Why did I think listening to God might be unsafe? It is expressed in how we respect and show our reverence to God through our practice of religion. Based on what He is showing you, you will be able to know the level or area you are called to prophecy in. When we ask the Lord to fill us with His Holy Spirit, we can then receive what the Bible calls the gifts Fourth, if you are led to start writing monthly prophetic words get your own word before you start reading or listening to other peoples. What is doesnt mean is that they have an anointing to be a prophet. And, while I can expose 5 there will be 10 more behind them doing the same thing. Required fields are marked *. Good evening my GOD, take our bread we ask take our lives OH father we are yours.Make me yours my GOD bless my studies with high grades,speed, good results, persistence,wisdom,high scores, understanding, good health , blessings and your power to pass my exams.i claim it my LORD.bless my life with fruitful,blessed and successful life and studies,peaceful,happy, progressing and wealthy.Amen.Father eliminate all my wrongs,Ill health, failures,laziness,masturbation,bad omen,hate,lack of concetration,witchcraft,pains,.mold me into a winner.Amen.Father GOD please lead and bless my mother keep her sober,good health, wealthy,soberness, occupied,humble,calm,happy, peaceful,may she come home early and sober.may she prefer home and work to bars.cormfort her,live, soberness, reconciliation, blessings and strength.Thank you my GOD.Amen.My GOD I trust in you. I havent said anything to the others.just let them know I was praying. 0000019859 00000 n Give me the opportunity to proclaim the good news of the gospel of grace, and a willingness to take up any baton that You choose to place in my path.Lord, I pray that may I be the best that I can be, and ask You to endow me with whatever spiritual gifts You see fit. This self-paced, video lecture school is for anyone who would like to learn and grow in the gift and ministry of prophecy and includes classes for discerners as well. You can start here, 15 Signs that you may have the prophetic gift and 2 warnings, Prophetic Word That was then, This is Now, Prophetic Word May 2020 Iyyar Second Chances, Prophetic Word Making the Old Defenses New, In The Power of His Might: Spiritual Warfare Strategies Volume I, Prophetic Word Pay attention to the Boys, Coronavirus COVID-19 Prayers and Bible Verses, Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse, A Prayer for Physical Healing against various diseases and illnesses, Binding and Loosing: The keys to the Kingdom and Exercising your Spiritual Authority, Prophetic Word February 2023 -Sauls Armor. Little is known about the life of this schemamonk before he returned to Donbass in advanced age. Nurture the Fathers perspective about others. 11 24 God bless you and this ministry. WebPrayer Points 1. E1O`~0JL@qH)asg%Tiar[n. In other words, you cannot come into agreement with doubt, fear, or unbelief and expect the gift of prophecy to manifest. Give me a heart to lift up my brothers and sisters in prayer, so that together we seek to become more and more like Christ as we minister in our own God-given gifts, to Your praise and glory.Give me I pray, a correct and godly wisdom and discernment so that I may determine what gifts are from You and which have been misused for selfish gain. I have been researching this subject and Im having a hard time determining what makes each one different. +2348039283961, Dear Prophet Ezekiel, Please Lord in all your power hold this man down tonight. If this is something you have wondered, here are some suggestions to help you get started: Activating your prophetic gift starts when you acknowledge before God that you are willing to move ahead in this area, and choose to take your first steps forward. Bring him to his fork in the road. I need confidence to keep Satan bound from my insecurities. You shall decree a thing and shall be established.Is it thesamethng as prohesy to somebodylife? Prophetic activations are spiritual exercises that use words, actions, phrases, objects, Scripture verses, worship songs and dance, prophetic prayers and LORD, help me to know in every situation You have sent your Spirit and your angels to protect me from the enemy and to even bring heavenly provision when needed. I am thankful for the little things you have given me through out the attack of the enemy.I feel blessed. She giggled as she told me I was a intersessor through dance. WebPRAYER TO ACTIVATE VISIONS, PROPHETIC DREAMS, SPIRITUAL GIFTS & DISCERNMENT | APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN: https://youtu.be/G20Nw6yuQ4w This is And i told God that if there was anything i could do to hasten his coming and to bring an end to transgression, let it be done and show me what i must do. WebIn order to activate spiritual gifts, we must watch and listen to what the Holy Spirit broadcasts. In His mercy and wisdom, God has equipped us with all we need to carry out His plan. Just as God instructed Habbakuk to write down his vision, we can also record what God is saying to us through journaling. If you dont know what the dream means, dont attempt to interpret it. Let your fire burn in me, and let me walk in the spirit of discernment again. Because of these weaknesses, I advocate the use of other journaling methods in conjunction with this one. Endure forever Thank you God for dying on the cross for one like oh how great you are I adore and I glorify your holy name thank you for your protection over me and my family I thank you for being my shelter in the time of storm help me to continue to look to the hills from whence cometh my help because my help cometh from you Lord in Jesus name Amen. 4. Believe it or not there are several websites online, and we wont mention the ministries, that copy and paste our prophetic word and pretend that God gave it to them. The spiritual gift quiz is designed to help members learn about their spiritual gifts. Then, you need to start using it, here is our forum and there are many many people who are looking for interpretation. When God needs to grant you access to certain countries and regions hell have all the angels in place to escort and protect you when Hes calling you to it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The more you do it the better you will become. I know the enemy is on the attack and sends me into doubt and depression but I know God will prevail in my life. I thank You for the fresh anointing in all areas of my life. You need to know the difference for yourself. I turned my worship music up and put a hand over my ear closest to the door and pressed on. 3. Pray for the activation of every dormant spiritual or physical gift which was passed on to you during birth. xb```e``2]|eah`\b`RqZZHb%^ W2 \eUTHe"-snSL" ]l4[ Ps. St1[q|NA>3t Use the same criteria for your prayer journaling that you use when weighing up any prophetic word. 1026255 views; 0 Lord, I am praying for Holy Spirit upon my life and l am also praying for spiritual gifts. trailer Ive had a lifetime of rejection. Nevertheless Lord, I pray that I may grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus. I told her what i saw because at the time i was into painting ceramics. As I wrote down what I perceived God was saying, at first the answers seemed to be the obvious ones, but something about starting to write broke through the barrier. But, think about it, why would you wave a red flag in the face of the bull? 1. Join over 10.000 ChristiansTT members receiving Prayers and Devotionals twice weekly. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hi there. I need the lords breast plate of righteousness and belt of truth. Let there be a restoration, oh Lord. You are the One who sits enthroned above the circle of the earth. Some examples are: Then, focusing on Jesus, you listen for the Holy Spirits answerand write down what you believe He is saying. You can get on prayer calls or join prophetic conferences. 0000002840 00000 n The very last night that they visited me, there was a very high ranking demon that came and my cat even saw him and freaked out. Amen. Thank you for the enriching words that have opened my spiritual mind. The verse you mention is from Job 22:28, and the context is one of being familiar with, and speaking, the Scriptures and having a right heart before God (see preceding verses). Remember that the Holy Spirit brings revelation to us in many ways. If youve missed the others here they are in order: 15 Signs you may have the Gift of Prophecy and 2 Warnings, Understanding the Timing of the Prophetic Words and Dreams. Why is this important? Lord, I dont really know what is the difference between the true spiritual gift given to me by the Holy Spirit when I was born from above, and what are my own natural talents and abilities.Lord, I pray that You would use all that I am, my own abilities and my talents as well as the spiritual gift or gifts that You, in Your grace, have seen fit to bestow on me, but I also pray that You would open my understanding to the special spiritual gift that You have bestowed on me by Your grace.Show me I pray, what is the special spiritual gift that You have given me to use to the benefit of the body of Christ, and I ask that You would make it truly known to me and that You would use it to encourage and edify my brothers and sisters in Christ, to Your praise and glory. Part of me thinks im just imaging all of this, but in the same breath, how can i imagine all these dreams of the Papacy burning and finding it in scripture, how can i imagine all these scriptural truths that are coming to light and fitting right into Revelation. Throughout the ramble, there is a theme in that seems to be Gods word for me. Lord I am your vessels. May God continue to use you. I always wanted to do the right thing. This summer God called me back to Him. I only told someone once that their daughter was going to be okay and she looked at me really wierd and I doubted whether I should say something or not. Let me go in a place where someone is having a bad day, and let them automatically receive joy by the reason of your presence in me. It was a wonderful, insightful series really. 11 0 obj<> endobj A person who will able to help you weigh up the prophetic insights and will not hold back, when you need to be redirected. WebThe gift of knowledge urges us to exercise our mind and will to learn Gods plan for us and for the world. I was sensing before I saw it to get rid of my FB account. Discover ways to activate your prophetic gift and begin to put it into practice. Question & Answer Panel. Thank You for the restoration of every spiritual virtue upon me. Help her let go of her regrets Lord. PIETY devotion to God. So its value in terms of sharpening the prophetic gift lies not only in recognising and communicating revelation, but also in getting into that place of communion with Jesus. Keep in mind that while you may not find the word alligator in the bible, the word crocodile is there in the Living Bible (LB) translation. Are you seeking God in your prayer? 0000005151 00000 n In Jesus' name,Amen. As sons and daughters, our Father wants to have a relationship; He wants to speak to each of us. So youll need to do a Google search for alligator in the bible and this is where you will find it. Limiting myself to a week of prayer journaling has seemed like having rich desserts for dinner every evening and missing out on the vegetables. If Hes given you prophetic words more on an individual level, then that is where He will be using you. One of the tragedies of life is to have what you need and not know. That is why you need to engage in this prayer points for manifestation of spiritual gifts. You cannot manifest what you have not discovered, and to discover, you must go into prayers for God to open your eyes to your spiritual gifts. The gift of prophecy is included among the gifts. WebLord, I pray that You would use all that I am, my own abilities and my talents as well as the spiritual gift or gifts that You, in Your grace, have seen fit to bestow on me, but I also You can start here. 4. In the David McCracken Ministries family. Blessings. Lord, I receive your forgiveness right now. When it is time, God will let you know personally. Thank you and I feel like I just woken to my gifts. When Im happy, I can come here and rejoice with a prayer. Enliven Blog - Prophetic Teaching by Helen Calder, Remember that the Holy Spirit brings revelation to us in many ways, Helps you become familiar with the ways the Holy Spirit speaks, Great practice for tuning in to receive Gods revelation, Helps you receive guidance and prophetic insight for yourself and others, You have a record you can refer back to of what God has said to you in your prayer time, It does not use the Bible in the journaling process, Less suitable for newer Christians who do not have a thorough grounding in the scriptures (I recommend the SOAP journaling style for new Christians). Required fields are marked *. As we get to know Him, we become aware of His voice and His promptings. Sometimes I think, speak and do things that do not please You. As we get to know Him, we become aware of His voice and His promptings. I believe that the Lord has spoken to me through this process. Funny, my criticism of this kind of journaling was the lack of scripture for a basis, but numerous Bible verses (as well as pictures) are in my God-response. Some countries you need a visa before you can visit them, well same thing happens in the spiritual realm. WebActivating the Gift of Prophecy will help you: Start operating in the gift of prophecy in accordance with Scripture Discern the voice of God through different spiritual senses Separate soul from spirit when it comes to hearing God Operate in prophetic protocol to deliver words effectively And a couple days later He told me that when i was done studying Revelation i was to teach it, but He brought to my remembrance Rev 22:18-19 and said becareful though that you do not add your own interpretation for then you are adding to my Word and taking away my truth. I have been studying very fearfully and prayerfully and so much has come to light of the things of Revelation and how the things of the Old Testament ties into interpreting Revelation. $59.00. Out with the yellow highlighter again. Help me to be an encouragement to other members of the body of Christ and may I be used to encourage others in whatever capacity You choose, physically, emotionally, socially or spiritually.Increase my faith in You and give me a teachable spirit and the ability to always have an answer for the hope that is in me. I know I have gift of teaching based on how many I have tutor in different subjects not Christian related. Ask the prophet to teach you how to pray effectively and receive the gift of prophecy. Then lets say you become governor of your state, now you may have 3 4 bodyguards. On Sunday, Minneapolis-based evangelist Nick Hall brought an Asbury-inspired revival event to Rupp Arena in Lexington, Ky., about 30 minutes from the Christian schools campus. Over this past year Ive been secluded because I cant wear a mask, so I have soaked in Gods Word and that is when I felt He was telling me who He is calling me to be. Ongoing learning about the prophetic gift will encourage you to continue activating your gift of prophecy. I personally find that some quiet background worship music helps me focus if I dont have the luxury of silence in my home, or wherever I happen to be. Josephs brothers wanted to kill him the minute they learnt of his destiny. Day 6: I welcome any insite you might have. People should walk away from your prophetic word wanting to be closer to the Lord. Asking others to interpret dreams, is for people who have random dreams. Ways to Activate the Gift of Prophecy To carry out the prophetic work of the Holy Spirit, you must be willing to set aside your ideas and mindsets and align with Gods truth. I hope this helps. Learn how your comment data is processed. When you are starting out in the prophetic gift, you are not going to have the same amount of coverage/bodyguards/angels covering you as Dr. Charles Stanley would. There are many different interpretations for the same symbol in dreams so it is only when the interpretations bears witness with the spirit of the dreamer that your interpretation is correct. Just as we are all commanded to pray without ceasing but we are not all intercessors. Its not to make us appear spiritual or to make us feel good at prayer meetings. Lord, let them be restored, in the name of Jesus Christ. I really loved the feeling of being prayed for by another person. Thank You Father for restoring my gift in Jesus name. Consider this, have you listened to a pastor preach his first sermon verses his 200th sermon? Third, get around other prophets and you will grow even more in the gift. Facebook Live may work for others but not for you. (St. Leo the Great, Sermon on the Transfiguration). 2.3. For the essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus., Understanding the timing of Prophetic Words and Dreams Prophetic Series Part 5, The Hebraic Calendar First Fruits Blessing Prayers, here is our forum and there are many many people who are looking for interpretation. Second, please do not be afraid to step out and give someone a prophetic word. They are available in two formats, ePub and PDF. This will give you an indication of whether or not you are actually called to prophesy and where you are called to prophesy. DAY 2 0000005587 00000 n Take his shame away Lord. 0000016652 00000 n It includes the words we speak with our mouth intentionally that line up with the Scriptures. And i just needed to be still and learn from Him. I have had senses about things when people talk about someone that is sick. Use me I pray, to forward the gospel of grace in whatever why You choose. On Sunday, Minneapolis-based evangelist Nick Hall brought an Asbury-inspired revival event to Rupp Arena in Lexington, Ky., about 30 minutes from the Help me help you help him Lord. In your journal, you write down your prayer or question to God. The Spiritual gift of Intercessor is the special ability God gives to use prayer with confidence and power to intervene on behalf of an individual or group. Required fields are marked *. Web-- Finding Your Gift Sheet Prior to using the prayer, print and cut out the gifts of the Holy Spirit below. Someone else told me that my dancing would set people free, break chains. The truth is that most people who are new to operating in the gift of prophesy do make mistakes, especially when they have not. Thank You that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and that You have sent Him to indwell my heart and to lead and guide me into all truth. I pray that The Lord will align me to the purpose He has for me. 29 Word of Wisdom. I dont know if you will honour an invitation to visit my country Nigeria for our up coming Prophetic Conference were different denominations comes under one umbrella to receive from the Lord. It is Kevins heart and passion to write prophetically under the unction of the Spirit of God. The Bible tells us in Romans 12:6 that We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. Thank You for nailing my sins on the cross. As I set out, I am encouraged that God desires an intimate relationship with me even more than I want it with HimHe created me to fellowship with him and to hear His voice! Thank You that my prayer life will never be the same again and my dreams are restored, in the name of Jesus Christ. It is a great way to activate your prophetic gift. Groups need someone with this gift to remain intentional about inviting Gods presence and provision in to bless, protect, and guide other members of the body. This is especially important if you are considering taking action from the revelation (prophetic insights) that you are receiving, or using them to pray. It is important to make your desire to grow in the gift known, in order that you can follow the next steps: Find a leader or mentor to whom you can be personally accountable with regard to activating your prophetic gift. So i looked up papal rome on my computer and saw this building everywhere and it was exactly as i had seen it in my dreams. 0000005823 00000 n God she has rested in you in this season and she is ready for you to use her. So I feel the pull of God into the spiritual realm and its exciting and new to me. Some are called to it and you can tell because you dont see them struggling with the things that others do that are trying to be like them. Prophecy is one of the gifts of the Spirit. You need clearance from God and appropriate coverage before you move out. Now you are President and you have secret service. It shocked me, but I resonated with all the prophets while listening through the entire Bible in a year. If you would like to activate your prophetic gift, the first action you can take is to share about your interest in prophecy or call to prophetic ministry with your pastor/minister or a leader in the church who is responsible for this area. <<4d5358fb7e88aa4098e0824194db9f2a>]>> Thats it. 0000001863 00000 n I think I have the gift of vision or something? Privacy Guarantee: Enliven Ministries will never share your e-mail address with anyone else. If you think that your answer to this question is just, Okay, then you need to check yourself. Dear Lord, how awesome is Your love. Webprayer and Bible study, help us to identify and better understand our spiritual gifts. Take his foul soul away. The whole body of Christ was to understand the kind of transformation that it would receive as his gift: the members of that body were to look forward to a share in that glory which first blazed out in Christ their head. One night the Spirit moved me to pray about the sins of the earth. 0000009819 00000 n Be open to these being adjusted by leaders as prophetic ministry develops in your church. Father, let every unbroken area in my life be broken, in the name of Jesus. God knows my heart, so I know He can put me back on track. Tell him your prayer requests and he shall speak Gods message to you. You can read the whole story starting at Genesis 37. Amen this was so empowering God bless you all the daily prayers have been changing and shaping my life. You bring princes to naught and reduce the rulers of this world to nothing (Isaiah 40:22-23). 12 hour day out today on a church staff day my journaling was opened with reflective thanksgiving. I speak restoration of the gifts of the spirit that I once had, restoration of wisdom in the things of the spirit, restoration of the understanding of the word of God upon me, in the name of Jesus Christ. I pray that God will continue to bless you abundantly more than you can ever imagine. I ask this in Jesus' name,Amen. In junior highschool, i started noticing that i knew things before they would happen or know things were happening that i had no way of knowing. I see you mentioned the SOAP journaling technique in your notes. Lord, I used to have angelic encounters and ministrations. Helen has a unique gift of training and equipping and is known for Enliven Blog, an online prophetic training and mentoring resource. Give me the grace to forsake my sins as I seek You today, in the name of Jesus Christ. Fifth, dont go on online platforms or do things just because other prophets are doing it. Please Lord helped these next few days. Hi Christina, it sounds like you are going through your process to step into your calling. 29 The Gift of Faith. Kindly tell me how to start in prayer, how do i get it about 1 particular person to give prophecy Ex: A unknown guy in church. (Psalm 141:2) 2. He gave me personal dreams about what would happen to me in my walk with Him. Iam one of the beneficiary of your ministries. During this time my prophetic gift took off and i was having dreams about me in the last days and God would tell me things about members of the church in order to help them. With that said, even though you may be someone who dreams a lot doesnt mean that you have the prophetic gift either. I didnt feel like asking questions, so after reading some scripture, I just made a note to the Lord in my journal of how much He means to me and how much I long for His Presence. We must get acquainted with Him, which means we must spend time with Him. God is always challenging us to expand our spiritual growth. Would you know if your pastor was preaching someone elses sermon? And, if you are the one using your prophetic gifting, know that this is a process and dont get discouraged. Proverbs 18:16 A mans gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. You don't need to speak out loud. Virkler maintains that God speaks through a flow of spontaneous thoughtsand that as we tune into those we can hear what He is saying. Try not to put yourself in a box or look for a label that definitively says who you are. Being around others with the gift will also help you to grow. %%EOF However, until I have an opportunity to put prophecy into practice verbally, I cant be sure how much writing prophecy has been of assistance watch this space. If you reply to this comment with the name of an eBook you would like to read, I will email you first to check that you can receive communication from me. Lord, restore your presence to me. Help me to remembered my dreams so i can know you are with me. What Joseph did have was the gift of interpreting dreams. 0000000016 00000 n Heavenly Father, thank You that You have graciously given each of your children gifts and graces that can be used to edify and encourage our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ.Lord, I dedicate the spiritual gifts and graces with which You have seen fit to give to me to You. My father and my God, Let my prayer be set forth before thee as sweet incense in Jesus name. Along with a gift of wisdom, knowledge and understanding because surely he wouldnt rise to being the Prime Minister of Egypt by just interpreting dreams! In order for you to gain the gift of prophecy, you must first learn how to pray. His response was that i would be corrupted with false teaching and politics of the churches if i went this way, but rather he was calling me to be a pastor of his people for the last days, when a pastorial degree would mean nothing, when ordination would mean nothing, when the other pastors of churches would fall and no one would be left to lead in the truth. He is a God of grace and love! WebTheir passion is to activate and instruct other believers in the prophetic anointing. The whole body of Christ was to understand the kind of transformation that it would receive as his gift: the members of that body were to look forward to a share in that glory which first blazed out in Christ their head. Be creative in how these gifts are put together (i.e in a card or special enevlope). 3. On Sunday, Minneapolis-based evangelist Nick Hall brought an Asbury-inspired revival event to Rupp Arena in Lexington, Ky., about 30 minutes from the Christian schools campus. WebIn order to activate spiritual gifts, we must watch and listen to what the Holy Spirit broadcasts. Prayer journaling has been such a powerful tool this week that I am determined to keep using it regularly. Please Lord weigh on his mind heart and soul. Helen Calder is a prophetic minister and writer, and the founder of Enliven Ministries, a prophetic ministry based in Melbourne, Australia. These are special spiritual gifts from our Heavenly Father to strengthen and assist us in many different ways. I have subscribed and I will continue to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. So, you dont know why people do or dont do certain things. Thank you for teaching me how to develop, use, and maximize all you have given me to the fullest potentialto bring Your glory into all aspects of my life and to the people around about me. Join over 10.000 ChristiansTT members receiving Prayers and Devotionals twice weekly! \"B"J(+)) You can do this through prophetic activation, which is simply a stirring up of the gift that already dwells within you. You are generous and ready to give, Lord. I ask for your healing touch and for your Enroll Now. You don't need to speak out loud. Members of the ACU community will gain access to over 5000 audio-guided prayers and meditations, including sleep meditations voiced by Hollywood actors Mark Wahlberg and I was searching about it online because I never thought much about prophets today, I hadnt thought it was a possibility, then I didnt know women could be a prophet until I came across Anna in the Bible. 0000002353 00000 n God will judge you not because they didnt receive it but because you didnt give it. In the name of Jesus Christ. 0000001056 00000 n It was a young girl who didnt know I was in ballet for over 20 years, and I didnt understand it coming from a Catholic background. Prophetic Ministry & Activation - Part 1. Over the next week, I will be trialing prayer journaling as a method, and recording my journey in the comments section of this post (scroll down to see these). ] l4 [ Ps all we need to start using it regularly this is! It is expressed in how these gifts are put together ( i.e in a knowledge of Christ... Didnt give it my dancing would set people free, break chains learning about the of... Pressed on subjects not Christian related out today on a church staff day my journaling opened. Encounters and ministrations governor of your state, now you may be someone who dreams a lot doesnt mean you. This season and she is ready for you |eah ` \b ` %! 2 0000005587 00000 n Take His shame away Lord available in two formats, ePub and PDF, I. 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