foreigners catching hiv in thailandforeigners catching hiv in thailand
1993 Dec;7(12):1647-52. doi: 10.1097/00002030-199312000-00016. Thai Public Hostpital = 1500 THB = $48.51 USD (CD4 and Viral loads tests) *approx. In our 35th year were asking people to donate 35 thats just 1 for every year weve been providing life-changing information. The Thai constitution guarantees men and women equal rights. Some of these hospitals don't stock generics (brand medication is more expensive). 50% of Thai men reported in a 1990 study that they never use a condom, 26% had multiple sex partners in the preceding six months, and 86% believed that there is only a small chance of contracting AIDS. is a non-invasive medical procedure that does not require surgery, is relatively affordable, especially in Thailand. ATMs are readily available across Thailand and accept virtually all major bank cards (Visa, Mastercard). A few countries ban all foreign HIV-positive individuals from entering a country; others have no entry restrictions for tourists but require individuals to be HIV negative in order to apply for a work or residence permit. The coastal locations do benefit from the cooling sea breeze, a luxury urban Bangkok is denied. You are advised to contact their respective embassies prior to travelling for clear guidance. As part of addressing the above challenges, the researchers recommend more effective HIV services to improve immediate and continuous care for people in Thailand. This has suggested that there are significantly different degrees of contagiousness between the two subtypes as regards heterosexual transmission. Note that in Aruba, the Cayman Islands, St. Kitts & Nevis and St. Vincent & the Grenadines regulations are unclear or inconclusive, and no information is available for Bermuda. Still, many of the countrys laws contradict the 1997 constitutional amendment, said Virada Somswadi, who teaches social sciences at the University of Chiang Mai. This content was last updated on 22/09/2020. according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Under it, people living with HIV can get free antiretroviral drugs and two free blood tests per year. Like in other countries, the Thai populations most at risk for HIV/AIDS are those living in poverty or otherwise on the margins of society. He stated that having a work permit allows him to obtain free medication for HIV positive people. Most commonly sold condoms in any convenient stores are sixe 52mm, if you are larger than that or XXL size, don't forget to pack your own in your luggage! Medical Tourists travel from all across the globe, particularly from the local SE Asia region, Australia, United States, Middle East and an increasing amount are traveling from China. 2- Higher chance of transferring HIV from male-to-male than female-to-male. I was shocked to find that new diagnoses of. So it is important that you get tested before you come to Thailand, when you arrive in Thailand and before you leave Thailand to make sure you don't have any infection and not carrying any infections back to your home country. A bit pricey when compared to other hospitals around the area, but with the quality service and high-level care offered, it was all worth it. Though the researchers lacked the data to form a conclusion, its possible that changing treatments indicates a failure of first-line treatment, and people may have had to wait before being able to switch. Employers often reject candidates on grounds of HIV infection, he said. HIV is a leading cause of death for people under the age of 50 in Thailand. Pack male and / or female condoms. AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa: the epidemiology of heterosexual transmission and the prospects for prevention. Long-term visitors are assessed on the basis of how much 'excessive demand' they may place on the Canadian health service. Superb staff, very friendly, attentive, and helpful. How a biscuit helped maintain the ANZAC spirit, Thailand offers course for women who marry foreigners. Bar girls and GoGo girls still scare the shit out of me if my rubber breaks. AIDS claimed 9,300 lives in Thailand last year, despite the availability of free, comprehensive care for those living with HIV. For entry and short-term stays, there are generally no restrictions for people living with HIV across North American states. Read more about PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) here. Thus, the study results encompass a wide age range. |If I had unprotected sex while in Bangkok, which STD Test to do in Bangkok? Of Thailand's population of nearly 70 million, an estimated 500,000 people were living with HIV and 12,000 people died of AIDS-related illnesses in 2021. Dont forget mosquito spray as the little pests can get everywhere; big ones and little ones! PULSE CLINICS in Bangkok offer sexual health consultation with doctor at 500THB including physical examination or inspection. While the average age group has 33.9 STD patients per 100,000 Thais, the number surges to 124.6 per 100,000 for the age group of 15 to 24. Would you like email updates of new search results? As in most societies Thai men believe they should be sowing their wild oats whilst their women are expected to be virgins when they marry. From 2022, major UHC healthcare schemes in Thailand are also offering pre-exposure and post-exposure prophylaxes to minimize the risk of infection. But that decreased to 82.9% (81.9 83.4) after three years and just 75.1% ( 73.5 76.8) after five years. By 2008 650,000 Thai people were living with HIV/AIDS and in 2009 1.3% of the population had been infected. "HIV-related Risk Behaviors among Kathoey (male-to-female Transgender) Sex Workers in Bangkok, Thailand. It can also affect the lungs and chest. Currently, there's no pricing information for HIV Consultation procedures at Hugsa Medical, as all prices are available on request only. For a woman to have sex before marriage is seen as an unforgivable slur on the familys honor and reputation. Users reported recruitment agencies requesting for HIV tests. Our scope of work will expand in the near future, she promised. Read more about PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis), PCR Multiplex DNA Test for 14 infections - Most advanced DNA test in Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Thailand. Talking to Your Doctor. And still we try to deliver the REAL news to you on a daily basis. A residence permit is not granted in the case of a positive test result. It will remain warm to hot but humidity levels will rise and the mosquitos will come out to play! Any donation you make helps us continue our work towards a world where HIV is no longer a threat to health or happiness. The virus then spread rapidly to injecting drug users (IDUs), followed by prostitutes. The probability that people living with HIV in Thailand survive five years after starting antiretroviral therapy was just 75%, according to a recent study published in AIDS Research and Therapy . In addition, no information could be found for So Tom and Prinicipe. The following countries also have restrictions on long-term stays: Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Soloman Islands and Tonga. Thank you so much to those who already do support us. "Travel restrictions for people with HIV can change quickly and so need to be checked before any trip.". Long-term visa applicants who have any long-term health condition, including HIV, are considered according to how much cost they will place upon the Australian health system. Criminalization of sex work. [citation needed] However, since the National AIDS Control Program was moved from the Ministry of Public Health to the Office of the Prime Minister in 1991, the country's HIV/AIDS prevention efforts have been recognized[by whom?] government site. 1 As prevalence rapidly increased, HIV/AIDS was a national crisis by the early 1990s. In some cases, women selling sex reported using a condom in just over one half of commercial sex encounters. The only country in Eastern Europe & Central Asia that may restrict entry on the basis of HIV status is Russia. AIDS. You can buy the package online and use it at PULSE CLINICS in Thailand nationwide. If you're the kind of person who has unprotected sex often and you refuse to change your habits at the very least you should consider taking PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis). But expect traffic in the city and any built-up areas. Introduction. After buying what they need to accommodate their urban lifestyles, the women may send money in support of their rural-based families as well as to monasteries and temples. Wiraporn Srisuwanwattana, USAID. [13], According to the World Health Organization, Thailand has a high tuberculosis (TB) burden, with 63 new cases per 100,000 people in 2005. PMC Men from hill tribes who have sex with prostitutes and use IV drugs also help take HIV into the most remote areas of Thailand. Maintains compulsory detetion centre for PWUD. [11] HIV prevalence had remained the same from 2003 to 2005 (1.4 percent). More positively, the number of countries restricting travel by people with HIV has reduced in recent years. Travel restrictions for people with HIV can change quickly and so need to be checked before any trip. UNAIDS has embraced Equalize as the World Aids Day slogan this year, to highlight the fact that the inequalities that bolster AIDS can be avoided. [13], Other research has noted an increased trend of erratic condom use by female prostitutes. In 2005, more than 40 percent of new infections were among women, the majority of whom were infected through intercourse with long-term lovers. Gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, chancroid, and venereal diseases in the lymph nodes (LGV) among the young people appear to be on the rise, according to the deputy director of the Department of Disease Control, who said the infection rates have been rising steadily since 2015. Price: $ 36. There were 5,400 new HIV infections in Thailand in 2019. 10 helps us produce news and bulletins on the latest developments in HIV for healthcare staff around the world. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In 2019, the estimated number of HIV infections in the U.S. was . In Israel, for example, work permit applicants are required to present a medical certificate and undergo blood testing. So what are you waiting for? An HIV test is required for work and study visa applications of more than six months in China. [13], Thailand's HIV/AIDS activities include conducting a public education campaign targeting the general public and most-at-risk populations (MARPs), improving sexually transmitted infection (STI) treatment, discouraging men from visiting sex workers, promoting condom use, and requiring sex workers to receive monthly STI tests and carry records of the test results. GPO's product costs 180 baht per bottle of thirty 600mg tablets. NAM Publications 2023, all rights reserved. The capital city Bangkok is one of the most visited cities in the world, whilst Thailand as a whole receives over 30 million tourists each year, the vast majority of these will enter Thailand through Bangkok. Criminalization of HIV transmission or exposure. The only country in East Asia that will deport on the basis of HIV status is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea). An HIV-positive status may deny you entry to the following countries: Iraq, Jordan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. The HIV infections rate in Thai population is 1% which is really high. Traveled all the way from Australia to get my treatment here after I heard good things about it. HIV can take up to a month or longer to show signs of infection and some people show zero signs, so running down and getting a test doesn't put you in the all clear. However, it has also added the additional theme of U=U or undetectable = untransmissible.. Frequently Asked Questions about STD in Thailand in 2021. Please note that country-specific regulations may have changed since the time of writing, and before any travel arrangements are made it is advisable to check the website for up-to-date details by country. National Library of Medicine Nearly 15% of people in this study had taken antiretroviral therapies with nevirapine, which increased the likelihood of death by a factor of 1.4. In 2007, Thailand adopted a three-year strategic plan that focuses on scaling up HIV prevention efforts, particularly for people most likely to be exposed to HIV and for difficult-to-reach populations. AFAIK, HIV prevalence among bargirls is estimated to be around 2%. HIV prevalence among intravenous drug users and male sex workers remains high, while condom use among Thai teenagers is shockingly low. First thing I want to address is that if you've had unprotected sex and are concerned about HIV (as you should be) then just getting an STD test is not enough. Thai is the local language but due to the extremely well-established tourism industry in Thailand, English is spoken by most locals who work with tourists, and often signs will have an English translation. Thailand was therefore classified as an epidemiologic pattern III country with regard to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. An estimated 1.3 million people in Thailand are thought to currently be HIV-positive. And in case this somehow needs to be said, condoms must be disposed of properly after one use. Thailand is the first country in Asia to launch free PrEP program and include PrEP in the national HIV prevention guidelines since 2014. Awareness of HIV status was low in 2006. For HIV Consultation, medical records, reports or any supporting documents may be required for the specialist to assess prior to the treatment. Cheewanan said hooking up with strangers online is one of the reasons why AIDS continues to spread. With a population of just under 70 million people spread across an area of around 500k square km, Thailands most popular regions/cities include Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Koh Samui, and Hua Hin. The HIV infections rate in Thai population is 1% which is really high. Otherwise, there are no restrictions across the region for long-term stays. This type of Infectious Diseases procedure / treatment is relatively affordable, especially in Thailand. Although the study found that people older than 50 were four times as likely to die, more than 87% of those included in the study were under 50 years of age. This could happen if there was proof that the individual knew of their HIV-positive status when the ban was in place and still entered the country. I understand why this hospital is considered the best in Thailand. We respond to the complaints and protect the rights of the HIV-positive, Cheewanan said. Mostly they dont understand that they are in any danger, or that using a condom considerably reduces any risk of infection. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Public Healths AIDS Control Unit.3 Small surveys of HIV sereoprevalence in Bangkok through 1987 failed to detect the rapid spread of HIV, and there was limited information on high-risk groups. But the governments condom promotion was only a short-term solution to try to reduce infection rates. Just Bt100 per month makes all the difference and will keep some of us in noodle soup for a day. Finally, retaining people in treatment to maintain virologic suppression continues to be a challenge in Thailand. Since HIV/AIDS was first reported, 1,115,415 adults had been infected by 2008 and 585,830 of those had died. Many of the staff can speak English, so communication is not a problem. PIP: Thailands universal healthcare coverage (UHC) has won international praise. When contacting an embassy or consulate to ask about travel restrictions, an individuals name and HIV status can be kept anonymous. The primary objective of the report was to investigate survival rates and risk factors for mortality in people living with HIV who registered in Thailands national AIDS programme database within health and security region 4. Though this figure is worrying, whats even more worrying is that nearly two-thirds of new HIV infections are in young people. , with a rise from 2,646 new diagnoses in 2010, to 7,982 in 2019 that is 10% increased from 2018. Following the removal of this ban in January 2010, HIV-positive individuals can now legally visit and migrate to the US. MyMediTravel currently has no pricing information available for HIV Consultation procedures in Thailand. The .gov means its official. [14], Several factors had put Thailand at risk of a resurgence of HIV/AIDS cases. North Africa & the Middle East is a restrictive region regarding travelling and HIV status. Median age at death jumped from 52 to 56 over that period, still greatly lagging life expectancy in the general population. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Thailand's early cases of HIV/AIDS occurred primarily among gay men. In Paraguay, for example, those travelling to the country with the intention of applying for permanent residency are required to undergo HIV testing. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. The Thai Baht (THB) is the local currency and $1 USD will get you 30-33 THB, or in other words, 1,000 THB is worth approximately $29-30USD. Both Private and Public . Protease inhibitors only exist as original formula. In Poland HIV-testing is mandatory for longer visits (beyond 90 days), independent of purpose of stay. We need a solid follow-up system and ways of finding out why they do not return to get more antiretrovirals.. Gender prevalence amongst adults (15-49) shows women at 1% compared to men at 1.2%. "Be the Dream Queen": Gender Performativity, Femininity, and Transgender Sex Workers in China. 5 allows us to reach millions of people globally with accurate and reliable resources about HIV prevention and treatment. Whilst Thailand is most welcoming of tourists from all over the world, travelers should check with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand for confirmation. Now she is HIV-positive. Yes you can get safe comdoms in Thailand and they come in lots of different sizes. A 2011 report from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) identified Thailand among the eleven countries in the Asia-Pacific with a majority of the worlds HIV-infected people. It also aims to provide an easily accessible clearing-house of resources, research, and initiatives on the subject and to provide a platform for advocacy initiatives. Hospitals should design a system that improves the follow-up process, he said. An estimated 470,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS in Thailand, and 14,000 AIDS-related deaths occurred in the country in 2019. Please use the contact us form. Restrictions on entry and residence for HIV-positive individuals can change quickly and with very little notice. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia isa form of pneumonia that is an AIDS defining illness. A type of fungal infection usually affecting the membrane around the brain, causing meningitis. Thailand welcomes hundreds of thousands of medical tourists each year, many of which travel for HIV Consultation procedures. Company limited by guarantee. commercial sex workers, HIV prevalence peaked in the mid-nineties and has constantly declined since then. Previously, the US travel ban prevented visits to the US by people with HIV, except in exceptional circumstances. Available at under a Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC 2.0. Could a Cornish Pasty Really Save Your Life? [9], Information on the prevalence of AIDS in Thailand was initially suppressed due to the concern of affecting the economy of the tourist industry. It may also be beneficial to contact an HIV organisation in the destination country to ask for information. [13], Thailand's initial response to the epidemic was weak. For entry and short-term stays, there are generally no restrictions for people living with HIV across Caribbean states. We believe independent, clear and accurate information is vital in the fight against HIV & AIDS. You are advised to contact their respective embassies prior to travelling for clear guidance. Although there has been some decline in reported cases of HIV/AIDS in Thailand, this is more likely to be statistical manipulation than it is an improvement. Daily PrEP medicine reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by more than 90%, but it must be taken consistently. In 1987, there were 8 AIDS cases and 112 HIV-positive cases, most of whom were gay males (50% foreigners). There is currently a lack of information available on the specialists practicing at the Clinic, and they are not accredited by any recognized accreditations institutes. It should be noted, however, that in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan regulations are unclear or inconclusive. With Gift Aid, your generous donation of 10 would be worth 12.50 at no extra cost to you. [13], Since the change of government in 2006, Thailand has reinvigorated its HIV/AIDS prevention and control efforts. The usual medications found at home should be available in most pharmacies. Politics, poverty, and geography together form much of the basis of the patterns of HIV's spread throughout Thailand. 1998 Feb;10(1):69-79. doi: 10.1080/713612352. However, Apiwat Kwangkaew, president of the Thai Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS, said that despite Thailands good medical coverage for the HIV-positive, the high number of deaths from AIDS indicates gaps in the system. As prostitutes, they make, without education, better wages than they could working in factories. There are several budget airlines servicing these routes, including Thai Lion Air, AirAsia, Nok Air, Thai Airways, Bangkok Airways, and Thai Smile. The train allows for even cheaper travel within Thailand and is far more comfortable than spending hours sitting on a bus. Corrections and additions welcome. Each may have sexual intercourse with up to twenty clients per day. Many believed HIV was a disease of foreigners and it wouldn't become a national problem. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies 2 The Thai epidemic was characterized by an initial spread among sex workers, intravenous drug users, and men who have sex with men. AIDS was thought of largely as a foreigners disease, supported by the fact that the first cases were among gay men returning from abroad. 35 means we can empower more people living with HIV to challenge stigma with our information workshops, videos and broadcasts. Promote your business for only US $50 pcm, Feed BangkokJack through your website for free, The problem of Thailands killer pollution. Thai men often infect their partners and then blame the westernization of their society for the problem. First thing I want to address is that if you've had unprotected sex and are concerned about HIV (as you should be) then just getting an STD test is not enough. Apiwat believes some people may have stopped coming for antiretrovirals because they were worried about the stigma attached to anti-AIDS medication. At this level, they cannot transmit the disease to others. Objectives of the grant are to train peer leaders within IDU communities; create harm-reduction centers; educate health care providers, police, prison staff, and policymakers; and provide peer-based outreach, education, counseling, referral services, and HIV testing support. You can search, compare, discuss, and book your medical all in one place. Taxis are great, however, be sure to confirm the price before you begin your journey or better still, insist the ride goes on the meter that is how you guarantee the cheapest and fairest price. This means that many people living with HIV will no longer be found medically inadmissible and excluded from immigration to Canada. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a 24-year-old man said he never imagined he would contract HIV after remaining faithful to his partner and never having sex with anyone else during the relationship. These latter contributions are made in keeping with Theravada Buddhism, the predominant faith, which regards female prostitutes are very low on the cosmological scale in the quest for nirvana both because they are women and they come from poor families. HIV can take up to a month or longer to show signs of infection and some people show zero signs, so running down and getting a test doesn't put you in the all clear. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in Thailand Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), are caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoa or parasites that are transmitted through unprotected sex (vaginal, anal, or oral) and skin to skin genital contact. Given the non-invasive nature of HIV Consultation, there is no downtime, so you won't need to consider your recovery and aftercare much. A number of countries restrict entry for people with HIV. As well as those listed, Israel and Tunisia also have regulations over long-term stays. The Royal Family is deeply revered throughout the country and should never be disrespected, such behavior is severely punished. Talk to your doctor or another member of your healthcare team for advice tailored to your situation. In some countries, people applying for a visa or residency permit may be obliged to take an HIV test or to prove their HIV-negative status. An estimated 6,400 new HIV infections occurred in 2018. There are many people who are listed in the lost to follow-up list, he said of HIV-positive individuals. Recently the Department of Disease Control (DDC) estimated that 60% of sexually active teenagers and over 50% of the countries sex-workers still do not regularly use condoms. , are increasingly at risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Visit NAMs other websites:|||| | [2] As of 2016, Thailand had the highest prevalence of HIV in Southeast Asia at 1.1 percent, the 40th highest prevalence of 109 nations. The test came back positive. Second, infection risk when having normal sex with an infected person is around 5 per 10.000 So your risk to have indeed contracted HIV is very very very low. Thailand's policy on AIDS has worked toward educating its citizens on HIV/AIDS and prevention measures; developing a system of medical, public health, social, and consultation services to improve the quality of life of persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA); developing medical biotechnology, medicine, and AIDS vaccination research; and working with all parties involved, such as the government and private sector, to prevent and alleviate the HIV/AIDS situation. Though having to stay in a hospital is never a good experience, I would say my time in Bumrungrad was a pleasant one. ", Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, List of HIV/AIDS cases and deaths registered by region, "More teenaged girls getting HIV infection", "COUNTRY COMPARISON; HIV/AIDS ADULT PREVALENCE RATE", "Prostitution in Thailand: Representations in fiction and narrative non-fiction", "HIV/AIDS: Pakistan has one of Asia's highest HIV prevalence rates", "Weniger BG. Following the removal of this ban in January 2010, HIV-positive individuals can now legally visit and migrate to the US. NAM is not responsible for the content of external websites. The most popular procedures tend to be cosmetic surgery (breast augmentations, gender reassignment surgery, and CoolSculpting to name a few), cardiac surgery, orthopedics, and urology. The first reported case of HIV in Thailand occurred in 1984. Despite the efforts going into education and anti-HIV strategies, it is estimated condom use remains very low. In June 2019, a Facebook post of a canal filled with condoms in Bangkok Yai district drew widespread disgust. FOIA A retrospective study of survival and risk factors for mortality among people living with HIV who received antiretroviral treatment in a resource-limited setting. The researchers identified low CD4 counts as a possible overarching explanation for the low survival rates compared to high-income countries. Although the ministry of public health has set a goal to reduce AIDS mortality to fewer than 4,000 deaths per year by the year 2030, many people in Thailand start antiretroviral therapy late, which impedes attaining this goal. The US Government provides one-third of the Global Fund's contributions. STD testing and treatment in Bangkok and sexual health clinic in Bangkok, STD testing and treatment in Phuket and sexual health clinic in Phuket, STD testing and treatment in Pattayaand sexual health clinic in Pattaya, STD testing and treatment in Chiang Maiand sexual health clinic in Chiang Mai. updated: 4/7/2014
[13], Early in 2007, the government announced that it would, if necessary, break patents on drugs to treat HIV. But that makes Thailand the trailblazer of HIV treatment and prevention. Thailand has achieved remarkable success in eliminating mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV. Opportunistic infections (e.g. Thai nationals are often careless about the risks of infection as many simply believe it 'can't happen to them.'. The Ninth National Economic and Social Development Plan (20022006) emphasized the adoption of a human-centered approach to bring about reform through the public health system, especially the health care system. Yes, condoms are provided for free at PULSE CLINICS countrywide. , marking an increase of more than 70% since 2015. And there were nearly. UNAIDS is also calling on governments to reform laws, policies and practices to tackle stigma and exclusion faced by people living with HIV, and ensure that all countries have access to the latest research on HIV and its treatment. Could be 1%, could be 5%. Note that in Micronesia, Solomon Islands and Tonga regulations are unclear or inconclusive, while in Kiribati there is no information available on travel restrictions relating to HIV status. Thailand ARV (HIV Medication) Pricelist 2023 | Anonymous HIV Treatment Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai Thailand 2250 Anti-viral Medication Pricelist PULSE CLINIC Thailand 2023 Anti-viral (HIV prevention, treatment and Hepatitis C treatment) medication pricelist (updated December 2022) Prices are in Thai Baht The Global Fund 's contributions permit is not a problem and risk factors for mortality among people living HIV/AIDS..., medical records, reports or any supporting documents may be required for work and study Visa applications of than... Infection usually affecting the membrane around the brain, causing meningitis the REAL news you! Speak English, so communication is not responsible for the low survival rates compared to countries... Throughout the country and should never be disrespected, such behavior is punished... About PrEP ( Pre-exposure prophylaxis ) here identified low CD4 counts as possible! 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