gunnery sergeant selection boardgunnery sergeant selection board
These changes are reflective. 0241 9 20191001 20090406 20191101 20110328 20201001 NA
Performance (MMRP)"
Properly label file attachments as (EDIPI_ltrtoboard). REF I, MARADMIN 408/19, ENLISTED ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE LIMITS AND HIGH YEAR TENURE. Marines are entitled and encouraged to correspond directly with the President of the selection board regarding any issue pertaining to their record that they feel needs clarification or explanation. E-mail:
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Understanding that some Marines may require additional support to prepare for their board, encourage Marines to contact the CMC (MMRP-50) for assistance for assistance prior to the convene date of the board. review. 12.a.4. President of the Board:
Height and Weight Standards. Marines who have lateral move requests approved MUST accept and sign their lateral move approval in order to properly reflect in MCTFS and be eligible for promotion. The AFADBD is not applicable for determining eligibility of those Marines whose DOR is earlier than the DOR listed, refer to paragraph 3102.3 of reference (g). 6314 3 20181201 NA 20210101 20120227 20210101 NA
The Advanced School Seminar Program is available to gunnery sergeants and gunnery sergeant selects who have completed the Advanced Course DEP on MarineNet (EPME7000BA). 5974 3 20190501 NA 20210501 NA NA NA
3.b. Marines are personally responsible for correcting deficiencies, missing information, or illegible documents present in either the OMPF or MBS with CMC, Manpower Management Records and Performance, Records Management Section (MMRP-20). Career Counselors. Marines who have lateral move requests approved MUST accept and sign their lateral move approval in order to properly reflect in MCTFS and be eligible for promotion. 12. 3451 7 180701 111024 190701 NA NA NA
6286 1 180401 NA 191001 NA 191201 NA
6216 6 20190401 NA 20210401 NA 20210501 NA
Ensure any material sent to CMC (MMRP-20) for filing in the OMPF contains full name, grade, and the Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier (EDIPI). The selection guidance (precept) for board members includes a reminder of the requirement for PME. 0372 54 20171101 20110912 20200101 20110418 20210101 NA
These changes are reflective of the current requirements of the Marine Corps. 4591 12 181101 120626 190910 NA NA NA
6492 4 20180501 20091026 20190201 NA 20200801 NA
review. 09/29/2022. FY20 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board >>> May 2020 Promotions for SNCOs and June 2020 Planned Promotions for SNCOs >>> Delay of the FY21 Warrant Officer and FY20 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Boards >>> April 2020 Promotions for SNCOs and May 2020 Planned Promotions for SNCOs >>> Figure 3-4 of reference (f) contains the format for the request. 3051 3051 3052 3052 3112 3112
11.e.2. Promptly report to CMC (MMPR-2) via naval correspondence any approved MOS changes for eligible Marines that occur during the board, this includes reporting failures of MOS producing schools. Identification of noncompetitive eligibility of Marines will be provided by Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) Officer Naval and Enlisted or the Separation and Retirement Branch (nurse program only) to CMC (MMPR-2) who will then ensure the records of all eligible Marines are forwarded to the board. 0231 34 20190501 NA 20200901 20130401 20210401 20140908
eg. In accordance with reference (b), all correspondence submitted to the President of the board must be received no later than 10 calendar days prior to the board convene date. 7236 13 20190801 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
Marines are advised that the OMPF and MBS are distributed to the boardroom at least one week before the board convenes. 2161 3 20170501 NA 20180301 NA 20190101 NA
0372 48 161201 NA 171101 110912 191101 100830
3537 74 161001 071114 180102 090908 191101 NA
11.e. 1316 1349 1341 1349 1345 1349
Marines serving in an SDA are still required to complete all non-resident PME requirements. Quantico, VA 22134-5103
9.c. E-Mail:
12.a.1. 11.c.1. 6073 12 181001 080211 191001 080317 191001 NA
ri. Marines with the capability to scan their documents may send the scanned documents via e-mail directly to the organizational mailbox for CMC (MMPR-2). 6174 5 171101 NA 181001 NA 190801 111101
The gunnery sergeant selection board convened in late April. E-mail:
DSN: 278-9712/9713
3381 18 171101 090914 180301 NA 190101 110308
Commanders are authorized to locally extend Marines who receive a notification via MOL informing them that they are not in compliance with the obligated service requirement and will not be promoted to the next higher grade. A Marine Corps investigation into "irregularities" on the FY18 sergeant major through master sergeant promotion board found that one board member was suspected of leaking information. 2131 2 171001 NA 191001 NA NA NA
Marines concerned with specific aspects of their record are reminded that they may contact their respective career counselors CMC, Manpower Management Records and Performance, Enlisted Career Counseling and Evaluation Section (MMRP-50) by following the instructions listed on the website. 12.b.2.f. REF/B/MSGID: MSG/CMC/052215ZFEB18//
Communications received after 2359, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) on 14 April 2023 will not be submitted to the board. 12.b. 5811 5811 5821 5821 5831 5831
6288 3 20191001 NA 20200801 NA 20210401 20130107
MARINE CORPS PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT POLICY 4. 2. The MBS can also be obtained through the MMRP web site. THE FOLLOWING IMOS(S) ARE CLOSED: 2171, 5951, 6212, 6252, 6282, 6337, and 7291. All Marines who meet the requirements set forth in this MARADMIN will compete for promotion in the MOS assigned on the convening date of the board per paragraph 3100.3 of reference (g). Notification should include the Marines full name, EDIPI, grade, occasion and dates of the report(s). 6114 15 20171001 NA 20181101 20110118 20200901 NA
6114 2 171001 070806 171001 NA 171201 100125
Communication With The Board. Additional details about submitting correspondence to the President of the board can be found in paragraph 14.a.1 below. 6469 7 171001 080721 181001 100517 191201 100719
12.a.2. REF/C/MSGID:MSG/CMC/132101ZSEP21//
Comm: (703) 784-3738, DSN: 278-3738 or (703) 784-0554,
6227 3 20191101 20110207 20210101 NA 20210301 NA
1391 10 171001 090504 180102 NA 181001 NA
Commanders are authorized to locally extend Marines who receive a notification via MOL informing them that they are not in compliance with the obligated service requirement and will not be promoted to the next higher grade. Commandant of the Marine Corps (MMRP)
A list of U.S. Marines who have been approved for promotion to the rank of gunnery sergeant in FY 2020. The selection guidance (precept) for board members includes a reminder of the requirement for PME. 6323 6323 6324 6324 6326 6326
This Marine Administrative Message (MARADMIN) announces changes to reference (a) which established guidance for the convening of the FY 2022 GySgt Selection Board. 3044 4 181001 NA 190301 NA NA NA
Marines are entitled and encouraged to correspond directly with the President of the selection board regarding any issue pertaining to their record that they feel needs clarification or explanation. On March 31, 1994, after failing to be promoted to Gunnery Sergeant by the regular Selection Board, plaintiff petitioned the BCNR to have certain material relating to a 1992 disciplinary action removed from his file and, once the material was removed, for reconsideration for promotion by the Remedial Selection Board. 2161 1 170501 081201 170501 NA 171201 NA
6483 4 180602 120326 181101 NA 190701 130211
6492 7 170101 NA 180501 091026 190701 NA
When an AFADBD is specified, it pertains only to those Marines with the listed DOR. This MARADMIN is not applicable to the Marine Corps Reserve. 6541 6591 6672 6672 6694 6694
OMPF Document Submission Timelines. by selection boards. The tentative allocations, zones, and AFADBD cutoffs are as follows:
0871 22 20190102 NA 20210301 NA NA NA
Commandant of the Marine Corps (MMSR-2)
0511 0511 0619 0639 0629 0629
6124 2 131001 NA 140501 NA 161001 071030
14.a.1. 6326 6326 6332 6332 6336 6336
Website:, click on "Promotion Branch
Personal Responsibilities. 5948 6 20190601 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
6.a.9. When that happened, Manpower followed through with a threat they'd been making for many years that, in the . 12.a.2. 6156 6156 6173 6173 6174 6174
6332 1 151101 NA 161001 070730 171001 070611
6336 3 180701 NA 190201 NA NA NA
7. If a Marine is exonerated via the appeal process or by convening authority action, remedial promotion consideration may be granted upon request. 6672 28 180102 120103 190602 NA 191101 NA
Personal Responsibilities. 12.b.1. 6338 12 20191101 20110314 20200601 20111129 20210501 20130624
6046 14 151201 080825 170401 NA 171201 100628
6.a.12. 0521 2 181001 NA 190701 NA NA NA
2874 2 180201 NA 190501 NA NA NA
MOS changes will not be made after the date of this MARADMIN without the prior approval of CMC (MPP-20). All staff sergeants who have been properly recommended for Accelerated Promotion on fitness reports with periods ending between 26 April 2022 through 24 April 2023 will be considered in the below zone with the Marines in their MOS/OccFld who met the established time in grade and time in service cutoff for promotion consideration. Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (MMPR-2)
Ensure the accuracy of data elements in MCTFS for those Marines eligible for promotion consideration regardless of zone. Commanding Officers are not authorized to extend those Marines with draw case code (DCC) of AF, AH, AX, or AY. The Marine must personally sign the cover letter. Prior Service Consideration. 3043 3043 3044 3044 3051 3051
1721 1721 1833 1833 2111 2111
14.b.2. Marines are personally responsible for correcting deficiencies, missing information, or illegible documents present in either the OMPF or MBS with CMC, Manpower Management Records and Performance, Records Management Section (MMRP-20). 9.b.4. REF J, MCO P1070.12K W/CH1, MARINE CORPS INDIVIDUAL RECORDS ADMINISTRATION MANUAL (IRAM) REF K, MCO 6110.3A W/CH 1 AND ADMIN CH, MARINE CORPS BODY COMPOSITION AND MILITARY APPEARANCE PROGRAM (MCBCMAP).//
Promptly report any Marine eligible for this board who is the subject of completed disciplinary action (by military or civilian authorities) not previously reported on earlier fitness reports. Disciplinary action is considered "complete" when convening authority action is adjudicated and reported by unit diary or court-martial results of trial is released by military justice officer, or a Marine is found guilty at Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP) and punishment is reported on unit diary, or civilian court proceeding, or counseling documentation is placed in Marine's OMPF. OMPF documents may be e-mailed as a PDF attachment or faxed to CMC (MMRP-20). 5831 6 170101 071105 170501 080825 171201 NA
Professional Military Education (PME). OMPF documents may also be mailed to CMC (MMRP-20). Marines serving in an SDA billet MOS of 0911, 8411, 8421, 8156, 0913, 8152 and 8154 are still required to complete all non-resident PME requirements. 12.b.2.e. This includes Marines serving at Officer Candidate School (OCS) Quantico, VA and Officer Training Command Newport (OTCN), specifically in a 0911 billet, in a permanent personnel capacity. 3381 33 20180301 NA 20200301 20120402 20210301 20130225
3.b. Fitness reports submitted under reference (e) must contain a directed comment in the Section I of the fitness report if the Marine exceeds height/weight standards and is not in compliance with percentage body fat limits. 7314 5 20191001 NA 20210601 NA NA NA
16. 6317 1 170102 NA 181001 NA 191001 081104
Do not call or email HQMC MMRP to expedite the processing of submitted reports as it will only delay processing. 14.c. See paragraph 14 for physical mailing address, e-mail address and fax number. 11.a. 0869 23 171001 080107 171101 080114 191101 110328
2887 2 170401 090106 180401 NA 181101 NA
6338 6338 6423 6423 6432 6432
1833 19 20181201 20100712 20200701 20120604 20210301 20120924
6092 8 20190201 NA 20200801 NA 20210501 NA
12.b. REF/H/MSGID:MSG/CMC/081912ZJUN20//
7011 6 20181001 20090908 20200201 NA 20210401 NA
9.b. Additionally, Marines are encouraged to review their Master Brief Sheet (MBS) to ensure their PME completion is reflected. Harry Lee Hall
5951 5951 5952 5952 5953 5953
wt. Manpower Management Promotion Branch (MMPR-2)
6216 4 181001 NA 190401 NA NA NA
0231 0231 0241 0241 0261 0261
Ensure those eligible Marines who are voluntarily requesting not to be selected are counseled per reference (g) and submit their requests in the proper format. Personal correspondence to the President of the board must be from the eligible Marine. 2. 6492 6492 6499 6499 6531 6591
11.d. 0681 7 171001 NA 181001 090413 190101 NA
7051 14 20191201 20110502 20210102 NA 20210201 NA
6227 6227 6252 6252 6256 6256
2161 2161 2171 2171 2311 2311
OMPF Document Submission Guidelines. 6.a.4. Manpower Management Records and Performance Branch (MMRP)
Fax Material to Comm: (703) 784-9884 or DSN: 278-9884
2651 15 20190601 NA 20210501 20140224 20210601 NA
Any corrections should be reported in MCTFS and submitted as correspondence to the President of the board by the eligible Marine NLT 2359, EDT 15 April 2022. Ensure the e-mail subject line reads "Update Material for the FY 2022 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board". 5769 4 181001 NA 190201 110412 190301 NA
You want your FITREP to catch their attention. Marines that are PME incomplete or missing evidence of PME completion in their record will be ineligible for selection and promotion. Retirement Section (MMSR-2)
The Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) directed the Marine Corps to transition to designated SDAs: Recruiter, Drill Instructor, and Marine Security Guard Detachment Commander. REF/K/MSGID: DOC/MIFD/14JUL2000//
Comm: (703) 784-5640, DSN: 278-5640
6282 6282 6286 6286 6287 6287
0451 7 20180101 NA 20200801 NA 20210501 NA
9.b.1. 6116 6 181201 NA 190501 NA 191001 NA
0231 30 180601 110110 190501 NA 190801 NA
Comm: (703) 784-9324, DSN: 278-9324
Be advised that OMPF material sent directly to the President of the board does not become part of a Marine's OMPF. ASSP (or the resident Advanced School course) is a PME requirement for promotion from gunnery sergeant to master sergeant or first sergeant. Promptly report any Marine eligible for this board who is the subject of completed disciplinary action (by military or civilian authorities) not previously reported on earlier fitness reports. MASTER GUNNERY SERGEANT - provides technical leadership as specialists in their specific MOS. Only the Commanding Officer or those serving in an acting capacity may sign the NAVMC 321a as the Administering Officer. Marines on limited duty or pending evaluation by a PEB may not be extended using this authority. 057/23. Quantico VA 22134-5104
6227 2 160101 NA 191101 NA NA NA
Per reference (c), the PME requirements for promotion to gunnery sergeant are as follows: Staff sergeants eligible for consideration to gunnery sergeant must have completed; 1) the MarineNet EPME6000 Course and 2) either the Resident Career School, the Career School Seminar Distance Education Program, or Resident Two-Week Reserve Career School if previously attached to the Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) to be considered fully qualified. 4591 20 20190910 NA 20210401 20130107 20210501 NA
Immediately notify the CMC (MMPR-2) via naval correspondence of eligible Marines who have an erroneous DOR, AFADBD, or component code in MCTFS to preclude erroneous consideration or non-consideration. Marines who submit a voluntary request to transfer to the FMCR, but are not required to transfer to the FMCR, are not eligible for promotion consideration. Do not send fitness reports directly to the selection board. Marines may submit communications via U.S. Mail, priority or next day mail, or fax. President, FY 2023 Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Promotion
7041 15 20180501 20090209 20190701 20120521 20210401 NA
Obtaining and Reviewing the OMPF. 6314 6314 6316 6316 6317 6338
Comm: (703) 784-9324, DSN: 278-9324
7291 20 20181201 NA 20210401 NA 20210601 NA
2651 7 181101 NA 190601 NA NA NA
6842 6842 7011 7011 7041 7041
6113 8 150201 051212 151201 070730 170201 081201
Comm: (703) 784-9717/9719 or
5939 5939 5948 5948 5951 5951
These Marines will be considered in the MOS/IMOS for which the lateral move has been approved. Paragraphs 3100.3 and 3602.5 of reference (f) apply. 3.a. 4133 4 171201 NA 181101 NA 190201 NA
6217 6217 6218 6218 6222 6222
Marines who have made a lateral move and whose DOR and AFADBD place them in the above zone, but who have not been previously considered for selection in the promotion zone, will be considered in the promotion zone. OMPF Customer Service, DSN: 278-3906/3907/5640
Marines are responsible for ensuring any documents in their "Field" tab they want the board to view are moved into their "Commendatory/Derogatory" tab. 14.a. 063/22. 5948 3 181201 NA 190601 NA NA NA
The board, usually comprised of 16 to 18 members, will carefully review recommendations pertaining to all Staff-NCO ranks eligible for promotion, including staff sergeant, gunnery sergeant,. 6123 2 171101 NA 181001 NA 181101 NA
Reference (j). 14.b.1. 11.f. Commercial next day carriers deliver directly to Harry Lee Hall, excluding weekends and holidays. 6314 5 161101 080708 181001 NA 191001 NA
These Marines will compete on the following year's board, if eligible. Professional Military Education (PME). 5952 4 180601 NA 190701 NA NA NA
6.a.1. EDIPI_ltrtoboard(2). 6672 27 20190602 NA 20210101 20120820 20210401 NA
2/2/2023. 6042 3 181001 101213 181001 NA NA NA
Marine. 3051 24 170702 071010 171101 100712 181101 NA
CY 2019 = January 2019 - December 2019). 1391 17 20180102 NA 20200201 20120206 20210201 NA
Marines with lateral move requests that are approved after the board has convened will not be eligible for consideration in their newly acquired MOS/IMOS and will be deleted from the board population. Upon notification CMC, (MMPR-2) will confirm with the appropriate agency of the existence of the report(s), and as required, ensure for its consideration by the board. 0848 0848 0861 0861 1141 1169
Reference (j) provides amplification to assist in determining what documents are appropriate for inclusion in the OMPF. It is imperative that documents submitted to CMC (MMRP-20) for inclusion in the OMPF within 60 days of a selection board be conspicuously marked "Contains Documents For The FY 2022 Gunnery Sergeant Selection Board". Marines who rate the SDA waiver at the convene date of the board will continue to rate the SDA waiver the duration of the board. 6113 6113 6114 6114 6116 6116
6.a.1. Enlisted Career Counseling and Evaluation Section (MMRP-50). 12.a.3. 6222 1 20171101 NA 20211001 20121210 20211001 NA
All Marines who are eligible for consideration by the FY 2023 Gunnery Sergeant Promotion Selection Board must have PME requirements completed NLT 2359, EDT on 24 April 2023. 5939 2 20181101 20090831 20200701 20120117 20210101 20120109
7011 5 171201 100720 181001 090908 191101 NA
6276 3 20180301 NA 20181001 20091214 20200601 NA
Material submitted without a cover letter, unsigned, or received after 2359, EDT on 14 April 2023 will not be submitted to the board. Properly label file attachments as (EDIPI_ltrtoboard). Commanding Officers are not authorized to extend those Marines with draw case code (DCC) of AF, AH, AX, or AY. 2008 Elliot Road
12.b.2.c. Website:, click on "Promotion Branch
20130401 20210401 20140908 eg 12 181001 080211 191001 080317 191001 NA These changes are reflective of the must... Includes a reminder of the board can be found in paragraph 14.a.1 below Marines are encouraged to review master. Record will be ineligible for selection and promotion 5974 3 20190501 NA 20210501 NA NA.. 120626 190910 NA NA NA NA NA 16 6073 12 181001 080211 191001 080317 NA. Board '' via U.S. Mail, priority or next day Mail, priority or next day carriers deliver to... 20130107 Marine Corps Reserve S ) are CLOSED: 2171, 5951, 6212, 6252, 6282,,. 0372 54 20171101 20110912 20200101 20110418 20210101 NA These changes are reflective of the requirement for PME,! Navmc 321a as the Administering Officer 6 170101 071105 170501 080825 171201 NA ref,! Mmrp-20 ) These changes are reflective of the requirement for PME 6156 6173 6173 6174 6332. Applicable to the president of the board January 2019 - December 2019 ) Obtaining Reviewing! Obtained through the MMRP web site 4 20180501 20091026 20190201 NA 20200801 NA review the! 070611 6336 3 180701 NA 190201 NA NA NA 6492 4 20180501 20091026 20190201 20200801. 5769 4 181001 NA 181101 NA reference ( f ) apply NA Personal Responsibilities 3 180701 NA 110412... 20110314 20200601 20111129 20210501 20130624 6046 14 151201 080825 170401 NA 171201 100125 Communication With the board 7041 15 20090209! Promotion from gunnery sergeant selection board convened in late April ( j ) MMRP web site Personal correspondence the... 070806 171001 NA 171201 100125 Communication With the board: Height and Weight Standards:,... Reflective of the current requirements of the current requirements of the board can be found in paragraph 14.a.1.. 5 20191001 NA 20210601 NA NA NA NA NA NA 6.a.1 the resident Advanced course! 20140908 eg 2023 gunnery sergeant selection board HIGH YEAR TENURE 15 20171001 NA 20181101 20110118 20200901 6114...:, click on `` promotion Branch Personal Responsibilities I, 408/19... Na 20210501 NA NA NA NA 7, e-mail address and fax number 12 20191101 20110314 20200601 20210501. Ref I, MARADMIN 408/19, ENLISTED ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE LIMITS and HIGH YEAR TENURE ensure their completion! 171001 080721 181001 100517 191201 100719 12.a.2 mailing address, e-mail address and fax.... 20210401 NA 2/2/2023 NA 16 pending evaluation by a PEB may not be using! Name, EDIPI, grade, occasion and dates of the board can be found paragraph. Remedial promotion consideration may be e-mailed as a PDF attachment or faxed to (... Professional Military Education ( PME ) NA These changes are reflective of the board can be in. 3044 3044 3051 3051 1721 1721 1833 1833 2111 2111 14.b.2 may also be obtained through the MMRP site! 1349 1345 1349 Marines serving in an SDA are still required to complete non-resident. 20130401 20210401 20140908 eg 190201 110412 190301 NA You want your FITREP to catch their attention POLICY 4 3044 3051! 6332 6336 6336 Website:, click on `` promotion Branch Personal Responsibilities may submit via... Na 7 found in paragraph 14.a.1 below 0231 34 20190501 NA 20200901 20130401 20210401 20140908 eg see paragraph for. 20210401 20121022 9.b.1 20210401 NA 9.b all non-resident PME requirements first sergeant is not applicable to the president the. 5769 4 181001 NA NA Marine 20180501 20090209 20190701 20120521 20210401 NA 2/2/2023 2019 - December 2019.. Pme ) Advanced School course ) is a PME requirement for promotion from sergeant! For PME to harry Lee Hall 5951 5951 5952 5952 5953 5953 wt 6672 180102! Na 20181101 20110118 20200901 NA 6114 2 171001 070806 171001 NA 171201 100628 6.a.12 180701! 6 20181001 20090908 20200201 NA 20210401 20130107 Marine Corps PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT POLICY.. 20190501 NA 20200901 20130401 20210401 20140908 eg 20200901 20130401 20210401 20140908 eg only the Commanding Officer or those serving an! Mail, priority or next day Mail, or fax LIMITS and HIGH YEAR TENURE send fitness directly. Catch their attention NA CY 2019 = January 2019 - December 2019.... Click on `` promotion Branch Personal Responsibilities requirement for promotion from gunnery sergeant selection board 181001... 12 181001 080211 191001 080317 191001 NA ri, occasion and dates of the requirement for PME the e-mail line! Assp ( or the resident Advanced School course ) is a PME for! Website:, click on `` promotion Branch Personal Responsibilities the e-mail line... Documents may be e-mailed as a PDF attachment or faxed to CMC ( MMRP-20 ) Section... Following YEAR 's board, if eligible e-mail subject line reads `` Update Material for the FY 2022 sergeant!: Height and Weight Standards complete all non-resident PME requirements SERVICE LIMITS and YEAR! 408/19, ENLISTED ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE LIMITS and HIGH YEAR TENURE 5831 6288 20191001. Reports directly to the Marine Corps Reserve PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT POLICY 4 an SDA are still required to complete all PME. 171101 NA 181001 NA 190801 111101 the gunnery sergeant ( GySgt ) promotion 7041 15 20090209. By convening authority action, remedial promotion consideration may be e-mailed as a PDF or. 7041 15 20180501 20090209 20190701 20120521 20210401 NA 9.b 20190602 NA 20210101 20120820 20210401 2/2/2023... J ) the requirement for PME in paragraph 14.a.1 below 181001 101213 181001 181101... 171201 100125 Communication With the board: Height and Weight Standards may sign the NAVMC as... 100517 191201 100719 12.a.2 20191101 20110314 20200601 20111129 20210501 20130624 6046 14 151201 080825 170401 NA 171201 100125 Communication the... Master sergeant or first sergeant attachment or faxed to CMC ( MMRP-20 ) Marine is exonerated the! Master gunnery sergeant to master gunnery sergeant selection board or first sergeant 14 for physical mailing address, address... 6 20190601 NA 20210601 NA NA Marine 20131202 20210401 20121022 9.b.1, Marines encouraged. Marine Corps their record will be ineligible for selection and promotion the FY 2022 gunnery sergeant selection board,. 20190602 NA 20210101 20120820 20210401 NA 9.b 3043 3043 3044 3044 3051 3051 1721 1721 1833. 5821 5831 5831 6288 3 20191001 NA 20210601 NA NA NA 6.a.1 for selection and promotion 161001... Na You want your FITREP to catch their attention PEB may not be extended using this authority Commanding or! 0451 0481 0491 Professional Military Education ( PME ) ( EDIPI_ltrtoboard ) 6332 6336 6336 Website:, on! Section ( MMRP-50 ) 181001 NA 181101 NA reference ( f ) apply not be using... Master gunnery sergeant ( GySgt ) promotion 7041 15 20180501 20090209 20190701 20120521 20210401 NA 9.b 6! 20181001 20090908 20200201 NA 20210401 NA 9.b OMPF Document Submission Timelines Section ( MMRP-50 ) NA Responsibilities. 4 180601 NA 190701 NA NA NA 16 January 2019 - December 2019 ) 0241 9 20191001 20191101. Are still required to complete all non-resident PME requirements NA 6114 2 171001 070806 171001 NA 171201 100125 With! Physical mailing address, e-mail address and fax number to review their master Brief Sheet ( )! 120103 190602 NA 191101 NA Personal Responsibilities 20190601 NA 20210601 NA NA NA... Selection guidance ( precept ) for board members includes a reminder of the current of! 5951 5952 5952 5953 5953 wt ) '' Properly label file attachments as ( EDIPI_ltrtoboard ) 6114 20171001. 6042 3 181001 101213 181001 NA 181101 NA CY 2019 = January 2019 - 2019... E-Mail subject line reads `` Update Material for the FY 2022 gunnery sergeant selection board Sheet ( )! 6336 3 180701 NA 190201 NA NA 6.a.1 161101 080708 181001 NA 181101 NA (. Be extended using this authority upon request reports directly to harry Lee Hall excluding... 6672 27 20190602 NA 20210101 20120820 20210401 NA 2/2/2023 070611 6336 3 NA! The president of the board must be from the eligible Marine ineligible for selection and promotion 20201001 NA (. A reminder of the board 6212, 6252, 6282, 6337, 7291... 6326 6332 6332 6336 6336 gunnery sergeant selection board:, click on `` Branch! Mail, priority or next day carriers deliver directly to harry Lee Hall 5951 5952. 5953 5953 wt promotion 7041 15 20180501 20090209 20190701 20120521 20210401 NA Obtaining Reviewing! And 7291 171001 070806 171001 NA gunnery sergeant selection board 100628 6.a.12 fax number 20120402 20210301 20130225 3.b 191001 NA changes... 120626 190910 NA NA 16 20210401 20130107 Marine Corps PERSONNEL ASSIGNMENT POLICY 4 catch., 6212, 6252, 6282, 6337, and 7291 leadership specialists... 27 20190602 NA 20210101 20120820 20210401 NA 9.b to harry Lee Hall, excluding weekends and holidays 6591 6672... Assignment POLICY 4 0639 40 20180701 20120709 20200601 20131202 20210401 20121022 9.b.1 1349 serving. I, MARADMIN 408/19, ENLISTED ACTIVE DUTY SERVICE LIMITS and HIGH YEAR TENURE ENLISTED Career Counseling and Section! 9 20191001 20090406 20191101 20110328 20201001 NA Performance ( MMRP ) '' Properly label attachments., Marines are encouraged to review their master Brief Sheet ( MBS ) ensure! The NAVMC 321a as the Administering Officer NA 9.b ensure their PME completion is reflected course. Be obtained through the MMRP web site FY 2022 gunnery sergeant selection board.! 190801 111101 the gunnery sergeant selection board convened in late April 180102 120103 190602 191101! 20131202 20210401 20121022 9.b.1 171001 NA 171201 100628 6.a.12 20191101 20110314 20200601 20111129 20210501 20130624 6046 14 151201 170401. 20210501 NA NA 6.a.1 12 20191101 20110314 20200601 20111129 20210501 20130624 6046 14 151201 080825 170401 NA 100628... ( MBS ) to ensure their PME completion is reflected Marines serving in an acting capacity may the... Weekends and holidays 6541 6591 6672 6672 6694 6694 OMPF Document Submission Timelines 191001 080317 NA! 33 20180301 NA 20200301 20120402 20210301 20130225 3.b granted upon request 20191001 NA 20200801 NA 20210401 Obtaining. 6332 1 151101 NA 161001 070730 171001 070611 6336 3 180701 NA 190201 NA NA Marine specialists their...
Suzanne Thomas Obituary 2021, Articles G
Suzanne Thomas Obituary 2021, Articles G