greene county fair entrygreene county fair entry
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To fill out an application and schedule a test, go to, select Law Enforcement and sign up for the Greene County Sheriff's Office under the State of Ohio. The ages of cattle will be computed as
livestock.The President of the Fair shall have supervision and control of
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Dinner or Gala Holiday Party or Social Gathering Shopping 2018 Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency. 2022 GCF_Junior Miss & Miss Greene County _ Rules (docx) Download. Your official source for the Greene County Fair on August 7-13, 2022 at the Greene County Fairground GREENE COUNTY, Tenn. (WJHL) Organizers have announced the dates for the 2021 Greene County Fair. registration certificate of each animal shall be submitted to the Superintendent
breeding purposes. Livestock Entry Blank GREENE COUNTY FAIR. Entry Forms must be postmarked by June 30th. If you are passionate about the technology industry and want to work for a company that aligns with your interests, we might be the place for you! This site designed and maintained by CFAES Marketing and Communications. OUTSIDE SPACE RENTAL Call (217) 942-3094, GATE ADMISSIONS 0
All livestock (except poultry and equine) which enter
Price at the gate includes admission to exhibits, all musical shows, most arena events and all rides (extra charges may apply for some special events). All entries are due to be completed by Wednesday, July 1. afterwards. Mike Snyder, The Greene County Agricultural Fair, Inc. will not be responsible to any person (individual,corporation or association) for any loss by fire, theft, damage or by personalinjury through the negligence of any person(s), exhibit(s), or exhibition(s). Come and enjoy A True American Tradition! departments shall give the reasons, if desired for their decisions, embracing
# All information spaces must be filled out correctly with current information. ANIMAL HEALTH, SUMMARY: LIVESTOCK HEALTH REQUIREMENTS FOR FAIRS AND
exhibition and dairy goats that move within the state, including for change of
Folks can enjoy various shows and entertainment in addition to food and rides for the entire family. exhibitor and animals must be kept in place assigned.Livestock for display
test within thirty (30) days of entry; or
Test eligible cattle Intact male or female
This form due on or before 4:30 pm, June 15, 2022 at the Greene County Extension Ofce. 132 0 obj
Entry period is May 1 to June 15, 2022. Federal Regulations, Part 79.1 through 79.4. The fair was canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The posting ofadvertising on any building or post will NOT BE PERMITTED, unless AdvertisingSpace has been rented. -
exhibitions. located on the
which enter fairs and exhibitions shall be accompanied by an official veterinary
Once all entries are complete you will receive a confirmation email for your records. We are proud to welcome for the 2022 Fair Season! with reasonable allowance for age; due regard will also be paid to carriage,
PK ! Dairy Heifers & Cows Arrive 8:15 a.m. Swine Exhibitor Meeting, Weigh-In Following 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Alpaca & Lama Arrive 9:00 a.m. Open Class Livestock Entries Close 4-H/ FFA Members: $10 and Age 9 & Under $10. Tues., May 31st thru Thurs., June 2nd.$4.00 Here is a video link on how to use the Fair Entry if that is easier for you to follow. Please visit our website for complete directions, REMINDER: IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL YOUTH EXHIBITORS. shows, fairs, expositions or slaughter shall be permanently, individually
Saturday, June 4th..$5.00 (DO NOT SEND CASH) Please circle the name your child goes by. Promote the sheep industry, woolen products and Good American Lamb with the Lead Line Contest. the value and desirable qualities of the animals or articles to which the
Entries close July
In groups encouragement will be given to uniformity of breed
2022 edition of Greene County Fair will be held at Greene County Fair, Inc., Greeneville starting on 25th July. Adult Season Ticket ..$15.00 Box 19281 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9281 Phone (217)782-4944, Bull Riding, Barrel Racing & Mutton Bustin. All instructions shall come from him or through authorized
VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL YOUTH EXHIBITORS. EXHIBITSThe Fair will not be responsible for any injury or damage to
Application for registration or transfer will
July 25-30: Greene County Fair in Greeneville July 28-31: Trousdale County Fair in Hartsville See more: 10 Places to Visit in Tennessee in Summer Advertisement August 2022 County Fairs Aug. 1-6: Macon County Fair in Lafayette Aug. 3-6: Bledsoe County Fair in Pikeville Aug. 4-6: Trousdale County Fair in Hartsville Daryl Schnelten Inspection starts on Friday, August 12 at 3pm. Over 20 classes for Kids, Quads, Dirt Bikes, Modified, Open, and SXS. endstream
livestock market for sale to a slaughter establishment shall only be required to
Tickets are on sale for the fairs Demolition Derby with reserved seating on Friday or Saturday night. Wednesday, June 1st, HARNESS RACES ..$2.00 shall notify the Tennessee Department of Agriculture at least thirty (30) days
certificate with individual permanent, official identification.C. imported into Tennessee for immediate slaughter to an approved slaughter
positions of all signs, to control the distribution of advertising matter and
Greene County Fair in Xenia, Ohio 2023 Fair dates: July 30 - August 5, 2023 THE FAIR Learn More THE FAIR Join us Next Year at the Fair July 30 - August 5, 2023 Read more DIRECTIONS Greene County Fairgrounds and Event Center is conveniently located in Xenia, Ohio. the junior department and the stall space will be provided free. ownership, shows, fairs, expositions or slaughter shall be permanently,
We also have the judges for each project. description to identify each animal.B. Feedback, questions or accessibility issues: YQCA Youth for the Quality Care of Animals, Green County Annual Drinking Water Testing, Green County COVID-19 Community Conversations, COMET Changing our Mental & Emotional Trajectory, 2023 The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, Non-Discrimination Policy & How to File a Complaint. Feed, care and
health certificate and be in compliance with 0080-2-1-.02, and Title 9, Code of
As Illinois 4-H staff plan for the 2022 show and event season, our top priority will continue to be the safety of all involved, combined with a commitment to creating . HORSES & OTHER EQUIDAE: Horses and other Equidae six (6)
133 0 obj
<. Whatever your identity we will give your application fair consideration. May 15: Livestock ID due for Beef, Sheep, Goat, Swine, Horse, and Dog May 15: YQCA Certification due for Beef, Sheep, Goat, Swine, Rabbit, and Poultry Exhibitors (Clover kids do not need to do this) June 15: Stalling Form due for all animal species (Both Clover Kid and 4-H'ers)
It shall be the responsibility of the manager of each event to
The conference provides those affected by the criminal justice system with opportunities, resources and assistance in a variety of areas. Check out who is attending exhibiting speaking schedule & agenda reviews timing entry ticket fees. Tim Thaxton (3) All
Saturday, June 4th, DEMO DERBY.$10.00. By entering, the exhibitor agrees to abide by each rule printed in thiscatalog or obtained from the fair. If you would like to see a category added for 2021, please talk to one of the ladies in the department during the . cattle.I. chapter to the State Veterinarian or his agent upon request.These rules
The Greene County Sheriff's Office offers full testing services for the position of Deputy Sheriff's through National Testing Network, Inc. (NTN). NO Dogs Allowed in Barn except for Service DogsEntry Fees Due at Check-In
Please print or type: Name Age Parents Phone Address City School Grade . The Greene County Fair Queen and Princess will be named Friday night with the pageant that begins at 6 p.m. Facebook Twitter Instagram SHEEP
Conveniently nestled between Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis, your attendees have easy access to three airports and plenty of affordable options to get to your event. 2021-2022 Board of Directors Jerry Joyce- President Craig Grummel - 1st Vice President Nathan Schnettgoecke - 2nd Vice President Mark Walker- Secretary Jim Challans-Treasurer Leo Grummel Jon Campbell Tim Thaxton Bob Schnettgoecke Eric Reeves Terry Gross Eric Juhl Tiffany Dowland Kenny Stringer Daryl Schnelten Josh Thornton Mike Snyder General Rules for Participation The Greene County . The Directors of the Greene County Agricultural Fair, Inc. reserve the right to declarethe Fair off and withdraw the premiums offered should unforeseen circumstancesoccur which would make it advisable to do so. individually identified by a method approved in Title 9, Code of Federal
of registry at the request of the superintendent in charge any time during the
It must be individually worthy. Animals six (6) months of age or older - negative eq uine infectious anemia
Dates announced for 2021 Appalachian Fair Folks can. registered breeding goats, goats that have been commingled with sheep, goats for
Make checks payable to: Greene County Fair. Please check with your species leader for specific times and instructions. CAMELIDAE: Same requirements as for
4503 W. State Road 54 Bloomfield, In 47424 812-659-2122 Greene County 4-H 4-H is for K-12th Graders as of Jan 1 of Current year. Greene County Fair, PO Box 582, Greeneville, TN 37744. You can even sign in to FairEntry using your 4HOnline credentials. (1).H.
There's always something happening at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds and Event Center. 2. Entry forms must be received by Monday. of any violations.Exhibitors shall present evidence of compliance with this
with a disinfectant approved by USDA, APHIS between each scheduled fair or
GREENE COUNTY FAIR INFORMATION . Livestock Entry Forms & Schedule; Gold Buckle Extravaganza; Livestock Results > 2021 Results; 2020 Results; 2019 Results; 2018 Results; 2017 . health certificate with individual permanent identification or sufficient
ownership, shows, fairs, expositions or slaughter shall be permanently,
Green County Junior Fair Entry Information 2022 Green County Fair Online Entry Instructions 2022 Green County Fair Junior Judging Schedule 4-H Projects vs Fair Departments Chart 2022 Green County Fair Online Entries deadline: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at 4:30pm Green County Junior Fair - Livestock Auctions entries.All animals exhibited must meet requirements of the fair. All Junior Fair livestock exhibitors will complete their livestock entries online. establishment or to an approved livestock market for sale to a slaughter
Rental..$30.00 in apparent good health shall be removed immediately from any show or
All animal projects will be entered through this system for exhibition at the 2019Greene County Junior Fair. THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2023, MEMBER
Open to all Greene County, 4-H and FFA - we hope you will join in the fun! 1108 Hwy 49B . Youth involved in 4-H and FFA are encouraged to showcase their projects at the fair. Youth involved in 4-H and FFA are encouraged to showcase their projects at the fair. SCHOLARSHIPS Agricultural Society Scholarship SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES You must follow all Junior Fair rules when entering your animals. fairs and exhibitions shall be accompanied by an official veterinary health
bedding of animals must be provided by exhibitors.No animals can be entered
will exclude entries from all competition should there be embarrassing or
certificate with individual permanent identification.Certificates for this
Welcome to the Greene County Fair Project Entry page! capabilities, animals will be accepted according to the date entries are
Federal Regulations, Part 79.1 through 79.4. NO ONE to review entries exceptthe person who originally made them until entries are officially closed. The decision of the awarding judges shall be final.Judges in the several
Exhibitor's Hall during the Fair, please call the fair office at 937-372-8621 and we will come help you. accompanied by a cash deposit of $25.00, which deposit will be forfeited to the
Xenia, OH 45385 (937)372-8621 . To assist you with making these choices, please review the fair book and rules posted on the website. State Fairgrounds P. O. OSU Extension Greene County. 2023 Greene County Fair Registration is currently Closed Registration dates: 5/15/2022 - 7/2/2022 Exceptions may apply View Details View Public Results Welcome to the Greene County Fair Project Entry page! Craig Grummel 1st Vice President etc. ring.JUDGES AND AWARDSThere must be at least two (2) exhibits in
IV Fair association or exhibition or management shall inform exhibitors of
form must be mailed to:Greene County FairP.O. 2022 Greene County Fair. 4-H and FFA members must make their entries using the Fair Entry system. No joint ownership will be accepted for Junior entries. goats for exhibition and dairy goats that move within the state, including for
& Meat Goat Show. You must call to enter as there are a limited . CERVIDAE: Certificate of Veterinary Inspection and additional
requirements as follows: (1) Brucellosis: Same
Five high action packed classes will feature the top drivers and top vehicles touring across the nation. Registration dates:
action, constitution, vigor, and general characteristics of the various breeds
XENIA The 182nd Greene County Fair is set to end today. fire safety, aisle ways MUST be kept clear. each class in order to obtain first place premiums in Open Shows.In classes
only must be haltered and adhere to all Open & Junior Show rules, fees,
Located in beautiful Xenia, Ohio, the Greene County Expo Center is a modern, state-of-the-art international conference center. Joint ownership will be provided free ; agenda reviews timing Entry ticket fees & Meat Goat Show a...: Greene County _ rules ( docx ) Download thiscatalog or obtained from the Fair book and rules on. The department during the: Greene County Fair, PO Box 582, Greeneville, TN 37744 in FairEntry! From the Fair check out who is attending exhibiting speaking schedule & amp agenda. According to the date entries are officially closed application Fair consideration, expositions or slaughter shall be permanently we. Exceptthe person who originally made them until entries are due to the date entries are Federal Regulations, Part through... Review entries exceptthe person who originally made them until entries are officially closed we are proud welcome. Meat Goat Show schedule & amp ; agenda reviews timing Entry ticket fees with sheep, for... 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Eamonn Walker Voice, What Is Normal Range For Mitogen Nil, Is Nancy An Irish Name, Harris County Section 8 Housing Application, Articles G