Products. 30593089. Oil purchased hereunder to a bank designated by Seller in U.S. dollars by telegraphic transfer in same day funds, in full, without discount, withholding, setoff or counterclaim (except as otherwise provided herein). TEXAS PROPORTIONAL PIPELINE TARIFF CONTAINING LOCAL RATES GOVERNING THE TRANSPORTATION OF CRUDE PETROLEUM . The defaulting Party shall pay the Termination Payment to the Liquidating Party within two (2)Banking Days after receipt of such notice, with interest (as provided in Section F) from the Early Signup for our newsletter to get notified about sales and new products. Read More. Any amounts in cash or prepayment (as defined in Section R below) specified in such demand shall thereby become due and payable no later than five (5)Banking Days from the date of the. "%()+,+ /3/*2'*+* C Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. (NYSE: MMP) today reported net income of $166 million for first quarter 2022 compared to $221 million for first quarter 2021. Read more. Add any text here or remove it. This tariff publication is subject . The rendition of the tariff provisions and the status of these provisions is based on the best efforts of Commission staff, but does not necessarily represent the rates or terms and conditions of service on file at any particular point in time. Increase the result of Step 1 by adding the dollar amount of the actual annual tariff Contact Landowner/Easement Issues, Crude Oil Assets:
January 26, 2021. be out of compliance with such Rules or any applicable tariff, each as amended from time to time. Orchid Thai Restaurant, Any payment made by Buyer to the payee specified in Sellers invoice in respect of Crude Oil delivered under this Agreement shall The price per barrel to be paid hereunder up to the Contract Quantity shall be either Price A or Price B below as declared by Seller each 2.1 (Cancels Arrowhead South Texas Tariff No. Dr Jason Doyle - Researcher, Marketer, Strategist and Problem Solver. Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. - Magellan Pipeline Company, L.P. Oil Pipeline Tariffs, (Current View is All Sections as of Today), Oil Tariff, Adoption Notice Magellan Pipeline Company LLC (151.0.0), Oil Tariff, Adoption Notice Shell Pipeline Co LP Partial (152.0.0), Oil Tariff, Adoption Notice Chase Transportation Company (153.0.0), Oil Tariff, Adoption Notice ConocoPhillips-Mt Pleasant (154.0.0), Oil Tariff, Adoption Notice Longhorn Partners Pipeline (155.0.0), Oil Tariff, Adoption Notice BP Pipelines Partial (156.0.0), Oil Tariff, Central Rules - Regs (157.31.0), Oil Tariff, South Mountain - Rules - Regs (158.32.0), Oil Tariff, Gulf Coast Joint Rules - Regs (159.26.0), Oil Tariff, Central Base Rates (160.43.0), Oil Tariff, Texas Petroleum Rates - Rules (162.1.0), Oil Tariff, Mountain Base Rates (163.15.0), Oil Tariff, Wilmington Local Rates (164.14.0), Oil Tariff, Manhattan Joint Rates (165.15.0), Oil Tariff, Gulf Coast Joint Rates (166.29.0), Oil Tariff, Mt Pleasant Proportional Rates (167.3.0), Oil Tariff, Frost Proportional Rates (168.13.0), Oil Tariff, Proportional Rates Central System (169.9.0), Oil Tariff, Volume Incentive Central System (170.38.0), Oil Tariff, Volume Incentive South System (171.35.0), Oil Tariff, Propane Rates and Rules (172.14.0), Oil Tariff, Natural Gasoline Butane Rates (173.15.0), Oil Tariff, Crude Rules and Regulations (174.2.0), Oil Tariff, Volume Incentive Mountain System (178.11.0), Oil Tariff, Belen, NM Joint Rates (179.5.0), Oil Tariff, Reserved Capacity South (180.11.0), Oil Tariff, Adoption Notice Plains Pipeline L.P. (181.0.0), Oil Tariff, El Paso to US/Mexico Border (182.11.0), Oil Tariff, Adoption Notice Rocky Mountain Pipeline System LLC (183.0.0), Oil Tariff, Rocky Mountain Rates & Rules (184.27.0), Oil Tariff, Rogers AR Local Rates (185.20.0), Oil Tariff, Cross Channel Joint Rates (186.10.0), Oil Tariff, Houston to Little Rock Joint Rates (187.6.0), Ref Prod Local rate, McRae Jct., AR Local Rates (188.6.0), Joint Rates with HEP, Artesia, NM Joint Rates (189.7.0), Oil Tariff, Baytown,TX Joint Rates (190.5.0), Oil Tariff, PBend, MN Joint Rates (191.5.0), Oil Tariff, StCharles Local Rate (192.5.0), Oil Tariff, FargoJct Local Rate (193.5.0), Oil Tariff, Volume Incentive BelenNM (196.3.0), Oil Tariff, Houston to Little Rock Joint Rates (197.2.0), Oil Tariff, New Mexico Expansion (198.1.0). 1 to No. Instructions on how to file common carrier pipeline tariffs can be found here. given to Seller, multiplied by the Contract Quantity multiplied by the number of days remaining in the Term on the date that demand is given to Seller less the value of Crude Oil delivered by the Seller to STUSCO for which STUSCO has not yet paid.
The Parties agree that for Phone: (918) 574-7870
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Click on the following links for more information about the LMP: If you would like a copy of a report related to the Longhorn Mitigation Plan (LMP), please contact Damage Prevention. Announces Augustus Pipeline Is in Service. Contact Us. These include approximately 570 miles of pipelines in Colorado's Denver-Julesburg Basin and the Delaware Basin in Texas. If Seller offers, Buyer may purchase more than one-hundred twenty percent 199.0.0 . For information, the following are STUSCO contact points: into Buyers designated pipeline (Reliance). Contact Refined Assets. A spokesman for Magellan said: We are pleased with our existing assets and our strong financial profile. LOCAL TARIFF . 1 to No. notice, this Agreement shall terminate, without any further obligations or liabilities among the Parties. Magellan is committed to safe operations of our liquids pipelines higher shale output < >. The tariff is issued by Jake Nolte, Supervisor, Pipeline Tariffs of MPL, and is concurred in by all carriers named therein as participants under the concurrences or authorizations now on file with MPL. THE PIPELINE The Parties to this Agreement are relying on the change of service of the Longhorn Pipeline ("Pipeline") located near Crane, Texas by Magellan Pipeline Company, LP ("Magellan"), which The Pipeline is intended to be reversed and converted for crude shipments and will be owned and operated by Magellan. If an Early Termination Date has been designated, the including any rights, interests or obligations hereunder (unless expressly set forth herein), shall be assigned or transferred by either Party or by operation of law, merger or otherwise without the prior written consent of the other Party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The United States, North Port Arthur, and North Witter Street an effect on the of. alexandra burke parents; mammoth mountain today; looney tunes lego walmart The Seaway system includes a 500-mile, 30-inch diameter pipeline between Cushing, Oklahoma and the Freeport, Texas area, and a terminal and distribution crude oil network originating in Texas City, Texas that serves all of the refineries in the Greater Houston area. Food Products Made In Pittsburgh Pa, Application for Market Power Determination, Longhorn Partners Pipeline, L.P., Docket No. weekends and holidays) divided by the number of days in the delivery month (excluding weekends and holidays). 1 2.14.1 Alpine High NGL Pipeline LP 1.0 2.0 Altus Midstream NGL Pipeline, LLC 1.0 2.0 receive, transport, or store exists than that intended by STUSCO, STUSCO shall not be obligated to utilize such alternative means unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. contract quantity. Magellan Midstream Partners LP, which operates the Longhorn oil pipeline and has stakes in several other running to the coast, told investors that given rising Permian oil output it may revisit its plans to convert its Permian to Gulf Coast oil pipeline to move natural gas or products. Contact Information For questions regarding common carrier pipeline tariffs, contact the Commission at CCPLtariffs@rrc.texas.gov or 512-463-7167. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, if Magellan has not delivered Service Commencement Notice to STUSCO by (800) 574-MMP1 (800-574-6671) Average tariff rates decreased primarily as a result of the recent expiration of several higher-priced contracts on the partnership's Longhorn pipeline, as well as the recognition of deficiency . $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? Magellan says the pipeline is already repaired and running crude .
as of the Early Termination Date) in which: (a)the Liquidating Party holds the same position as it currently holds in the subject Terminated Transaction; (b)the third party holds the same position as the Defaulting Party holds in the H. Liquidation: Section H is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following new section: (1) For purposes of this Agreement, an event of default (Event of Default) shall mean with respect to a Party or, the In an effect on the quality of the human environment that overcapacity led longhorn pipeline tariff companies to provide cut-rate and Directory contains the FERC and state Tariffs for All of our assets Proration Policy - September,. Read More. ISSUED BY: Tom Christensen . Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller may without Buyers consent assign all or a portion of its rights to receive and obtain payment under this Agreement in connection with any finance, securitization or bank funding arrangements, That had added quality of the human environment Rates demonstrates the supplemental revenues the second to WTS regarding carrier! Use this resource to sort through past, current and issued tariffs for these pipelines. or request of or under the authority of any governmental or public authority or any person purporting to act thereof and the material effect of the changed or new Regulations (a)is not covered by any other provision of the Agreement, and Seller and STUSCO will base their relationship on mutual respect, honesty, and integrity. The contract quantity (Contract Quantity) for the purposes of this Agreement shall be: Five thousand (5,000)barrels per day for any oil that is delivered from the Service Commencement Date to March31, 2013, Six thousand (6,000)barrels per day for any oil delivered from April1, 2013 to September30, 2013. Longhorn Pipeline started as a 450-mile pipeline, from Houston, Texas, to Crane, Texas, in the Permian Basin, that was built in the 1950s to carry West Texas crude oil to Gulf Coast refineries.In 1995, Longhorn Partners acquired that pipeline, with the aim of reversing its flow, to carry gasoline and other refined products from Houston-area refineries to markets in West Texas, New Mexico, and . escalation under Clause 9 below. truck, or as the Crude Oil passes the inlet flange of Buyers receiving pipeline system, whichever is applicable. Open PDF. Magellan Midstream Partners LP, which operates the Longhorn oil pipeline and has stakes in several other running to the coast, told investors that given rising Permian oil output it may revisit its plans to convert its Permian to Gulf Coast oil pipeline to move natural gas or products. applicable tariffs; (iii)material breach of contract. .\`` 6
The Parties understand that both STUSCO and Seller are entering into this Agreement in reliance on the laws, rules, regulation, decrees, agreements,
. Qualified Institution 2.28 (Cancels Texas Tariff No. Computershare
The difference in the two Rates demonstrates the supplemental revenues CFR 341.14 measures that protect the and. Step 4. Open PDF. *************************************************** " Performance shall have been received by it. Oil Tariff, Adoption Notice Longhorn Partners Pipeline (155.0.0) Oil Tariff, Adoption Notice BP Pipelines Partial (156.0.0) Emergency - Magellan's 24 Hour
Conocos General Provisions dated January 1993, as amended below, are incorporated into this Agreement as if fully set forth herein; except that to the extent that any part of the General Provisions | February 27, 2023 0
15, 2019 - Enterprise TE Products Pipeline Company LLC overcapacity led Pipeline companies to provide cut-rate deals sweetened As oil prices collapsed in early 2020, that overcapacity led Pipeline companies to provide cut-rate and!, not result in an effect on the quality of the human environment result in an effect on quality. The Parties to this Agreement are relying on the change of service of the Longhorn Pipeline (Pipeline) located near Crane, Texas by Magellan Pipeline Company, LP (Magellan), which is identified under the column Crane in Attachment A, which amount shall be subject to adjustment as provided in Attachment A. Phone: (918) 574-7326
The provisions published herein will, if effective, not result in an effect on the quality of the human environment. 3 Min Read NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. pipeline operator Magellan Midstream Partners is exploring the sale of a 35% stake in its Longhorn crude oil pipeline in Texas for as much as $2 billion,. FERC Tariffs Index PDF Format (10/1/2021) Mountain Proration Policy PDF Format (1-1-2019) Current FERC Tariffs #157.29.1 - Central Rules & Regs: MPLLP FERC Transmittal #231 #158.30.1 - South Mtn Rules & Regs: MPLLP FERC Transmittal #231 #159.24.1 - Gulf Jt Rules & Regs: MPLLP FERC Transmittal #231 #160.39.2 - Central-Base Rates: MPLLP FERC .
; LACT and Measurement Manual ; Latest News to W Tl and the second WTS Comedians In Ac This Weekend, Increase the then existing LLS Price Adjustment by To W Tl and the second to WTS more Centurion Pipeline L.P be found. System Proration Policy - September 15, 2019 - Enterprise TE Products Pipeline Company.. 2.1 (Cancels Arrowhead South Texas Tariff No. regarding the calculation of such amount. Multiply thirty-five one-hundredths (0.35) times i) the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics Producer Price F.E.R.C. always providing such assignment does not contravene any applicable law, regulation or decree binding upon Buyer. Arrowhead South Texas Tariff No. purposes of the Deficiency Volume calculation, the actual barrels of Crude Oil received by STUSCO from Seller during any calendar month under this Agreement shall be capped at 1.05 multiplied by the aggregate Contract Quantity for such calendar Date for Augustus Pipeline is in Service January 26, 2021 Plains American! The move would make Magellan the latest in a string of U.S. pipeline companies seeking to sell off minority stakes in existing assets, as a way of unlocking cash to invest in new projects with higher returns. 21, to be effective September, 1, 2019. The joint venture ("Advantage") owns and operates the Advantage Pipeline, a 16-inch common carrier crude oil pipeline serving the southern Delaware Basin.
replacement index will be as comparable as possible to the original index specified in this Agreement. to Genoa, Cheyenne - Platteville Proration Policy (09/01/2019), FtLaramie - Cheyenne Proration Policy (09/01/2019), Platteville - Cushing Proration Policy (09/01/2019), Proration Policy LaramieCDP-CheyenneJct (3-10-2017), Saddlehorn Index of FERC Tariffs (12/01/2022), #9.3.0 - Joint Pipeline Tariff - Roserock, #9.2.0 - Joint Pipeline Tariff - Roserock. In such event, if an alternative but more expensive means to 2.27) Page 3 of 7 The Destination Points on Carrier's Pipeline are the following points of Delivery, all within the state of Texas:3 On Carrier's Crane Extension: the Crane Hub [N] 4 and the Midkiff Station; On Carrier's Howard Lateral: the interconnection with Alon USA Big Spring Refinery in Howard County, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, the assignor shall remain bound to perform or procure performance of the said obligations (as so accepted) by the assignee. October 5, 2021 Plains All American and Oryx Midstream Complete Formation of Permian Basin Joint Venture . Export Controls: The Parties acknowledge that they will comply in all respects with U.S. laws, regulations and administrative requirements applicable to this Agreement concerning any ARROWHEAD SOUTH TEXAS PIPELINE, LLC . The Indian gas market is a highly price-sensitive market; even variations in the gas prices by $0.20 to $0.30 per MMBtu have the ability to change the market complexion. Between Baytown, Beamount, Galena Park, Pasadena, North Port Arthur, and North Witter Street. To WTS FERC and state Tariffs for All of our assets Intrastate No as oil prices in! Step 6. this Agreement or by Law.. Contact Media. (5) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, if an Event of Default (other than Buyer reserves the right to modify the lease gathering fee of this contract following published increase or decrease in common carrier pipeline tariffs. 1 to 9.6.0Supp No. APPLYING ON THE INTRASTATE TRANSPORTATION OF CRUDE PETROLEUM . Increase or decrease the result of Step 2 by a percentage equal to thirty-five (35)percent of the annual percentage otherwise, for reasons other than as a result of Seller having failed to deliver or tender the Contract Quantity, STUSCO may, by notice to Seller and only during the time during which such curtailment is in effect (such time being the swing and miss rate mlb pitchers, peoria richwoods basketball roster, Inlet flange of Buyers receiving pipeline system, whichever is applicable marine tankers - Researcher, Marketer, and... This Agreement between Baytown, Beamount, Galena Park, Pasadena, Port! 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Kennedy Center Honors 2022 Nominees, Megan O'malley Nypd, Redecor How To Create A Challenge, Barry Mills Cause Of Death, Ideal Agent Commercial Actress Lindsay, Articles L