Don't tell anyone, okay? In this time, I've grown plenty, but I've watched you grow as well. Heres one for the older readers among us: A certain 1960s childrens show H. R. Pufnstuff followed the adventures of a friendly dragon of the same name, and his efforts to protect the boy Jimmy from trouble particularly that caused by antagonist Witchiepoo. It's hard to believe she's gone.". Sometimes, however, it is by going through the old movies or shows that brought us some joy! Although no solid evidence exists to prove that Carroll ever abused young girls, the photo collection certainly adds a more sinister light to this childrens classic, doesnt it? alexandria ocasio cortez interesting factsshane richmond cause of death santa barbara Our editors are instructed to fact check thoroughly, including finding at least three references for each fact. And we'd be, This Deepfake Helps Settle Arnold and Stallones Greatest Feud, All the Awful Possible Collides in a Scene from the Dilbert Episode of NewsRadio, 15 Bizarre Things We Didn't Even Know the Earth Was Capable Of, One Dracula Comedy Isnt Enough for Nic Cage, 16 Truly Absurd Trivia Tidbits That Have Us Checking Our Carbon Monoxide Detector, 5 Things People Put Way Too Much Thought Into, Lying for More Money Makes Cash Less Satisfying, Leaked Chris Rock Jokes Show That Even His Specials Title Is a Dig on Will Smith, The Funniest Craig Ferguson Jokes and Moments for the Comedy Hall of Fame, All the Times Saturday Night Lives Lorne Michaels Was as Bad as Dr. Supposedly this was a real spot where horrible experiments were actually conducted on rats and mice. For this list, we'll be looking at the most promising young actors whose time on top wasn't the Hollywood dream it was cracked up to be. Genetic Disease & Early Childhood Food Programs Wellness & Prevention Local Public Health Agencies Immunizations. Want to tell us to write facts on a topic? services and In it, Cinderella's stepsisters cut off chunks of their feet in order to make the glass slipper fit. This random woman decides to knock on his door for the sole purpose of testing him a total stranger, in his own home. Due to the fact that George isnt depicted with a tail, many fans believe that hes actually a chimpanzee. When you're growing up, most of your time is spent in an idyllic bubble made of childhood adventures, imaginary friends, ice cream, and puppies. and indemnify Journal Media in relation to such content and their ability to make such content, We're practically family at this point. I remember how we told each other everything, good and bad, and received hugs all the same. 3. Ombudsman, and our staff operate within the Code of Practice. Susan Olsen helped provide sound effects for a friend who was editing a film.He said: Can you make space ship noises with your synthesizer? He gave me $50, and I provided the sound effects for Love Probe from a Warm Planet thats my porn title. Some Scooby-Doofans speculate that the show takes place during an intense economic depression. A favorite topic among listversers is the dramatically inaccurate retelling of fairy tales within modern childrens films. A cartoon illustration of the event appeared in the Washington Post in 1902, which ultimately inspired someone to make two stuffed "Teddy's bears," which were later mass-produced. The first on the list is one of the latest blockbuster successes of Disney, 'Frozen'. Fan Translation: Jeanne d'Arc was said to be a tragic saint, but her period of . Except, he never had a tail and according to some sources, he wasnt even a monkey. There are approximately 2,368 species of bacteria living in your belly button. Instead, hes autistic, and the world we see is all in his head. He felt doing so would be unsportsmanlike." Below we present another 16 facts about 80s cartoons that are definitely going to ruin your childhood. Thanks for your time! Aladdin wouldn't work. Despite it being marketed to children, the name gak has some inappropriate origins. Some believe that Johnny Test is actually the son of Johnny Bravo, due to the way he acts and looks. However, despite our best efforts, we sometimes miss the mark. The subsequent litigation did not proceed as the statute of limitations in the cases had expired. We want our readers to trust us. At least we have the memories! As is usually the case, the Disney version of The Little Mermaid differs heavily from its source material. ", Amy Jo Johnson, the pink Power Ranger, spoke at her funeral and said: "Ill always remember her spunky, strong personality. I discovered this from a friend who works at an international chain-store ice creamery; and now that you too have learned the shocking truth, youll find that the next time you taste a rainbow ice cream, youre tasting nothing but ruined childhood and vanilla. Along with that, there are a number of fan theories surrounding popular shows from our childhoods that suck all the happiness out of them. The original yellow Power Ranger, Thuy Trang, died when she was 27 in a car accident. submissions or preferences. When looking back at the old TV shows we used to watch, we often come across things we didnt notice as children. Yet, what many don't know is Salva had already spent 15 months in prison for sexually assaulting a 12-year-old boy who had acted in some of his earlier films. Your reputation with your friends and fans will not be harmed.". If he had already been an adult or even a teenager, wouldnt a prince have already learned to read? We found out that we had the same classes and sat together at lunch. The Wizard of Oz is such a classic family favorite that it's difficult to hear dark facts about the movie. By continuing to browse, you agree to the use of cookies. So its depressing to learn that, in real life, coyotes are faster than road runners. [adunit mobile="RTK_dVa8] Be sure to post a comment letting us know your thoughts, as well as sharing any 80s cartoon secrets you're aware of that we don't mention! Mara wasn't even 8 years old when her mother lost her battle with cancer. Stuart Anders, the inventor of the original bracelet, stepped in and donated replacement bracelets. Reporting on what you care about. 2. Luckily, you would have to eat a whole bunch of apple seeds to suffer from the effects of cyanide poisoning. Madame de Pompadour was the alluring chief mistress of King Louis XV, but few people know her dark historyor the chilling secret shared by her and Louis. Which means that he wasTEN YEARS OLD when he was transformed into a beast. Who knows how many of them you lost or left behind at your grandparents place? "AHHH," these "Home Alone" facts will ruin your childhood. Youre reading this willingly. Here are 11 facts that will probably ruin your day and perhaps your life. 10. 18 Absolutely B.S. Our credibility is the turbo-charged engine of our success. Lumiere states that it has been ten years that the curse has been in place. YouTube. Source BrainFacts/SfN. Driscoll was awarded a Juvenile Academy Award for his work in 1949. These facts will make you Ponder life. Snakes and Ladders was a teacher of morals, Top 10 Ways Candles Ruin Your Life And Signal The, Top 10 Christmas Songs Dark Enough To Ruin Your, Top 10 Movies That Helped Ruin Filmmaking, 10 Ways Your Smartphone Is Ruining Your Life, Top 10 Creepy Childhood Stories Of Serial Killers, 10 Childhood Warning Signs of a Serial Killer, 10 Fascinating Facts About The Bugs Living In Your Guts, 10 Things You Didn't Know About Your Favorite Bar Drinks, Ten True Tales from Americas Toughest Prison, 10 Times Members of Secretive Societies and Organizations Spilled the Beans, 10 Common Idioms with Unexpectedly Dark Origins, 10 North American Animals with Misplaced Reputations, Top 10 Creepiest and Strangest Homes on Zillow, Top Ten Worst Book to Movie Adaptations Ever Filmed, Ten Seriously Spooky Unsolved Spring Break Mysteries, 10 Significant Biblical Archaeology Discoveries, 10 Little-Known Facts About The Development Of The Bikini, 10 Tragic Facts About Legendary Musicians, 10 Innocent Words And Their Unbelievably Dirty Origins, 10 Reasons Behind The Quirks Of The English Alphabet. After people on set found out, rumors of a "Poltergeist curse" started circulating. And contrary to popular belief, chimps arent monkeys. And then, through an incredible teacher, I was introduced to you. This list names and shames some common misconceptions and hidden truths in relation to those sacred memories we cling to after childhood. Thuy Trang, the original yellow Power Ranger, The character of Peter Pan was actually based on creator J.M. Mood rings were a favorite of children in the 1970s, and have entertained many generations to follow. Follow the BuzzFeed Community on. The irony is only surpassed by the tragedy. Its no secret to fans of Hey Arnold! Curious George, everybodys favorite monkey, isnt actually a monkey. There are a number of examples of Disney animators slipping sexually explicit messages into the films. This is why the criminals the gang catches tend to be everyday people who have had no choice but to turn to crime. With his attempts to pick up girls every chance he gets, Johnny Bravo isnt the most endearing character on Cartoon Network. advertising. This song may have been a mere one hit wonder, but for years it was a staple of pool parties and slumber parties for girls at least and I fondly remember listening to it while playing with my own Barbie dolls. According to one fan theory, Disney tends to differentiate between their princesses. The assumption is that Mufasa is the father of both Simba and Nala. An apple a day is thought to keep the doctor away. This is without a doubt one of the most upsetting childhood movie facts on this list. We'd be more than a little bummed that the Power Rangers actors couldn't actually fight. Some of them may surprise you: Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland, is thought to have been a pedophile. In an original draft of The Santa Clause, Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) was originally supposed to shoot Santa, thinking him to be a burglar. If we could time travel and talk to our four-year-old selves? I pray the Lord my soul to take. Although they are not as popular as they were in their heyday, they are still around with many companies making their own unauthorized versions. pipermurreyj. The young child star lost her mother during post-production. Hold onto your butts for this strange Jurassic Park production fact. Gary the Snail, who devours food by the metric ton, is Gluttony. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. . The original voice of Ducky, 10-year-oldJudith Barsi (who also voicedAnne-Marie inAll Dogs Go to Heaven), unfortunately didn't live to see the release of the animated classic. Apart from being a contestant yourself, the next best thing to bring the game show to life was to purchase some Gak, the tie-in product that mimicked the shows infamous slime. He supposedly died with his mother and the film is an analogy of Marlin's grief. In the movie, NIMH stands for the National Institute of Mental Health. Thats how rumors of the Poltergeistcurse began. I've known you for 7, almost 8 years now and with each passing year I am more and more grateful to call you my best friend. While hes mostly known for his childrens books, Dahl spent his writing career writing mature stories as well. Judith's gravestone reads "Yep! Baby carrots are simply cut and processed from regular carrots. At Trang's funeral, Amy Jo Johnson, the pink Power Ranger, said: "I'll always remember her spunky, strong personality. Sure, why not? was a groundbreaking movie when it was released in 1982. Here are 43 disturbing facts thatll ruin your childhood. Mixing pop rock and soda is a recipe for disaster and possibly even death. You'll think that the orange ones actually taste like oranges. 483623. I envied your blas attitude and I feared that my over-excitable nature would ruin a friendship before it began. Gelatin is largely flavorless and odorless, so maybe thats why your bowl of watermelon Jell-O doesnt taste like a rack of barbecued ribs. Well, you actually didnt, because the titular family was actually called the Berenstain Bears, with an a. The false memory may be the result of the prevalence of surnames ending with the suffix -stein. The books were named after the creators Stan and Jan Berenstain. I'm so proud that you share all of this with me and call me your friend, that you have invited me into your home and introduced me to your incredible boyfriend. Awful. Historys most fascinating stories and darkest secrets, delivered to your inbox daily. Just looking at the stuff is sure to bring on nostalgic wave of hot summer days at the beach, snacks before movies, and long trips in the car with your parents. For example, the scene in The Lion King where Simba collapses on the overhanging rock, the dust from the flowers spells S-E-X. We bet you never noticed that Robin keeps an array of mementos at the Titans base and one of these contains the remains of the previous Robin. The once hill-strewn terrain is now the site of a large pond, virtually unrecognizable from what was depicted on the wildly popular and delightfully strange childrens show that was originally produced from 1997 to 2001. Winner gets 10,000 pennies. Elmo from Sesame Streetwas a staple in the childhoods of most children across the country, but unfortunately, the character is connected to some less than pleasant business. Whether you grew up on classic children's fairy tales or the stories created by the Disney Company, you maybe surprised to learn you don't know the whole truth and, in some instances, were definitely lied to. Businesses are using ChatGPT to create search-engine optimised copy that will give them a better ranking in google. In one episode Witchiepoo uses laughing gas, which pours out of her saxophone like smoke. Like the Margartha theory, this one posits that the seven dwarfs are an interpretation of mine workers in the region this time being not children, but men of very small stature. Disposition definition, the predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirits; natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude: I'd like to thank the general manager for his hospitality, kindness, and always cheerful disposition. She did her hair and makeup one final time, put on her nicest outfit, and took an overdose of sleeping pills. Krabs, with his love for money, is Greed. Everybody knows that there are three Powerpuff girls. Judiths gravestone reads Yep! Making distraction rewarding since 2017. The simplicity of playing Frisbee is what makes it so easy to enjoy for kids but the equally simple origins of the Frisbee might surprise you. Other stressors include external factors such as early life . Self care and ideas to help you live a healthier, happier life. Hey, are you in the mood for some really depressing facts about stuff you probably loved as a kid? Registered office: 3rd floor, Latin Hall, Golden Lane, Dublin 8. After Homer becomes intelligent following a mishap with a crayon, he chooses to return to his old ignorant life. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! Pass it on to a "friend" who you know will definitely "enjoy" these facts. His early films were filled with ugly racist stereotypes, often lampooning African-Americans and Jewish people. A juicy burger, crispy fries, a thirst-quenching drink, and a toy in a delightful cardboard box are always sure to put a smile on a kids face. There were several actors who provided their voice talents to the popular childrens show Caillou. 1. Most people remember Darth Vaders line as Luke, I am your father. However, the actual line Darth Vader says to Luke is No. As intelligence goes up, happiness goes down, she explains. After all, that was the supposed cause of death of the young actor that played Mikey in the Life cereal commercials. Unfortunately, the second actor to voice the title character, Jaclyn Linetsky, lost her life in a car accident in Quebec when she was just 17 years old. Me and my team of researchers are proud to report that water is wet, Its apparently impossible to buy off a guilty conscience, Rock slaps back this Saturday in the live Netflix special Selective Outrage, I sometimes wonder if fear isnt just Gods way of saying, Pay attention, this could be fun, Hes worse than a frickin shark with a laser beam strapped to its head. VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Shannon Stovall. Look, it's been a common internet trope for well over a decade to say that learning a certain fact about a beloved piece of pop culture ruined your childhood. It's actually a little annoying, people being so precious about TV shows and movies they loved before they could even dress themselves. A coyote can reach speeds of up to 43 miles per hour, while roadrunners top out around 20 miles per hour. It wasn't discovered in time and his mother died as a result. Charlie's mom gives Scott the number where she can be reached in case of an emergency. Some claim that the show takes place in the near future in a post-apocalyptic version of Earth. The truth can set you free, but it can also make the world a cold and bitter place. O.J. While co-directing and co-writing Cars, Joe Ranft tragically lost his life - in a car crash. However, those liquid crystals are often made with poisonous materials like mercury and arsenic. Despite what your parents used to tell you, there is no actual evidence that swimming immediately after eating causes any harm. supports the work of the Press Council of Ireland and the Office of the Press Sound familiar? One of the most shocking fan theories is that the Flintstones, everybodys favorite stone-age family, dont actually live in the past. There he is in all his.glory: Advertisement. Its hard to believe shes gone., Ebsen was eventually hospitalized and forced out of the production, and they started using a safer aluminum paste as makeup once Haley replaced him. In 2011, a Florida school had ordered a large shipment of slap bracelets for the schools fundraising efforts. If you can, let us know what they are below in the comments! Theres a layer of metal floating in the sky above you right now. Lewis Carroll was a Pedophile. He was also openly and publicly battling AIDS. By recording electrical signals from this region, his team aims to understand its role in goal-directed behavior. Mario isn't being heroic on the cover of Super Mario Bros, he's dying. The real story of Pocahontas is a tragedy. If you can't, let us know which fact put a damper on your day! This belief comes from the fact that lion prides are usually only presided over by one or two male lions. Gelatin is derived from collagen extracted from a variety of animal bones and cartilage. They lose their jobs as scientists and small business owners and must become villains to survive. Jeanne d'Arc is a well known tragic saint, but she was active only for two years. 16. Those who wear long gloves, are commoners. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. They also, In reality, John Smith was 28 years old when he first met Pocahontas, a, The teddy bear was named after Theodore Roosevelt because, while on a hunting trip, he refused to, Ricardo Medina, one of the former red Power Rangers, pleaded guilty to, POOL / Getty Images / Hemdale Film Corporation, Phill Lewis, aka Mr. Moseby from the Disney Channel, was. The theory goes that shes his time-traveling daughter who has gone back in time to stop her fathers scientific progress before he invents a device that changes the world forever. Final score: He died in New York in 1968 and was buried in an unmarked grave because no one claimed his body. That always makes us feel better when the pressures of adulting become too much and we need an escape. Ebsen claimed to have breathing problems for the rest of his life because of "that damned movie. Irish sport images provided by Inpho Photography Universal Pictures. aijaphoto / Shutterstock. Player View. In actuality, the color changes due to changes in temperature. Did you know Frozen has sexual innuendos hidden in the film, too? I tried to get my ex-wife served with divorce papers. Thats when the woodcutter or hunter arrives, finds the sleeping wolf, and cuts open his stomach to free Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. Actually, many elements of the Santa Claus story hold very little Christian relevance. Life was filled with dress-up and fighting with pirates in a land where everyone can fly with a bit of pixie dust. Salva also reportedly videotaped one of the incidents. I don't know what made God or the Fates or whichever All-Powerful Being decide that we both should be so lucky to not only know each other, but to share so much of each others' lives by being best friends, but I know I will thank them until the end of my days. In 2012, Starbucks admitted that many of their strawberry-flavored beverages were actually colored red through the use of cochineal dyes, which are derived from crushed parasitic beetles. Journal Media does not control and is not responsible for user created content, posts, comments, 1 The genetic defect associated with Huntington's disease causes the degeneration of nerve cells in some regions of the brain that control movement and thinking. However, the most interesting and somewhat disturbing costume in the film was the one for the Cowardly Lion, which was actually made from real lion hides. And she curses this ORPHANED CHILD PRINCE because she apparently thinks shes some sort of messiah. A photographic collection of naked young girls was found in his home, some of them being girls he was thought to have based characters on within his stories such as Alice Liddel, who featured heavily in his photographs and was the inspiration for his character Alice. I sorta had to start the process of learning to accept myself, which was very difficult; it took me many years after the fact., She did her hair and makeup one final time, put on her nicest outfit, and took an overdose of sleeping pills. She was on her way to film scenes for another TV show when she had the accident. A study from the Centers for Disease . At Factinate, were dedicated to getting things right. And all of the animals you loved are now dead. Next, we have this little scene where a fish's "manhood" is literally exposed.It's just hanging out for everyone to see. Published 24 May 2021. If youre concerned about ingesting car wax, the amount of carnauba wax used in gummy bears is nowhere near toxic levels. The other possibility is that Scar is Nalas father, making Simba and Nala cousins. Yikes. Amen., I put myself through conversion therapy because I didnt wanna be gay. 6. Look, it's been a common internet trope for well over a decade to say that learning a certain fact about a beloved piece of pop culture ruined your childhood. It's actually a little annoying, people being so precious about TV shows and movies they loved before they could even dress themselves. The game was designed as a simple way to teach young people about morals so next time you set up a snakes and ladders game, perhaps youll remember to have a good long think about your life. Thats a pretty bleak message to send to the smart cookies out there. These child star facts will ruin your childhood. We even lived as roommates for two (and a quarter) years. Having said, you should probably not pee in the pool, because, dye or no dye, its still pretty gross. Because the statute of limitations has passed, it's still unknown if Clashwas guilty or the claims were unfounded. This is intended to explain why Dexter has a vaguely European accent and how a twelve-year-old could have a functioning secret science lab. There are FOUR contests for you to choose from. Apparently a number of graphic images were cut from the final boat scene. They seemed to occupy two polar opposite sides of the cinematic spectrumone was for a family movie night, while the other was more the type of movie you would watch at a sleepover after your parents went to bed. To you told each other everything, good and bad, and have entertained many generations to follow version... Put a damper on your day is derived from collagen extracted from a Warm Planet thats my porn.. Were filled with ugly racist stereotypes, often lampooning African-Americans and Jewish people d & # x27 s. 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