famous gun nicknamesfamous gun nicknames
Some slang gun names are as simple as they sound. Another memorable weapon nickname bestowed by everyday troops, the M3 Grease Gun earned its title due to a close physical resemblance to hand-powered grease dispensers, a common auto mechanics tool of the period. On the list of coolest weapon names, The Devils Paintbrush ranks near the top. TTAG Contributor - January 8, 2023 65. Some slang gun names are as simple as they sound. Though often referred to as the Auto-5 or A-5, with period advertisements stressing how the firearm provided Five shots under your fingers, the Humpback nickname is what stuck the most. After the Civil War, the War Department wanted a standard-issue breechloading rifle that would chamber a self-primed, metallic cartridge. Smith &am []. These 11 military leaders got awesome nicknames by doing awesome stuff. Were talking 23 pounds of belt-fed heavy metal that can eat a ton of ammo and chew through anything down range. My favorite is "Chicago Typewriter," but that was a name given to it by gangsters. As far as gun nicknames go, The Pig covers a lot of ground. While Gatling guns had demonstrated the utility of high-volume fire on the battlefield, the Maxim design, the worlds first true recoil-based machine gun, perfected the strategy to a brutal degree. -- short for "Mjollnir" (Sounded out "my ol neer") name of Thor's hammer, she is geared towards well aimed slugs out to maybe 80 yards. By Jared Keller | Updated Feb 8,. This design resembled both the look and motion of a trap door panel when the user opened the rifle to load a new cartridge, giving the gun its now legendary name. Usage: "I saw them Hackney boys, so I pulled out my leng and started shooting at them". What follows are the ten most notorious arms dealers in modern history. Many early gun names for cartridge Colts originated with Benjamin Kittredge & Co of Cincinnati. When low enough to the ground, the operating lever on the M1895 Colt-Browning Machine gun would send sprays of dirt into the air with every shot, like a mechanical potato digger, hence the weapons nickname. The P7s striker and sear only engage when the cocking lever on the front strap is depressed. Its informal gun name stems from the figure 8 shape made by the cocking lever and trigger guard. One of the most famous gun nicknames in firearms history, the Brown Bess was used to denote the typical British infantry muskets that served from 1722 through the early 1830s. This exposed operating arm, which projects down and away from the gun with significant force during the firing cycle, was known to dig holes in the ground if the guns tripod was resting on soft soil and sank low enough into the earth, and thus the Potato Digger connotation was born. Formerly serving as NATOs official battle rifle, the FN FAL was the Western counter to the Kalashnikov rifle favored by communist forces the NATO allies faced off against in countless conflicts throughout the Cold War. This made them easier to conceal and faster to draw, both ideal characteristics for lawmen, gamblers, thieves, and anyone interested in close-quarters self-defense. Tommy was also a well-known term for British soldiers, and this connection might have proliferated the gun's nickname after the British airborne adopted the Thompson Model M1A1 variant in the early years of WW2. You dont earn a gun nickname like The Devils Paintbrush without making a terrible impression. Browning M2HB .50 caliber Machine Gun aka "Ma Deuce". #19. Known as The Humpback due to its trademark squared receiver, the Browning Automatic 5 is a versatile workhorse scattergun for all types of fowling and target shooting. How is the first name not listed under wonder nines the Browning Hi-power. Here are 10 of the most famous and notorious of these outlaws of the Wild West. M16. Another nickname that dates to the 18th century is "pops." An example from 1785 is "he pulled out his pops and plumped him" meaning his drew out his pistols and shot him. With its cheaper cost of production and absence of a manual crank, the Maxim gun supplanted its Gatling gun forerunner and saw widespread adoption in Europe. Well played, Kirilenkowell played indeed. . . Pistols are often used less in fantasy or with less imaginative characteristics, which is to be expected. Developed near the end of WW1, the M1918Browning Automatic Riflewas quickly adopted by the US Military and became a signature weapon for American infantry in WW2 and beyond. This website uses cookies. 2023 Rock Island Auction Company. The snake gun marketing term worked, and the campaign is an example of a gun manufacturer's catchy nickname taking hold with the collecting public. Release the lever and the striker loses tension and returns to the resting position. Origin: The term is used mostly among London criminal underground network. The burp gun fired 900 rounds a minute, nearly double the rate of the German MP40 it faced down in the streets of Stalingrad. Most of the notable named weapons in history are swords, but there are plenty of spears, daggers, guns, and cannons with monikers and their own stories to tell. I think the sound of the burp gun and what it represented was more frightening than the rounds that came out of the weapon.. Release the lever and the striker loses tension and returns to the resting position. -- After a girl I knew, able to cause pain and suffering from GREAT distances. One of Colts biggest distributors, Benjamin Kittredge, came up with monikers such as Frontier Six Shooter for Colt SAA variants chambered in .44-40, the nicknames Lightning,Thunderer, and Rainmaker for the Model 1877 revolvers, and Omnipotent for the Model 1878 in .45 Colt. Many early gun names for cartridge Colts originated with Benjamin Kittredge & Co of Cincinnati. 11. This denotation was applied to the Brown Bess musket in the same way. Lewis set off across the Atlantic to produce his gun in Europe instead, where it was first adopted by Belgium and Britain. Formerly serving as NATOs official battle rifle, the FN FAL was the Western counter to the Kalashnikov rifle favored by communist forces the NATO allies faced off against in countless conflicts throughout the Cold War. The six shooter. The burp gun fired 900 rounds a minute, nearly double the rate of the German MP40 it faced down in the streets of Stalingrad. Morgan This name is derived from two old Welsh words 'mor' which means sea and 'cant' which means circle. Slang gun names can be derived from a weapons appearance, its sound when firing, a defining attribute, its impact on the battlefield, or sometimes as a clever play on the firearms official designation. Three of these are famous missing Invincible Grade guns. With that said, here's a list of our favorite 100 gangster, mobster, and mafia-style names to give you some inspiration! Another memorable weapon nickname bestowed by everyday troops, the M3 Grease Gun earned its title due to a close physical resemblance to hand-powered grease dispensers, a common auto mechanics tool of the period. Grenade Launcher From World War II to Todays Conflicts, A Fading Star: The star S135 Submachine Gun, That is, The Iron Door: Soviet Russian Weapons Designers Stop the Germans in Their Tracks, The American FN FAL Rifle: In Search of the Perfect Lightweight Rifle, Ahead of Its Time: British Fosbery Pump-Action Shotgun with Stoner Bolt, The Big Bang! Did we miss the DA Colt 1877 Lightning (and less so, the Thunderer and Rainmaker)? The BAR, an acronym for the Browning Automatic Rifle. Another gun nickname based on a blistering rate of fire, the MG42 machine gun was an imposing weapon to say the least. Ordnance officers might get to choose official service weapon names, but the everyday infantrymen are always going to come up with a clever title that sticks. The sentiment behind the now-famous saying was grounded in the frontier era, as theWinchester 1873 riflewas a lightweight, reliable gun that was affordable to most settlers at a time when the Old West was filled with a danger for every treasure and opportunity. This .52 caliber gun was nicknamed for its long hammer and serpentine-shaped trigger guard, qualities especially evident in the scarcer Type I Cosmopolitan Arms Co model. Colt-Browning Model 1895 Machine Gun aka "Potato Digger" and sometimes as "The Peacemaker". Dubbed the Burp Gun for the sound it made during extended fire, the PPSh-41 submachinegun was widely fielded by the Red Army in WW2. The M60 often found itself in the mud and muck during combat, and its slow cyclic rate made this beast of a machine gun sound akin to a grunting boar. Other than action heroes, the most famous users . The Model 1897s shorter barrel made the weapon more maneuverable in the narrow trenches of WW1. The M60often found itself in the mud and muck during combat, and its slow cyclic rate made this beast of a machine gun sound akin to a grunting boar. Are you in the know?Stay up to date with the latest articles. Here are some common ways a soldier receives a nickname: 1. Soviet Degtyaryov machine gun. With its cheaper cost of production and absence of a manual crank, the Maxim gun supplanted its Gatling gun forerunner and saw widespread adoption in Europe. Bullet. Ordnance officers might get to choose official service weapon names, but the everyday infantrymen are always going to come up with a clever title that sticks. John Brownings 1903 recoil-operated design. During her lifetime, Phoebe Ann Moses (Annie Oakley's given name) traveled the world, becoming a legendary shooting star in a very male-dominated sport. Sir Douglas Bader was a Royal Air Force hero of the second World War known for his exploits in the air and frequent escape attempts as a prisoner of war in Nazi Germany. Use names like "Blondie" or a blonde person, "Beanstalk" for someone tall and thin, or "Tiny" for someone short. Its informal gun name stems from the figure 8 shape made by the cocking lever and trigger guard. I'm Gun 2929 I know Gun 2227 Reputation 412 1375 Nickname generator for Gun Gu u GunBuffGuy Undaideatimp Poistracesse Generate another Nicknames for Gun Add your names, share with friends. Subscribe to the weeklyRock Island Auction newsletterto receive newgun blogsandgun videoseach week on the firearms mentioned above, as well as some of those that didnt make our list such as theM16Mattel Toy, theColt Snake Gunfamily, theGhost Gun, and theVolcanic pistol, an official designation just as memorable as some of the colorful nicknames mentioned above. The guns nickname sprang from the weapons initials, B-A-R, a term that was easy to remember and soon became the rifles most common unofficial designation. Old Bigmouth, The Army Automatic, The Yankee Fist, Colt .45 or simply Forty-Five are some common favorites, but perhaps the most prominent isOld Slabside.The name alludes to the guns slab-type grip panels, one of the many distinguishing features theM1911had over its military-issued predecessors like the Colt M1892 revolver. The Great Equalizer. Judge Colt and his Jury of Six. A plethora of clever nicknames were inevitable for the iconic Colt Single Action Army revolver. Developed by Dieudonne Saive after WW2, the Fusil Automatique Leger (known by the famous FAL acronym) has been fielded by more than 90 countries around the globe. The sentiment behind the now-famous saying was grounded in the frontier era, as the Winchester 1873 rifle was a lightweight, reliable gun that was affordable to most settlers at a time when the Old West was filled with a danger for every treasure and opportunity. The brainchild of U.S. Army Lt. Col. Isaac Newton Lewis, the light machine gun design that bore his name was initially rejected by the United States. 1000+ Awesome and Cool Nicknames for Guys and Girls - PairedLife 1000+ Awesome and Cool Nicknames for Guys and Girls danthemans lm Dec 7, 2022 9:37 PM EST The biggest list of nicknames for you and your friends Photo by Driver Photographer on Flickr CC BY 2.0 Cool Nicknames to Use Online (or Offline) 16. Many early gun names for cartridge Colts originated with Benjamin Kittredge & Co of Cincinnati. Agony. Probably the most famous of the Old West guns, the Colt six-shooter became renowned as the 'gun that won the West'. John Brownings 1903 recoil-operated designwas the first successful semi-automatic shotgun and continues to be fielded by themodern sportsmantoday. The P7s striker and sear only engage when the cocking lever on the front strap is depressed. A similar carbine design was offered in America by A.H. In 1785, English author Francis Grose published an index of informal words titled Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue and his entry for the Bess reads, Brown Bess. This .52 caliber gun was nicknamed for its long hammer and serpentine-shaped trigger guard, qualities especially evident in the scarcer Type I Cosmopolitan Arms Co model. This is an undeniably awesome call sign as long as your mind doesn't wander to the Benicio Del Toro interpretation of the monster not a problem for the Top Gun . With its cheaper cost of production and absence of a manual crank, the Maxim gun supplanted its Gatling gun forerunner and saw widespread adoption in Europe. An early example of a Wonder Nine, a rare prototype Colt SSP DA semi-automatic 9mm pistol. The PPSh-41 was comparatively easy to produce, and a copy of the gun called the Type 50 was later adopted by Chinese and North Korean troops. The mass-production of revolvers throughout the 1850s and 1860s brought a wave of new entertaining slang expressions. She was an impressive trick shot and spent almost two decades traveling with Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West show. Tommy was also a well-known term for British soldiers, and this connection might have proliferated the gun's nickname after the British airborne adopted the Thompson Model M1A1 variant in the early years of WW2. - The Truth About Guns The former Super Bowl champion New York Giant gained the nickname due to his large stature and semi-rare left-handedness. Once we heard that soundBurp! Hawk. I have some favorites that I've used: Happy Ending Handjob Doggy Style Donkey Punch Silent Treatment Bad Blood Over My Dead Body Blood, Sweat and Tears Lullaby Huff and Puff Natural 20 I Know it was you, Fredo Widow's Wail Special Delivery This thread is archived Subscribe to the weekly Rock Island Auction newsletter to receive new gun blogs and gun videos each week on the firearms mentioned above, as well as some of those that didnt make our list such as the M16 Mattel Toy, the Colt Snake Gun family, the Ghost Gun, and the Volcanic pistol, an official designation just as memorable as some of the colorful nicknames mentioned above. Jesse James. A gun that was given its most iconic look in the hands of Tony Montana shooting up gangsters in pastel suits along the shores of Miami. Buffalo Bill Cody. How about a thread full of cool names for guns? The title Gun that Won the West didnt officially emerge until early 20th-century advertising campaigns, a brainchild of Edwin Pugsley, a Winchester engineer who helped produce famous firearms like the Winchester Model 21 shotgun. Patented in 1856, this Savage & North black powder revolver is as distinct as it is rare. At that speed, individual gunshots are replaced with a steady, disturbing roar, earning the MG42 a terrifying reputation. The Whitworth Patent single-shot capping breechloading rifles and carbines manufactured by Westley Richards were dubbed the Monkey Tail by the Boers in South Africa, a gun nickname that came from the lift up lever that was hinged to the rear of the barrel used to open and close the breech, thought to resemble a simians tail. Personality: If someone has a very distinct personality trait, that trait can become a nickname, such as "Duty" for a dutiful person, "Chatter" for . 1. Slang gun names can be derived from a weapon's appearance, its sound when it fires, a defining attribute, its impact on the battlefield, or sometimes as a clever play on the firearm's official designation. Mauser eventually embraced the popular nickname and even used it in official promotion campaigns in the Western market. Burp!it was a frightening sound, recalled British veteran Gerry Farmer, who served with the 1st Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers in the Korean War. Automatic. Ma Deuce clearly plays on the M and 2 in the M2 designation, much like how the HU1 Helicopter was dubbed the Huey. Its not hard to imagine the formal Model or Mod in Model 2 being shortened to Ma, a possible reference to the weapons other favored nickname, The Mother of All Machine Guns. Deuce has long been a slang for two in English, from the nickname of a second child to the gaming terms used for the two side of a dice and the number two card in each suit in a 52-card deck. Slang gun names and military culture go hand-in-hand, and the BAR acronym was as catchy as it was obvious. Creating your gaming name is also very important if you're playing most of your games on popular platforms such as Steam, Epic, and Origin, as the name of your account will apply and be set as your in-game name for most titles you play there. Model 1903 Springfield The Model 1903 Springfield. Heres a colloquial gun name almost everyone knows thanks to films likeWinchester 73and other popular Western movies, shows, and novels. Thanks to Hollywood and popular culture, the name Tommy Gun has become far more known that the firearms official designation. Princess Avatar. Not all slang gun names are complex or rich in meaning. The 8th Wonder of the World (Andre the Giant) The 9th Wonder of the World (Chyna) Above Average (Mike Sanders) The Ace in the Hole (Sonny Siaki) The Alaskan Assassin (Ice) The All-American (Ron Simmons, Doug Basham, Jeff Peterson, Steve Rivers) The All-American American (Jack Swagger Jake Hager) The All-American Boy (Bob Backlund) The Alpha Male (Monty Brown) Alushe the one made of felt, The . John Brownings 1903 recoil-operated design was the first successful semi-automatic shotgun and continues to be fielded by the modern sportsman today. Cody may have gotten the idea for the name from playwright Victor Hugo's famed Lucretia Borgia. Dirty. Author: www.dailypaws.com Date Published: 14/04/2022 Ratings: 1.77 To hug Brown Bess; to carry a firelock, or serve as a private soldier.. Some of the German gun names are listed below. One of the most legendary figures of the Old West, James Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok was an actor, gambler, lawman, and gunfighter who was regarded as one of the most skilled gunslingers of all time. Laura Bullion (1876 - 1961) Laura Bullion was a notoriously wicked woman of the Wild West. The oldest informal gun name on our list, the Brown Bess was a muzzleloading flintlock smoothbore musket that served as the British infantry standard for more than a century. Many early gun names are as simple as they sound Stay up to date with the articles! Guns the former Super Bowl champion new York Giant gained the nickname due to his large stature and semi-rare.. Of revolvers throughout the 1850s and 1860s brought a wave of new entertaining slang expressions Brownings 1903 recoil-operated designwas first... Striker and sear only engage when the cocking lever on the M and 2 in M2. Than action heroes, the MG42 a terrifying reputation nines the Browning Hi-power the M and 2 in know! 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