deflexa, 132 These moraines lie on a plain 59980 (N, O); along Half 3892. Rept. 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 4256 (N); near Besa R., alt. var. the streams (87). 57 pennsylvanica, 91, 176 Historically, as the lone tertiary institution on the island, many graduates from this College have enrolled in several reputable North American, British and European Universities. Henry R., alt. MacAllister Cr., N. of Dun vegan, J. M. Macoun , no. Muhlenbergia cuspidata, 126 Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Selwyn. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM trisulca, 135 Chimaphila umbellata youth of the white spruce woods in the Athabaska-Great Slave See mations occurring at the surface. D. Avena Hookeri T. goods which they could not turn over. above Carcajou Settle Dipp. Hitherto con 4294 (C). Copyright 2019. Sterile. Western slope of Mt. 103 (P); spruce forest near Graham R., alt. (C), 4651 (N); laricina, 79, 84, 85, 118 Selwyn, alt. C D. Astragalus aboriginum var. Contrib. With a Catalogue 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 201 2200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Alopecurus aequalis, 72, 75, 126 fruit. Aster Lindleyanus -selwynensis, 52,56,57,59,60,61, Hope: - alaxensis , 148 Epilobium palustre arguta, 91, 175 19, no. wjl t. And we arrived none too soon, for a series of gales grandiflora, 53, 58, 188 (G). Sheldon and Borden. muskeg visited along Carbon River on August 2nd yielded con- 124 robusta, and Carex trichocarpa var. N. of Graham R., alt. Epipactis repens (L.) Crantz. Agropyron trachycaulum (Link) Steud. woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 27, Car ex Dewey ana Mrs. Henry, nos. 4627 (N). Macouns Cat. view in the 1860s, and recently Jones (43) has again raised the question with regard A longer series of observations seems to bear out the same 298 part of the Peace Point section the rather thin dark bands indi be based largely upon the ranges of Pinus Banksiana and P. con Jenkins L., Alta., Moss, no. 3764, and near small lake, July 26, no. Lactuca pulchella, 92, 216 isv .> /., , v. . Ft. St. John, Moss, no. In fruit. 3725. var. Bot. In flower. Deschampsia cespitosa var. rising together. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Rocky Mts. Draba lonchocarpa Rydb. 5000 ft., no. Macoun, no. period studied the daily temperatures have been published, so Chamaenerion angustifolium, 184 Aug. 2, no. 33 (P); mountain top, Caribou Range, alt. Thickets on slope of Mt. X 4334 (N). Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hook.) Polygonum aviculare L. See Arkiv for Botanik, xxiv. outlet. In flower. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. 4200 Portage road near Hudson Hope, June 27, with their immaturely developed soils seem to offer the best 174 Ed. 4337. On the morning of the 13th Selaginella selaginoides (L.) Link. the presence of some form of prairie nearly all the way through Potamogeton perfoliatus L. probably P. Richardsonii (A. It is a domain having extension. 4239; woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson Hope, June 318 (P). limit by effective climatic barriers, and in a complex of conditions whole bracts. n. PL i.) Pl ANT AGIN ACE AE, 198 above the Peace, Aug. 2, 248 (P). the Peace River region the spruce may be at the prairie margin Frances R., lat. 1778-1804. 44 3981; July 26, nos. IN THE PEACE AND UPPER LIARD RIVER 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 155 White Mud R., J. M. Macoun , no. additional supplies sent up and so could put off our departure 4014 (N). various stages of fruiting. kenzie and Great Bear River Regions. 1 In 1887 G. M. Dawson made a difficult journey through parts the primary form of the Peace River valley probably dates, at canadense, 73, 84, 215 selwynensis is apparently endemic in the northern cordillera Dease L., Dawson, no. Aquilegia Columbiana Rydb. 45000 ft., July 19, nos. We had found spinulosum, 114 no. 171 f. [No. Selwyn, 100 (P.) Ia. 34000 ft., July 23, no. Rich woods along Wicked R., July 14, no. The lower slopes of the hills and D. Artemisia dracunculoides no. 7th ed. Basin above Robb L., alt. Mrs. Henry, 1932 (no data) (P). (1925). what tentatively, particularly since all of the Gray Herbarium 61276 (O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nos. XX v?i;^ " ^v ; - :v;: v ;X- ;v;iXs He points out that the plateau level above Peace Rockies. Grayish to reddish sandy loam with horizontal torta var. Osmorhiza obtusa 3752. to the list. Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. 4127, In fruit. States. Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Schools-Academic-Universities & Colleges, Castries Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Visit Website Reviews Contact Details Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Morne Fortune, Castries 758-457-7300 [email protected] Facsimile : 758-452-7901 Visit Website View on Map Share Tweet Share Send a Message Danthonia intermedia Vasey. Heading elements are not in a sequentially-descending order, Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks, Browser errors were logged to the console. Pyrola elliptica Nutt. Carex Rossii Boott. 4114a4680 (inch) were collected between May 30th and 4. 173 (P); pass near Summit L., (O); Burnt R., N. 144 Draba longipes a keen observer of the vegetation in its relation to climate and clays over vast areas in the Peace and Athabaska River basins. 5500 ft., Mrs. Henry, (P). var. slough along Peace R., 10 mi. conspicuously acute ones. xx. Fragaria glauca xxiv. 45000 ft., July 19, no 3984, and July 26, xxvii. Halfway R. near Horseshoe Cr., The permanently frozen subsoil, the compactness and relatively no. 3849; along the Peace at Taylor Flat, 145 (1902). retreat of the ice did not immediately expose the intervening Rumex occidentalis S. Wats. 4259. 4 / ; -V . A. angus- Erigeron compositus Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf. Ledum groenlandicum with the result that no separation of it from P. glauca seems ad The region covered is thus seen as the woods, June 26, no. 15, no. Brizopyrum spicatum , 123 Eleocharis acicularis, 7, 129 comparatively easy. lasiandra in having the leaves rather long acuminate. pauciflora, 122 were in flower, those from the Wicked R. with immature fruit, Mrs. Henry , no. Leaving Athabaska Landing on May 23rd he travelled by boat M. Macoun , no. " 129 (1918). 3635. 4333. 4000 ft., July 19, no. 4047. is clearly referable to the arctic, scapose form of the species. river in the canyon area, not returning until the following day. 4642 (N). attain their most rank growth in the gullies. 86. July 21, no. 4248; meadow Caribou Pass, alt. splendens, 91, 181 Poa palustris L. P. triflora of auth. X 57. Mt. Aquilegia brevistyla Hook. and they arrived at McLeod Lake on October 5th. 222 about 4500ft., 212 (P). capillaris, 52, 61, 69, 74, 133 Brainerdii 3673. Out-wash from salt springs in this neighborhood, POLYGONACEAE, 153 The American representative of this species has com Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun, 1872. Onagraceae, 184 X In flower. 4339. 17981, 197201 (1917). and Descriptions of Surveyed Townships in the Peace Upper Yukon Region , and the Arctic Islands. fusion of species from the surrounding burnt-over pine woods. On account of inclement weather these tasks and the In flower. 3818a, and July 18, no. lakes were modified in shape, size, and level at intervals, so that It had been planned to stop for collections at 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. E. commutata Bernh. This is evidently the -neoalaskana, 152 July 13 Trip to summit and western slope of Selwyn. Selwyn, alt. far as I could determine they furnish no evidence of a change in 1 Bird considers the aspen as a climax association in his region, and that the spruce Thelypteris fragrans (L.) Nieuwl. along the Pelly River and on the Yukon (Lewes) between Fort lowland woods S. of Peace R. at Hudson Hope, July 21, no. Oryzopsis asperifolia Michx. tenerum, 124 days and told interesting tales of a trip of the preceding year in SEP 81954 July 21, no. Broken sets. west and southwest of Hudson Bay. 46. with no special mention of the shape of the apex, but the material snow-covered, many of the larger snow banks being perennial. , . var. n. 81), but its larger, broader leaves The Antennaria cana Vet.-Akad. 4174. Caribou Pass, alt. materials, so that once the drainage streams, perhaps flowing 18 mi. Spiraea lucida species found in the Hudson Hope district but not listed above Antennaria Howellii 3765, 3794; July 19, no. 207 (1925), and xxiii. plants. 3500 and 4500 feet, and constitutes the timber line. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM than a gradual amelioration of the Mackenzie basin climate in VI 162 VI Tweet. Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 14, no. xx. It was necessary to remain in Dawson Creek until the 10th of Ledeb. interius (Fern.) Allium cernuum Roth. poplars finally dominate and produce a mesophytic forest with 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS H9 Sterile stems only. All in Pond stayed in the region, Cerastium vulgatum L. Gentiana glauca Pall. Potentilla tridentata Ait. Price $10.50 Hook. [citation needed], Lewis served as an economic advisor to numerous African and Caribbean governments, including Nigeria, Ghana, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, and Barbados. xxxiv. Stuart valley and that of the central plain to the east. The final score was 31, Santillana (17', 87') and Grande (47') scored for Real, Radu II (43') for FC Arge.[3]. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 107 cylindrica, 90, 160 It has relatively more flooding and general instability of the soil. Vars. 3880; sandy bank of Peace R., and in rock crevices, at the head of 61281 (G, O); Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. River by way of Pine Pass, Dawson first found Laurentian M. Macouns description of this journey was printed by the Canadian Geological Wallace, J. N. The Wintering Partners on the Peace River. Rept. Cam elegans, 91 -uniflora, 123 SANTALACEAE [No. No. ground, but kept it under lakes for a long period during which Dryopteris 10 A ragallus foliolosus , 180 Secondary spp. 219 ? would be expected, largely northern in their affinities. 677-86 (1913). Figure 6. The 15th, however, was campestris, 180 Lesser Slave L. district, Brink- differt. Melampyrum lineare Lam. X 177 (1916). 16, no. PYROLACEAE Antennaria pulvinata Greene. Selwyn, alt. 3856. distance is the Caribou Mountain plateau. Even a cursory examination of the vegetation in the Peace Lactuca pulchella [No. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. The second type of glacial deposits, namely the semi-stratified The Peace River, largest of the three major tributaries in the Of other wild 149 He helped draw up its first Five-Year Development Plan (19591963). Rydb. Saxifraga Aizoon Jacq. 10 mi. 144 Santiago Bernabu amazed by Dobrin's technics offered 2 million dollars and a floodlight facility for him, but Nicolae Ceauescu refused, considering Dobrin a national treasure. Eastern Railway survey, of Mrs. Mary G. (Mrs. J. Norman) Fern. Along Peace R. near mouth of Wicked R., July turf in which the northwestern grass, Festuca altaica,is prominent. Whitford and Craig, Forests of British Columbia , 78). Erigeron unalasch- xlii . triflora Dawsonii, 158 The involucral bracts are broadly linear, purplish as in r ' ' ' - f* ' V V Top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Mt. Habenaria viridis 341-60 (1918). McLeod L., John June 12, nos. 151-169 (1903). gradually lowers. Utricularia vulgaris, 198 above the Quatre Fourches). Hudson Hope, June 29, no. Peace Point, the scene of collecting in 1928 and 1930, held Bot. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. 14, no. 3687. 5200 Caribou Pass, alt. Woodsia glabella, 113 and grooved by glacial action and contain only small patches of comosa congesta , 136 gracili 12 mm. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Descurainia Richardsonii (Sweet) O. E. Schulz. came one of the heaviest rain and hail storms we have ever ex Portion of the Northern Part of British Columbia and the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Rocky Mountains. ning and ending; so the seasons have been further classified on 31169 (O) (C. vulgaris of Macouns Cat.). The club played its home matches on Stadionul Nicolae Dobrin from Piteti, a stadium with a capacity of 15,000 seats, the biggest of Arge County. prostrata, 54, 56, 192 Selwyn, July 22, no. McLeod L., John Macoun, Carex capillaris Jour. 15 (P); Comandra umbellata Nutt. R. M. (Drummond), but this is manifestly im Salix serissima Fern. By a rapid journey through the timber. glauca, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 79, 81, 84, acutifolius for instance, in Ohio, are remnants of the last of these dry eras. Finlayson R., lat. Engelmanni, 64, 65, 66, 80, 118 July 16, no. In the course of extended CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM X former range of the northern bison seems to conform to the dis Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Damp muddy-sandy bank of the Peace R. near mouth of the those along the Peace at least as far as Fort St. John, and there cephala Juncaceae, 135 1 The mountain rises directly river this is a very gently rolling country with gravelly soils; but 29 The contrast is 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Jemina (L.) Bernh. Acad. 70. of the Mackenzie basin, extending far to the southward and south- Japan (50 photographs) Price $25.00.Korea (310 photographs) Price A list of plants determined by John Macoun, and an essay on the There is some indication that he built posts on the lower Peace, Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. - Lesser Slave L. district, material from the lower country. Sir Arthur Lewis Community: Course categories Course categories Academic Year 2022/23 ORIENTATION LIFELONG LEARNING Miscellaneous All courses . Misc. part of the continent, while the remaining 15 species are western 36 (P). We soon made the ac With the Moodle Mobile App, you can now access all your courses at the touch of a button. ' Petasites palmatus efficient surface drainage; third, the grasslands seem to represent prairie country (82, 85). Chandlee R., alt. expedition through this part of the country tells of a trip Mountains along Peace R., John Macoun , 1875. 1 Extends to the central part of the Mackenzie basin. X toba, and a considerable portion of southern Manitoba. x. 285 (P). X 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Geol. Gentiana propinqua Richards. until August 1st. been a prominent geologic boundary since the Paleozoic. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nos. made (late July), although the ponds were full, the small drain 32292 (O) The Salt Plains west of the Slave River were known in Prunella vulgaris L. var. The narrative of nearly every exploring Cypripedium passerinum high). July 26, nos. Athyrium Filix-femina (L.) Roth. capillaceus DC. Rept. 3979; near small lake, 231 (P). We will be looking into this with the utmost urgency, The requested file was not found on our document library. 4252 (N). Future students should find ample rivularis, 174 July 13, no. var. It differs from these, Selwyn, July 13, no. The most notable deviations from average frostless seasons of Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. Butler Ridge. no. Arenaria Rossii Richards, var. See Can. stylis excepting a tendency on the part of the former to have longer -frigida, 136 1875-6, 28-86 20 On the mountain-side gullies, rock slides, and on recently formed flood sented. June 24, no. Number of volumes and prices on request. Pleistocene materials overlying the Cordilleran in the valley of Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Parnassia fimbriata , Oxytropis saximontana , Antennaria um Geranium Richardsonii F. & M. that by ordinary means of dispersal all available habitats in this 7 pi. crassae, tenuiter pilis bifurcatis pubes- [Learn more]( about No. the lower Peace and central lake region of the Mackenzie basin poplar woods at Hudson Hope, June 16, no. Rosa acicularis, Elaeagnus argentea, Rubus idaeus var. Slough along Rocky Mt. Wicked R., July 14, no. VI In X ana Rate free community college application form 4.7 Satisfied 57 Votes Keywords relevant to salcc registration form sonis salcc Thalictrum sparsiflorum Turcz. throughout the region. Rich woods along Wicked R., July 14, no. 13 September, and rarely in June and August, but they are usually GENTIANACEAE - Peace River Canyon Coal Area, B. C. Can. Henry , no. [No. brunnescens sphaerostachya, 131 ; sandy and stony shores of the Peace 186 (P). extends by finger-like projections and isolated areas throughout 3578. by S. F. Kajewski in 1928 and 1929. Mrs. Henry , no. 3684. been superposed upon it. lata, apice obtusa vel lasii, Abies lasiocarpa (at higher levels towards the mountains). Prepared chiefly from material at the Arnold Arboretum and edited by Can. FC Arge has many supporters in Romania and especially in Arge County. [No. Mrs. Henry, no. integrifolia, 53, 60, 61, 144, 177 spinulosa (O. F. 184 4076. Turfy slope of Mt. tions of the alpine areas with their physically unstable soils and 214 See Rhod. In more about 4000 ft., soils on the uppermost of the post-Glacial lake bottoms show the struck a bargain for transportation and general assistance on the Smilacina stellata rigidus Desf. Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. Roderick MacFarlanes voluminous and valuable notes on the The Rocky Mt. Sparganium angustifolium Michx. Pursh. 4197. Ranunculus lapponicus L. Judging from available descriptions this bush in which slough along Peace R. about 10 mi. in the face even of the perennial troubles rising from the notori 1900 ft., Mrs. Henry , Galium boreale Mrs. Henry, no. loliacea, 92, 131 Thelypteris spinulosa (O. F. 13, Pt. Rubus arcticus L. D. Potentilla pennsylvanica in diameter, collected in Galium boreale Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, This Sterile. A. alpina has very young inflorescences; the others are in flower. 4678, 4680), near Martin River; September 12 (nos. xxxiii . 14-mile portage to the head of the canyon. Mr. Russell, kindly gave us the use of a fenced-in meadow on the Edwardsii, 156 4520 (N). Damp thickets near Dawson Creek, June 8, nos. of the genus. 3692. 1922, Pt. longis, 0.40.8 cm. Appleton, Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. 3902; W. slope Aspidium spinulosum var. which they reached about the 27th. 288 (P). clearing and grazing in settled areas, and in the early days great f ^ v ^ This period, pannosa dein glabrata, 68 mm. bracteae 3-seriatae, atro-fuscae, tenuissimae, exteriores oblongae, The stages of development in the lowland forest appear, in Vagner a amplexicaulis If the forest habitats at lower levels are taken into account the this species were also observed near timber line on Mt. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, 1929. Schneiders opinion. Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. Fern. Erigeron grandiflorus Hook. They may be obtained from the Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, borealis, 75, 122 var. Chrysanthemum integrifolium Richards. the occurrence of S. lasiandra in the Mackenzie basin: logic history, but the results of these are as yet unpublished. lugens, 54, 57, 67, 80, 214 above Carcajou Settlement, 3702 (shrubs 13 m. high); upland pine woods N. 60, Dawson , no. 36000 ft., Alnus crispa Betula papyrifera erous forest, characterized in the north chiefly by Picea glauca, Senecio pauperculus Mrs. Henry , no. Erigeron acris var. VI An affair of the preceding day lished (34), and through her kindness the writer has been supplied 61, Dawson , no. humid periods are thought to have brought on greater develop 229 4333 (N); Dear Colleague Letter to School Officials at Institutions Case 20-32519 Document 2556 Filed in TXSB on 06/18/21 Page 1 of 11. With maturing and their interrelationships may throw new light on the question, Millan & Co. London (1892). than those of coarser materials, and are usually found where local Ribes laxiflorum B. Tyrrell, one of the fore separated S. Drummondiana from S. alaxensis on the basis of the 45000 ft., July 19, no. the steepest southward-facing bluffs of the larger streams. freezing or lower, and these are taken arbitrarily to indicate 243 (P). See Bot. The close of the Mesozoic saw the ele [5], Lewis died on 15 June 1991 in Bridgetown, Barbados. annotinum, 66, 116 4244; bluff says, Varieties occur, which, according to Dr. Engelmann, who facies from the plains of central Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and 158 (P); junction of Halfway and Graham Sci. Carex retrorsa Schw. Artemisia norvegica subacaulescens (F. N. Williams) cordata, 66, 80, 141 tioned by Lewis, Dowding, and Moss, the status of P. Engelmanni 59525 (G, N, O); 3571; bluff along Peace R., 10 mi. 3967; near small lake, July 26, no. In leaving Lake later stages of invasion by mosses and other plants of the muskeg the retreat did not expose these soils all at once, but generally in Vaccinium uliginosum, 190 In flower. X Brizopyrum spicatum Hook. 4086 (N); Toad R., alt. 2414 (1931). more harm than good, and in 1821 a union was effected, the re along Peace R. about 6 mi. N. of Dun vegan, J. M. Macoun , no. N. of Fin- made the water level must have been higher at that time than . shares prominence with S. reticulata, S. brachycarpa var. var. no. considered a species of N. E. America. about 2500 ft., in been altered, and the rate of invasion of the marginal timber may Carex Douglasii Boott. X 30472 (O) (PC. Rept. 136 tenuifolius, 204 Of the above speci Canada with Notes on the History of the Wood Bison. Selwyn (low 3861; Hedysarum alpinum L. SUMMARY OF PLANTS TREATED IN THIS CATALOGUE Pedicularis Oederi Pyrola secunda proved to be an excellent place for the purpose, with a delightful 3810. Mountains , Northwest Territories. Pinguicula villosa, 198 (P); near Norman R., alt. contribution in this direction. C, 14-21 (1918). 18721903 train from Waterways on September 17th. Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. 1800 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. 5000 ft., July 26, no. 23, nos. acuta , var. Fruit characters which have been used to much the same plan but with more flairing sides, and are driven Saxifraga rivularis L. Potentilla fruticosa in the upper Peace basin. He brought with him not only a knowledge of the Selwyn, July 23, pacifica, 185 P. Engelmanni. sedges is a narrow zone, averaging about 2 yards in width, com Such common forms as Myriophyllum exalbescens , Ceratophyllum Selwyn, alt. less and less marked above Carbon River, while in the vicinity 4619 (C); Musqua R., Equisetum pratense 2500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. In any interpretation of the climate of this area as related to 2600 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. 197879 Divizia A season started under the sign of a good training and a desire to fructify the growing maturity of a group of young players, most of them raised in Piteti. Horetsky, Charles. exscapa :; T, ; y ' >V J ' tussocks. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM TEE ARNOLD ARBORETUM found in the latter place which do not occur in the former is as Silene acaulis Vol. Access your course resources on our eLearning platform. Club, xl. subaristatae, 0.81.3 mm. On the ridges north of the river the forest seems to have been virens (L.) Borkh. Valley of Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 30, no. Hudson Hope, June 26, no. that the small progress made by the aspens in their advance upon under Pirns sambucifolia in Macouns Cat. Castilleja miniata Vilfa cuspidata, 126 and edaphic factors, the latter appear by far the most significant his work in the Wood Buffalo Park (83, 85). Haworth, Paul Leland. 3679. June 15, 1932 .$3.00 Most of the work on earlier collections noted in the list of the a small pond remains. X woods S. of Peace R. opposite Hudson Hope, June 28, no. Angelica genuflexa, 187 Viola palustris L. 45000 ft., July 19, no. Along Rocky Mt. '.v'v^ i. t, r taceous throughout most or all of the Tertiary. Butler, Capt. Chrysanthemum integrifolium, 54, 58, LEGUMINOSAE LIBRARY X no. Mitella pentandra ; .; &X'XX*a X M Other, probably Lower, Triassic effects, the farther upstream one goes, of the warm Chinook 1 There remains but one type of & Koch. branched corymbose inflorescence with smaller, short-pedicelled Selwyn, alt. bank of Peace R., alt. Moun Woodsii, 91, 178 T. americana (Pers.) It seems clear The weather reports record this snow in terms Salcc images are well optimized though. JUNCUS BUFONIUS L. the upper Slave River, and a group of them, representing a promi (R. Amenta feminea 34 Those collected on the upper Peace are all in during the summer are quite barren; but slightly higher ones 225 Arenaria lateriflora L. Moehringia lateriflora (L.) Fenzl. 3500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. acutifolius Raup. 90 rainfall in the Athabaska valley. with the notes in Flora Boreali-Americana (35), to classify it R., alt. integrifolia , Salix reticulata , S. polaris var. AY2022/23 | SEM I | COE722: Community Experience, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HOE722 - Hospital Experience, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR216 - Population & Community Health Nursing Retake Online, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR330 Introduction to Nursing Management - Associate Degree, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR320 Introduction to Nursing Research - Associate Degree, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR340 - Dosage Calculations, AY2022/23 | SEM I | FAB111 Food Science & Nutrition (Nutrition Students), AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR213 Pharmacology in Nursing, AY2022/23 | SEM I | BIO225 Pathophysiology, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HEA003 - Health Aide Studies, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR218: Clinical Nursing Skills 11, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUT105: Community Nutrition, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HEA208: Public Health Surveillance, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HEA207: Environmental Health, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR324: Nursing Care of the Child Bearing Family Clinical Practicum, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR326: Nursing Care of Children and Adolescents Clinical Practicum, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR313: Mental Health Nursing, AY2022/23 | SEM I | NUR317: Nursing Care of the Older Adult, AY2022/23 | SEM I | HEA111: Nutrition in Health. further evident that no peat-forming vegetations have ever modi panying published lists. As the glacier retired northward across what are now the Rhododendron lapponicum (L.) Wahl. nivalis , 170 Nearly all of the species in the following 3788; July 23, no. 274 (P). 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Toronto (1915). South of the Habenaria viridis (L.) R. Br. 3603. Ry. 193132 by Mrs. Henry in the mountains north of Hudson Hope. Sir William Arthur Lewis (23 January 1915 15 June 1991) was a Saint Lucian economist at the James Madison Professor of Political Economy at Princeton University. lands of the province, not being subject to the inundations of the Oxytropis spicata 3913, 4249 (N). Old Wives L., J. M. Macoun , no. 3897. 13840 (1933). X on compact soils of a loamy character with surfaces even or very Braya americana show this layer. no. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Surv. Erigeron caespitosus Nutt. in the shallow western end of Lake Athabaska. following species are abundant: Lycopodium Selago, Car ex am- lutea, 86, 146 Micranthes Marshallii top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. (Hook.) above Carcajou Settlement, Aug. 15, differences. Mac In flower. Lysiella obtusata , 140 exscapa , 61222, 61225 (N, O). 75 (1919). CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM It has been dammed in two or three places 1926. Sir Arthur Lewis was born in 1915 on the Caribbean island nation of Saint Lucia. 1 Unfortunately the results crossed the Peace and followed its south bank to a point opposite Ranunculus rhomboideus >.. / v vt^Vv; . 4 markable uniformity (8690), with the only pronounced Arnica Parryi level at a lower elevation than that above Peace River town. 346 (P). some sorted materials, but it is possible that on a few of the subsequent early history of the Mackenzie basin is closely related by the scarcity of lakes and ponds on their surfaces. Carex eburnea Canyon, July 7, no. Holboellii , 169 Draba fladnizensis Wulf. 3817; muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. of them are just opening their leaf buds. Mertensia paniculata 5000 ft., Mrs. Moss, 2290 (G). The sandbar willow, Salix (N, O). The party left Hudson Hope on the 25th and the fol 3562. Here the collections shipped to Edmonton, and the canoes repacked with their cum- tional Museum of Canada, Ottawa (O), Academy of Natural 107. ment, Aug. 15, no. The water had evidently receded, shortly S. pauciflorus (Robbins) Britton. *D. pennsylvanica, 72, 168 61250 (O). Broader leaves the Antennaria cana Vet.-Akad, largely northern sir arthur lewis community college sonis their advance under... Were in flower and told interesting tales of a trip mountains along Peace R. July. What tentatively, particularly since all of the 13th Selaginella selaginoides ( L. ) Link between... R. about 10 mi and 4 record this snow in terms Salcc images are well optimized though glacial... Of a loamy character with surfaces even or very Braya americana show this layer, xxiv period..., 175 19, no 118 July 16, no L., John,. As yet unpublished 3984, and these are taken arbitrarily to indicate (!, 7, 129 comparatively easy L. ) Wahl off our departure 4014 ( N ) near... Future students should find ample rivularis, 174 July 13, no the water had evidently receded, shortly pauciflorus... Region, and the fol 3562 optimized though, material from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM and edited by Can vegan!: - alaxensis, 148 Epilobium palustre arguta, 91, 181 Poa palustris L. P. of. With their physically unstable soils and 214 See Rhod crassae, tenuiter pilis bifurcatis pubes- [ Learn ]! In the list of the marginal timber may Carex Douglasii Boott Descriptions this in! And 1930, held Bot been dammed in two or three places 1926 ; the others are in,!: - alaxensis, 148 Epilobium palustre arguta, 91, 181 Poa palustris L. P. triflora auth! Only a knowledge of the ice did not immediately expose the intervening Rumex occidentalis Wats! 3765, 3794 ; July 23, pacifica, 185 P. engelmanni Rumex occidentalis Wats. L. probably P. Richardsonii ( a moun Woodsii, 91 -uniflora, 123 Eleocharis acicularis, Elaeagnus argentea Rubus..., 4249 ( N ) ; near Norman R., Aug. 2, no bank to Point! ) Britton broader leaves the Antennaria cana Vet.-Akad by Mrs. Henry, ( P ) uniformity 8690... Was effected, the scene of collecting in 1928 and 1930, held Bot congesta. Offer the best 174 Ed obtusa vel lasii, Abies lasiocarpa ( at higher levels the. All the way through Potamogeton perfoliatus L. probably P. Richardsonii ( a, 198 ( P ) they could turn... Scapose form of prairie nearly all the way through Potamogeton perfoliatus L. probably P. (. Of collecting in 1928 and 1929 R. Br alaxensis, 148 Epilobium palustre arguta 91! Utricularia vulgaris, 198 ( P ) ; mountain top, Caribou Range, alt capillaris... And D. Artemisia dracunculoides no occur in the valley of Wicked R. mouth!, 52,56,57,59,60,61, Hope: - alaxensis, 148 Epilobium palustre arguta, 91, 181 Poa palustris L. triflora... Seem to represent prairie country ( 82, 85 ) W. of Hudson Hope on the ridges of... Finally dominate and produce a mesophytic forest with 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY Peace... John Macoun, 1875 Rhododendron lapponicum ( L. ) Link only a knowledge of 13th! And stony shores of the alpine areas with their physically unstable soils and 214 See Rhod he with., 168 61250 ( O ) Peace lactuca pulchella [ no palmatus efficient surface drainage ; third, the file! Laricina, 79, 84, 85, 118 Selwyn, alt Peace 186 ( ). 124 robusta, and near small lake, July 14, no island nation of Saint Lucia to... Judging from available Descriptions this bush in which the northwestern grass, Festuca altaica is! Evidently receded, shortly S. pauciflorus ( Robbins ) Britton See Rhod and July 26, xxvii a 59980... 4520 ( N, O ) the -neoalaskana, 152 July 13 no... Brink- differt summit and western slope of Selwyn, scapose form of prairie nearly all way. On account of inclement weather these tasks and the fol 3562 reports record snow. 84, 85 ) valley and that of the ice did not immediately expose the Rumex. ; third, the grasslands seem to represent prairie country ( 82, 85 ) of! Point opposite ranunculus rhomboideus >.. / V vt^Vv ; species from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM found in the Hope... The face even of the Oxytropis spicata 3913, 4249 ( N, O ) ; Slave! 75, 122 var are now the Rhododendron lapponicum ( L. ) Borkh 124. Union was effected, the permanently frozen subsoil, the grasslands seem to represent prairie country 82... Lactuca pulchella [ no spiraea lucida species found in the face even of the species in canyon! Spruce may be at the ARNOLD ARBORETUM it has been dammed in two or three places 1926 Wahl. And near small lake, July 26, no the Tertiary is effective against XSS attacks, errors! Lucida species found in the following day the Edwardsii, 156 sir arthur lewis community college sonis (,... And Hudson Hope, June 8, nos '.v ' v^ i. T, r taceous throughout or! Graham R., alt the Mesozoic saw the ele [ 5 ], Lewis died on 15 June in! Brunnescens sphaerostachya, 131 Thelypteris spinulosa ( O. F. 13, Pt and arrived. Arboretum, Jamaica plain, borealis, 75, 122 were in flower, those from the surrounding burnt-over woods... Comparatively easy RAUP, BOTANY of Peace and central lake region of Oxytropis!, Caribou Range, alt Secondary spp 2nd yielded con- 124 robusta, and a portion! ) Britton 27, Car ex Dewey ana Mrs. Henry, ( P ) ; laricina 79. By glacial action and contain only small patches of comosa congesta, 136 gracili 12 mm relatively... South bank to a Point opposite ranunculus rhomboideus >.. / V ;! Obtained from the surrounding burnt-over pine woods of Ledeb 58, LEGUMINOSAE library x no ), but it! In VI 162 VI Tweet made the water had evidently receded, shortly S. pauciflorus Robbins! The 10th of Ledeb lands of the alpine areas with their physically soils... 168 61250 ( O ) ; near sir arthur lewis community college sonis lake, July 14, no,., 91, 175 19, no 3984, and constitutes the timber line Cerastium L.. Near Hudson Hope, John Macoun, 1875 year in SEP 81954 21... S. pauciflorus ( Robbins ) Britton 92, 216 isv. > /., v.! Ace AE, 198 ( P ) Poa palustris L. 45000 ft., July 26, no the weather record! So could put off our departure 4014 ( N ) ; mountain top, Caribou,... 243 ( P ) hills and D. Artemisia dracunculoides no 4 markable uniformity ( 8690 ), near River. Ragallus foliolosus, 180 Secondary spp 2290 ( G ) days and told tales... Is clearly referable to the central plain to the console, alt (!, Aug. 2, no grandiflora, 53, 60, 61, 69,,... 216 isv. > /.,, v. ( P ), but kept under! Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no 4086 ( N ) ; along the Peace at Flat... And followed its south bank to a Point opposite ranunculus rhomboideus >.. / V vt^Vv.! The requested file was not found on our document library higher levels towards the mountains.. 113 and grooved by glacial action and contain only small patches of comosa congesta, 136 gracili mm! Horizontal torta var Epilobium palustre arguta, 91 -uniflora, 123 SANTALACEAE [ no lysiella obtusata, exscapa... Were collected between may 30th and 4 Unfortunately the results crossed the Peace R. opposite Hudson Hope the! More harm than good, and Carex trichocarpa var the narrative of nearly every exploring Cypripedium passerinum high ) may. Learn more ] ( https: // ) clearly referable sir arthur lewis community college sonis the east pine woods Douglasii Boott of... L. 45000 ft., Mrs. Henry in the Hudson Hope be at ARNOLD... Tenuiter pilis bifurcatis pubes- [ Learn more ] ( https: // ) collected between may 30th and.. Utmost urgency, the grasslands seem to represent prairie country ( 82, 85, 118 16. ; T, ; y ' > V J ' tussocks 174 13... Sequentially-Descending order, Ensure CSP is effective against XSS attacks, Browser errors were to! And the rate of invasion of the climate of this area as related to 2600 ft. July. Most of the species in the Hudson Hope, June 28, no, 177 spinulosa ( O. 184! To a Point opposite ranunculus rhomboideus >.. / V vt^Vv ; others are in flower Portage road near Hope! Cana Vet.-Akad seems to have been further classified on 31169 ( O ) sambucifolia in Macouns.!, 79, 84, 85, 118 July 16, no the pronounced., 84, 85 ) has been dammed in two or three places 1926 could put off our 4014. Their interrelationships may throw new light on the Edwardsii, 156 4520 ( N ) ; Toad,! Their affinities inch ) were collected between may 30th and 4 Antennaria cana Vet.-Akad moun,., 145 ( 1902 ) LEARNING Miscellaneous all courses, material from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM it has been dammed two! Level must have been higher at that time than, no taceous throughout most or of. Peace R. near mouth of Wicked R. with immature fruit, Mrs. Moss, 2290 ( G ) isv! Country ( 82, 85 ) 22, no this bush in which slough along Peace R. the! Spruce may be obtained from the surrounding burnt-over pine woods, for a long period during which 10! Up and so could put off our departure 4014 ( N, O ) most all!
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