The problem was that it consumed excessive oil, causing a lack of lubrication. The 3.6-liter engine supplies quick acceleration times at the test track, but feels sluggish in routine driving with its unrefined and slow-shifting six-speed automatic transmission doing it no. 1 - 30 of 98 results. Here are some of the most common signs of a bad timing belt on the Chevy Equinox: The timing tensioner can also go bad. Refresh the page or try again later. Every mechanic you speak to says nothing with issues with these 2.4 engines!! We are going to learn more about the model. In this section, well take a closer look at some of the top Chevy Equinox model years to avoid. AI: This is most frequent on vehicles that are exposed to the elements during their lifetime. Similarly, the 2.0T would be dropped for the 2021 model year, leaving the 1.5T as the sole survivor. I always get my routine oil changes and this happens!! In these situations, the wear and tear are much more significant compared to the usual rate of wear. When I'm driving on the road it sometimes loses power and or dies on me and I have to pull over take the key out and start it up again. Also, it is a good idea to get one of the V6 engines instead of the 2.4. The 2015 Chevy Equinox problems, in terms of transmissions, are not that big. Also the heated seats sometimes does not work. Although it only receivedIIHS Top Safety Picks for the 2020-2021 model years, the 2018-2019 models were safe as well. Car ReviewsExperiencesNewsMotorsportProduct ReviewsTroubleshootingTrending. You should take note that the Equinox was produced in Tennessee between May 2013 and 2015. This carbon buildup will ruin your valves completely if not treated on time. So it's pretty interesting that there is someone specializing in the area. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Using a Poor It received a marginal score for both the side and head restraints & seats categories. 2012 Chevrolet Equinox. Class action suit or recall needs to happen, but I dont know how to go about doing something like that. But if you want to save your head and valves on time, you can visit a carbon cleaning company. Increased ride height gives you a lot of clearance on the road and the comfort of a car. Most manufacturers will recommend changing the timing belt at 60k or 100k miles. Then buckle up, because we have a lot to share with you. Owners may contact Chevrolet customer service at 1-800-222-1020 or GMC customer service at 1-800-462-8782. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Some of the owners have reported issues with the ignition components of the Chevy Equinox. To fix this issue, its important to identify the root cause of the misfire and replace any faulty parts. It is a tricky repair though, so unless youre particularly skilled its usually best left to a mechanic. does not research or authenticate any of the Answers provided. It also includes the timing chain and who knows what else. Get a few quotes from garages in your area to see what you can expect to pay, and go with the place that offers a fair price and which has a good reputation. 2015 Equinox. I guess Im going to look into lemon laws. 2014 Chevy Equinox. And considering the relative easiness of the job, everyone can do it. In 2018 a water pump was replaced along with a hose and less than 1 year later I'm losing coolant like crazy again and it smells like coolant when the heat runs and the engine fan runs forever after turning the car off. Thats why you should try to get an Equinox that has a perfectly working and reliable transmission and not pay a fortune to fix it. 2005 Chevrolet equinox. Its just the TIME that it would take you or your mechanic to get to it thats the problem. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. However, there were still many similarities, such as standard FWD and optional AWD. The timing chain only needs to be changed if there is some issue with it. Come join the discussion about modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, reviews, and more! Takes out the hole top end. If you are going to replace the tensioner, make sure to swap the belt as well. As well as high quality car reviews we also specialise in troubleshooting car problems. The tensioners job is to keep the right amount of pressure on your Chevy Equinoxs timing belt or chain. Not that I know of yet. This is a rather common problem that can be diagnosed by engine overheating and costs about $700 to fix. That means no lane departure warning and forward collision warning in the base models. One cold night be and the timing chain blew my engine. Coils can fail and make the car misfire or cause other ignition or running issues. My engine has to be replaced and was told its going to be roughly $5000. 103,. 2018 Equinox LT1 1.5 L 4 cyl, AWD, S/R Cajun Red Tintcoat/Black. The problem that usually occurs with this timing chain is not because of the chain. 2015 CHEVROLET EQUINOX SUV AWD | NHTSA United States Department of Transportation Report a Safety Problem Look up another vehicle go Vehicle Comparison Tool Compare safety information Hmm. :thumbdown: These are cases most lawyers wouldn't touch. The shop said the diagnostic codes didnt show anything but it also shows she didnt have a seat belt on (because something else wasnt triggered). The 2015 Chevy Equinox is a DEATH TRAP just waiting to get someone killed. The car would jerk and the speedometer and tachometer arms would fly up and down and back again. Wife was driving from Richmond Va home in Greensboro NC this past Sunday. It seemed fine and it was fine for about 2 years. Also, the bearings have to be changed along with the O-rings, and this is almost like a rebuild. A broke timing chain probably is 1 in a million. Engine Won't Start - If your Equinox's timing chain or belt has fallen off completely, broken, or has jumped a few teeth, it is entirely possible that the engine won't even start. Power loss issues. This can cause Your pistons to over-extend in their travel and smack and damage other parts inside Your engine. LATCH is the child-anchoring system found in cars. fuel economy and occasional misfires could be caused by a timing chain issue, as could difficulty starting your 2015 Chevrolet Equinox or the engine making a rattling sound regularly. When a coil has failed, you are going to see a check engine light on the dash and you have to take the car to a mechanic, or scan the vehicle for error codes using an OBD2 scanner tool. Also, there was some rust bubbling here and there on cars that were driven on the east coast. How do I get in on the lawsui? Also, with the current generation averaging less than 100 complaints per model year, according to theNHTSA, there a no significant problems to be wary of. These options were only included in the Power convenience package. Still nothing on the timing chain. Thats why we are going to talk about the most common issues. If it jumps a tooth, or breaks entirely it can lead to permanent engine damage. It was consuming 12 quarts of oil between oil changes. The average cost for a Chevrolet Equinox timing chain and gear set replacement is between $973 and $1,120. Its frustrating and I will NEVER buy another Chevy Equinox again! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. My Chevy Equinox has had several problems with it. The most frequent symptoms of bad chain guides are engine rattles, poor engine work, and misfires. The transmissions in this vehicle are mostly bulletproof if properly maintained. Though popular, some model years are more problematic than others. The last Chevy I owed I have over 400,000 miles with minimal repairs. This is not because the 2017 model is unsafe, but rather because theIIHSstarted testing theLATCHease of use. Although the fuel pump was recalled, the ignition was not. Yeah, but what about the 2015 Chevy Equinox problems? 2009 Chevy equinox- the good and the bad with this SUV. While the 2018 Chevy Equinox is a newer model year, it has also had its share of problems. 2017 Chevrolet Equinox L. Has a problem with burning through oil once it hits 100k miles, but other than that I love it. Chevrolet Equinox SUVs burn through motor oil at an alarming rate causing engine damage and other serious issues, according to a class action lawsuit filed by two vehicle owners. The engine was made in China, the transmission from Japan, and it was assembled in Canada. On Wednesday got a call from dealer and was told that they think I should just go ahead and replace the engine. Several signs indicate a failing or broken timing chain including misfires, metal shavings in the oil, an engine that fails to start, an illuminated check engine light, and a rattling sound from the engine. Poor/lack of air/ heating in the back seat area. Related repairs may also be needed. 36000 mi Spark knock when running 87 octane. Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor Replacement Cost, Air Intake Temperature Sensor Replacement Cost, Camshaft Position Actuator Replacement Cost, Camshaft Position Sensor Replacement Cost, Coolant Temperature Sensor Replacement Cost, Crankshaft Position Sensor Replacement Cost, Electronic Throttle Control Replacement Cost, Intake Air Temperature Sensor Replacement Cost, Lower Control Arm Bushing Replacement Cost, Powertrain Control Module Replacement Cost, Pressure Control Solenoid Replacement Cost, Secondary Air Injection System Replacement Cost, The Complete Timing Belt Replacement Cost Guide, Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid Replacement Cost, Transmission Control Module Replacement Cost, Transmission Cooler Lines Replacement Cost, 2015 Chevrolet Equinox Timing Chain Replacement Cost, Replacing the timing chain is a big job which will likely require multiple parts of the engine being disassembles and rebuilt, Before the main work starts the engine will be cleaned thoroughly with de-greaser, The mechanic will determine the firing order of the car, They will ensure that the number 1 cylinder is up by removing the spark plug and placing a screwdriver in the spark plug hole, with the piston near the top of the screwdriver, The battery cables will be disconnected and the radiator cap will be removed, The coolant will be drained from the engine, The mechanic will then remove the radiator hoses, remove all drive belts, remove the heater hoses, remove the water pump and fan and finally the timing chain cover, There will be a mark or a dot on both the old chain and the tooth of the chain gear. If you want to make sure that your transmission is going to last and will not jerk or shudder or slip gears, you have to maintain it properly. And also, the performance is something that we are going to cover. Chevy did nothing to help. I'm the AI Car Expert. timing belt Plastic, over time, becomes brittle and cracks. Pissed off seeing it sit there every day. After 6 weeks of calling every day and they wouldnt answer most of the time they agreed to cover half of the new motor. In speaking with my mechanic, this is a common problem with this make, and engine. This seems to be an isolated problem as it only affected the 2007 model year. The car would randomly not start, after having just started 20 minutes earlier. The manager at the Chevrolet dealership where we were having work done to our vehicle for the fourth time in 6 months told us we shouldn't expect those vehicles to last but 100,000 miles. Had transmission rebuilt (Pro).My problem is that when it gets around 35, 8L90E Specs, Performance, and Identification, TH400 Transmission Specs, ID, and Common Problems, Chevy Cruze: Bad Timing Belt or Chain Symptoms, Chevy Express: Bad Timing Belt or Chain Symptoms, Mazda 6 P0320: Meaning, Causes, & Diagnosis. So, you can say that most of the mechanicals are shared among these manufacturers and if you are looking for parts for your Chevy, a Cadillac in the junkyard may have the same part as your Equinox. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Then, the chain can slip and cause your valves to collide with the pistons, and damage to the valves is unavoidable. We research hundreds of models each A taller ride height also means more safety for you and your passengers as well. The 2015 Chevy Equinox has a number of complaints. They said that they could not find anything wrong. It is like the car was painted with cheap products. Our daughter was in an accident while driving our new Chevy equinox. Also, make sure that the timing chain job is done if you dont want to pay money to get this work done. People reported unusual wear and tear on the interior panels. Timing belts are not that common. I purchased an extended warranty also and they will not fix it also. I am retired from GM and currently own 6 GM vehicles that all get serviced at the dealer and they did not want to cover much. For all intents and purposes, they create the same symptoms when they go bad. However, the V6 engines did not have this problem. Also, the gas gauge does not work very well. But problems mounted, and THEN the engine DIED at 135,000 miles. The 2.4L engine is a timing chain-driven engine. We're looking to fight back. 2) there are no vents in the back seat for air conditioning or heat. This results in the engine not getting any gasoline and it prevents it from starting up or running. Though the 3.0L V6 (2010-2012) suffered from failing timing chains, the 3.6L V6 (2013-2017) did not. They pulled the coded and suggested timing chain replacement. 2009 Equinox. It's tough to say on the info provided whether those estimates are actually high. Just paid almost $2600.00 repair for Chain package on my 2015 Equinox. Do Chevy Equinox have engine problems? Class action suit against GM is needed before someone dies!!!!!!! Oil pan gaskets are fairly cheap and you can get one for less than $30. Chevy recalled and fixed this issue. There are severe rust spots in several areas of the vehicle. For most cars, The Equinox is basically one of the first choices for many people who want to get themselves a small crossover. Apparently not on a class action basis, though. Finally, there were several other less costly problems found on the Equinox that buyers should be cognizant of, such as heater problems (2005-2007), a faulty ignition (2005-2008), fuel pump failure (2007), and wiper motor failure (2010-2017). It must be stated, the 2.4L I4 engine needs to be avoided at all costs. Motor Verso runs display advertisements and advertorials on our content. In these situations, your window may stay open and you may end up with a flooded car. I just found out my timing has jumped in my 2015 Chevy equinox with 65,000 miles was told I need a new engine $6071.67 plus labor $3400.00. Suddenly the ABS and no Traction Control lights come on causing the vehicle to not brake correctly). I received a letter last week from Premier Legal Center In California stating that a number of manufacturer defects have been reported on the GMC Terrain and if you have had engine failure,Transmission problems and other problems to contact them about a possible buy back or cash settlement. No Good !!!! Had it only 6 months and timing chain failed ruining my engine had to do a complete engine repair then one year later during cold weather again my timing chain failed that repair cost me over $1,500 now a year later on December 23rd another Arctic freeze hit our area my car was warmed up completely and again another timing chain failure don't know how much this one's going to cost me but in two and a half years I've had nothing but major expenses on this limit of a car and again GM refuses to do anything or acknowledge any problems, I have the same problem 2017,blew my engineI have no choices but to get fixed.Im still making payments on the car, Had to replace timing chain on our 2015 Equinox. A rattling engine can be caused be the exhaust, timing chain, loose accessories, and much more. I have bought nothing but GM products for 30 years but that is about to change, My 2015 Chev Equinox timing belt just blew, along with the header and valves.driving the vehicle, all of a sudden engine losing power light on and car recalls? Thats why we wrote this 2015 Chevy Equinox problems article to make your life easier. Not only does this leave occupants cold, but the windshield cannot be defrosted, leading to a safety concern. The most common problem that leads to a mechanical breakdown in the car is fuel pump failure. In this article, we are going to cover everything you need to know when it comes to Chevy Equinox. Traveling I-95 at 70 mph and lost power and almost got rear ended. 1) sensors are constantly telling me the tires are low, even when they're not. All I can say is THANK YOU for your Service. So, as the belt stretches it adjusts for this stretching. Insulation seal around the windows wear out in about 7 years. So far I've dealt with problem of stalling out at stop signs that was a recall. Where a lot of people get into trouble is when they buy a used car with 100k no realizing that the belt service is going to be immediately due. This will guarantee the longevity of your engine and you will not have any issues in the next 150,000 miles or so. Then we have covered the issues related to this engine as well as with other systems of the Equinox like the transmission, interior, and exterior wear and tear and rust buildup. That accounts for both new and used crossovers, and probably the Chevy Equinox has become one of your picks. Be dropped for the 2021 model year I will NEVER buy another Chevy Equinox has several. Fairly cheap and you will not fix it also needed before someone dies!!!!. After having just started 20 minutes earlier it thats the problem that leads to mechanical! Marginal score for both new and used crossovers, and it prevents it from starting up or running issues AWD... 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